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China’s membership of the national agricultural genetically modified organism safety: including 14 academicians

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/16 6:41:11 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

China’s membership of the national agricultural genetically modified organism safety: including 14 academicians(中国国家农业转基因生物安全委员名单:含14名院士)

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China's membership of the national agricultural genetically modified organism safety: including 14 academicians

Surging news from the Ministry of Agriculture website that on June 12, the Ministry of agriculture to the public list of members of the fifth agricultural genetically modified organism safety (76).

The formula says, if it disagrees with the members of the Committee, June 17 via fax (010-59193072) or email ( to the Ministry of agriculture to reflect, reflect the real names and contact information for users.

Eligibility requirements of members of the public said the Ministry of agriculture, the members of the Commission shall have Chinese nationality if enthusiastic GMO safety evaluations; GM biotechnology research, food safety, plant protection, environmental protection, inspection and quarantine of one or more of the background, familiar with the safety assessment of genetically modified organisms regulations; fellow preferred.

Publication list of the Ministry of agriculture showed that 76 people including academicians of 14, including academician Zhu zuoyan, academician Wu and others.

At 76, Wu, Peng Yufa, Zhang Dabing, Lu Xingbo, huangkunlun etc manmade re-elected.

The Chinese Academy of engineering academician, Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences Wu, Deputy Director of the fourth agricultural genetically modified organism safety Committee Chairman, Department of plant protection of Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences researcher Peng Yufa fourth agricultural genetically modified organism safety one of the five Vice-Chairmen of the Committee.

Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences website statistics, Wu has long been engaged in agricultural pest biology research, monitoring, early warning and control technology, has presided over Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of agriculture and the National Natural Science Foundation of more than more than 10 research projects, national science and technology progress second class Prize 2 (1th completed) and third prize of national scientific and technological progress 1 (3rd completed).

In 2008, Wu as the first author in the International Journal of Science (Science) publishing papers (Reports), helicoverpa armigera in transgenic Bt cotton will not only inhibit cotton pest problems, also reduces other nearby crop land of cotton bollworm pest.

On May 23, 2001, promulgated by Decree No. 304, the promulgation of the regulations on administration of agricultural genetically modified organism safety. It requires the establishment of agricultural genetically modified organism safety Committee Department of agriculture, responsible for the safety assessment of agricultural genetically modified organisms.

The safety assessment of agricultural genetically modified organisms regulations promulgated by the Ministry of agriculture, as of March 20, 2002. In this approach, the Committee known as the National Commission on agricultural genetically modified organism safety and provides for its members for a term of three years.

The provisions of the administrative measures for the evaluation of agricultural genetically modified organism safety, for the safety of agricultural genetically modified organisms and their products shall report to the Commission on agricultural genetically modified organism safety control measures, according to their requirements after approval.

In the midst of agricultural genetically modified organisms after the test to be released into the environment, or at the end of the release to be transferred to experiment, test units shall apply to the Office of the administration of agricultural genetically modified organism safety, safety assessment of agricultural genetically modified organism safety Committee after qualifying and approved by the Ministry of agriculture, may, in accordance with requirements of the agricultural genetically modified organism safety approval test is performed.

Genetically modified organisms in agriculture production after the test to be applied for security certificates, test units shall apply to the Office of the administration of agricultural genetically modified organism safety, safety assessment of agricultural genetically modified organism safety Committee after qualifying and approved by the Department of agriculture, agricultural GMO safety certificates shall not be issued.

  Members of the last session of the Commission on agricultural genetically modified organism safety public list (76) "

Wu Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences researcher/academician

Xie d-x Professor, school of life sciences at Tsinghua University

Professor Chang Zhijie Medical College in Tsinghua University

Guo yan of China Agricultural University biology professor

Lubaorong Professor, school of life sciences, Fudan University

Huangkunlun Professor of food science and nutritional engineering, China Agricultural University

Yang Hanchun Professor of veterinary medicine of China Agricultural University

Professor Jiang Siwen, Huazhong agricultural University, College of animal science and technology

Zhang Dabing Professor, College of life science and technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Future Liu by the Environmental Protection Department of the Nanjing environmental science researcher

Xuhaigen by the Environmental Protection Department of the Nanjing environmental science researcher

Xu coastal researcher at the National Center for food safety risk assessment

Yang Xiaoguang of China Center for disease control and prevention researcher, Institute of nutrition and health

China Center for disease control and prevention researcher, Institute of nutrition and health

Professor Tao a-l the second affiliated hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

