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Kunming University student dispute killed by roommate

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/16 6:41:40 Browse times: 167 Comment times: 0

Kunming University student dispute killed by roommate(昆明理工大学学生因纠纷遭室友杀害)

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Kunming University student was killed by a roommate disputes (photo) | | | school violence _ to kill in Kunming news



# Night depth # (section co-ordinating Zhu Shunzhong reporter dongzhenjie) recently, there are some friends broke the news that the afternoon of June 13, Jin Qiao, Kunming University School of civil engineering freshmen Peng, killed in the school's dormitories have been roommates. This afternoon, the school Office responded that the police have put the matter as a criminal investigation.

"The afternoon of June 13, 2016, Peng x, went to Jin Qiao, Kunming University College, in the boys ' dormitory had been killed. It's three days, school is not clear. Just send ' meticulous, ' taking care of relatives of the dead. At present, schools have arranged family home of suspect (Qinghai). ”

"Jin Qiao, Kunming University College, 13th two boys led to a dispute in which one person died, parents holding a portrait sitting in front of the administration building, school since no one came forward to receive the parents of the deceased. No matter how wrong, after all, dead people, schools should come forward to meet parents, others do not have to correct you, wanted it this way. ”

Yesterday, Yunnan Kunming University-Tianjin circulating on the network bridge a freshman civil engineering major in college students killed in a dormitory of a message. Reporters saw users publish more than one picture, a man sat down on the ground, beneath a pool of blood. Beside two people ready to help. There is a picture showing, the party has been body bags wrapped up.

By late journalist (app ID:fzwb_52165216) call of Kunming University, a duty staff members of the Office of the Party Committee confirmed that the student deaths, Kunming currently has this as a criminal case being investigated by the police, which will be subject to police.

  Latest news

  Suspects have been controlled by the police due to dispute

Xinhua learned from the high-tech district, Kunming City Public Security Bureau, Public Security Department after receiving the first time on the day of the accident rushed to the scene, suspects on the spot controls. As far as I understand, an event due to disputes. In specific cases is still under investigation. (Beijing times)

Beijing Xinhua Zhang Heng

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Kunming, killing school violence

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  #法晚深度即时#(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 记者 董振杰) 近日,有网友爆料称,6月13日下午,昆明理工大学津桥学院土木工程专业大一学生彭某某,在学校的学生宿舍惨遭舍友杀害。今天下午,校方党委办公室回应称,目前警方已将此事作为刑事案件调查。






  嫌疑人已被警方控制 系因纠纷引起



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

昆明 杀人 校园暴力


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