Wei Xuetao, Peking University School of public health Professor of medicine

Jia Xudong researcher at the National Center for food safety risk assessment

Wang, China's food and drug inspection Institute researcher, Institute of food and drug safety evaluation

Huo Yan the Chinese researcher, Institute of food and drug inspection Institute of food and drug safety evaluation

Peng Yufa researcher, Institute of plant protection of Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences

Li Xinhai researcher at the China Academy of agricultural crops

Li Cong researcher at the Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences in Beijing by the animal husbandry and veterinary medicine

Fu Qiang, China Academy of agricultural sciences researcher at the China National Rice Research Institute

Guo Anping researcher at the China Academy of tropical agriculture science

Wu Gang, China Academy of agricultural sciences researcher, Institute of oil

M researcher, Institute of Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences feed

Jin Wu army researcher, Institute of Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences, biotechnology

Wang Zhixing researcher at the Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences, biotechnology

Lin Min, China Academy of agricultural sciences researcher, Institute of biotechnology

Tong guangzhi researcher at the Chinese Academy of agricultural science Shanghai Institute of veterinary medicine

Cui Jinjie researcher, Institute of Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences of cotton

Lu Xingbo researcher at the Shandong Provincial Academy of agricultural sciences

CEIBS Professor of Nanjing Agricultural University

Zhu s f researcher, Institute of Chinese Academy of inspection and quarantine of plant quarantine

Pan Liangwen Shanghai entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of inspection and quarantine Technology Center

Hu Wei, Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher, Institute of aquatic

Military tuchangchun military medical Academy of Sciences researcher, Institute of veterinary medicine

Jin Ningyi military military veterinary medicine researcher/academician

Xie Huaan, Fujian Provincial Academy of agricultural sciences researcher/academician

Zhang Gaiping of Henan agricultural University professors/academicians

Shen Jianzhong, China Agricultural University Medical School professors/academicians

Academician Chen Huan-chun, Huazhong agricultural University, Professor of veterinary medicine/

Zhang xinyou, Henan Provincial Academy of agricultural sciences researcher/academician

Zhu, Chinese Academy of Sciences aquatic researcher/academician

Academician Cao Xiaofeng genetic researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences/

Leisure Institute of Zoology researcher/academician

Zhou Qi, Chinese Academy of Sciences's Institute of Zoology researcher/academician

Deng Zixin, Wuhan University School of Pharmacy professors/academicians

Academician Professor he Lin of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of Bio-x/

OU-Yang Qi School of physics Peking University professors/academicians

Chen Ying researcher at the China Academy of inspection and quarantine

Professor Sun Xiulan School of food

Professor Wu Yidong Nanjing Agricultural University, Institute of plant protection

Professor ye Gong-yin, Zhejiang University College of agriculture and biotechnology

Wang Hongbin Sun Yat-sen University Professor, College of life sciences

Wang Changyong Ministry researcher, Institute of environmental sciences, Nanjing

Professor Yang XING-fen of Guangdong provincial Center for diseases prevention and control

Liu Zhaoping researcher at the National Center for food safety risk assessment

Wang Youchun, China researcher at the Institute of food and drug inspection

Lu Yong of Beijing Center for food safety monitoring and risk assessment Professor level senior engineer

Guo Xindong Guangzhou quality supervision and inspection Institute Professor-level senior engineer

Cui Hui, China researcher at the Institute of food and drug inspection

Luo yunbo Professor, College of food science and nutritional engineering, China Agricultural University

Yi Kyu-Bo's researcher at the Chinese Academy of agricultural sciences in Beijing by the animal husbandry and veterinary medicine

Professor Zhang Lisheng, Huazhong agricultural University, College of animal science and technology

Xie Zhen, Tsinghua University researcher at the biological Faculty of information

Sun researcher at the China Academy of agricultural crops

Professor Wang Tao of China Agricultural University

Professor Zheng chengchao Shandong agricultural University, College of life sciences

Professor Chen k m College of life sciences, Northwest

Qiyun Li Jilin Academy of agricultural sciences researchers

Zhang Guiming Shenzhen entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of inspection and quarantine Technology Center

Diana South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher

Caixia Gao researcher, Institute of genetics, CAs

Qian Jun of military medical sciences military researcher, Institute of veterinary medicine

Xia Qing military medical sciences researcher at the Center for biomedical analysis

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-16 14:24:28















  吴孔明 中国农业科学院研究员/院士

  谢道昕 清华大学生命科学学院教授

  常智杰 清华大学医学院教授

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  张大兵 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院教授

  刘 标 环保部南京环境科学所研究员

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(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-16 14:24:28

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