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Fujian body recovery operations began, Netherlands proceedings started, the defendant is not acquired in good faith

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/15 6:11:38 Browse times: 136 Comment times: 0

Fujian body recovery operations began, Netherlands proceedings started, the defendant is not acquired in good faith(福建肉身坐佛追索行动开始,荷兰诉讼启动,被告不是善意取得)

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Fujian body recovery operations began, Netherlands action starts the defendant is not a bona fide acquisition | Netherlands | Buddha | lawsuit _ news
Information: Zhang Gong zu Shi body like

Original title: investigative journalism: Zhang Gong zu Shi flesh like recourse Netherlands proceedings officially launched

Xinhua Netherlands Amsterdam June 15 electric (reporter Liu Fang Yang Xinyi) by Fujian villagers delegate for chapter public Patriarch flesh like recourse of litigation lawyer mission representative, and Netherlands lawyer Yang·huoerteheyisi 14th to Xinhua reporter confirmed, Netherlands Court has Yu this month 8th accepted case, flesh like holds who, and Netherlands hid home aosika·fanaofulimu has delegate lawyer appear; plaintiffs lawyer has to Netherlands Court submitted demands statement, and will in accordance with Netherlands legal program submitted by needed added file. Huoerteheyisi said that the team will make every effort to ensure that Zhang Gong zu Shi returned to their original resting place.

Zhang Gong six Patriarchs in the flesh as in datian County in sanming city, Fujian province, Wu Shan Xiang Yang chun Cun Dong Pu cun and irradiates the Church was dedicated to the thousands of years of joint ownership in 1995, lunar calendar October 24 (Gregorian December 15, 1995) found to be stolen. March 2015, the statue of Buddha in Hungary attracted wide attention when exhibited in the Museum of natural sciences. Buddha holder then dismantle, and thereafter returned to Fujian villagers in unacceptable conditions put forward in the negotiations. Last November, spring village and dongpu Dutch team in the village village Committee authorized all the villagers to recourse actions. Huoerteheyisi law firm is the case in the Netherlands court agents ad litem.

Huoerteheyisi says, because you do not know fanaofulimu was purchased in a personal capacity or on behalf of other statues, while plaintiffs ' lawyers sued the fanaofulimu himself and his two companies registered at the same address. On May 31, the Netherlands judicial police issue a summons to the defendant. On June 8, fanaofulimu lawyer to appear in court on its behalf. "This means that the case in the Netherlands officially registered, the Court began to hear both sides. ”

It is understood that the villagers pointed out in the appeal, the defendant purchased the flesh like behavior is not made in good faith, in accordance with Netherlands law are not entitled to statues containing the remains of others.

  Collectors are not bona fide acquisition

Huoerteheyisi told reporters: "as a collection of Asian art expert, fanaofulimu ought to have more than the average person to fully understand the Asian art market, works of art and the art trade, so when you buy art are supposed to meet higher standards of review obligations, check whether the purchased works of art through illicit trade. Fanaofulimu also made statues are purchased through the Hong Kong market, and buying behavior occurs, Hong Kong art market had this Buddha statue in the illegal trade, it is a known fact. We also know that fanaofulimu is another Netherlands collectors bought the statues, he Netherlands collectors are also informed. ”

Last March, the Buddha was withdrawn Hungary exhibition, refused to disclose the names of Buddha holder said in a statement: "the owner of Buddha was a fanatical collectors of early Chinese art, Chinese art collection for nearly 30 years. In 1996, he obtained the statue of the Buddha. One owner in late 1994 to early 1995 on Chinese art in Hong Kong from a sincere friend to get this statue of Buddha, and in 1995 this statue brought to Amsterdam from his studio in Hong Kong residence. ”

However, in 2014 (the Buddha went to Hungary prior to participation and concern) published by the Netherlands introduces Atlas of Buddha, collectors get Readme statues in 1996 from Hong Kong. Fanaofulimu did not show any of the Buddha acquired relevant evidence.

Huoerteheyisi said: "in art circles everyone knows, without an export permit, a statue of the Buddha, could never legally leave China. Professional art buyers supposed to check the source file and export licenses, fanaofulimu apparently did not do so. ”

Netherlands Civil Code provides as more careful review for their sale. If he can prove that the purchaser fails to fulfil carefully reviewing obligations, relics of its non-bona fide acquisition, ownership is likely to be at a disadvantage.

  Human remains or becomes the dominant factor

Villagers in Fujian Netherlands agent also noted that Zhang Gong images contains a identity recognizable remains of the Millennium, remains of the Buddha and in fact has not split, is a unity, and therefore the dominant element of the case may not be a Buddhist work of art, but of human remains.

Huoerteheyisi explained that under the Netherlands 1991-related provisions of the burial and Cremation Act, and in the light of the then Netherlands Minister of Justice on the interpretation of the law, and no man has the right to another body. "This means that, in the Netherlands a person has the right to have this statue of Buddha, even if it is made in good faith. Netherlands law also stipulates that families and caregivers the right to reimbursement of the relevant bodies. Care that the ancestral remains of villagers in Fujian province for several centuries, this fact can prove that they are entitled to seek reimbursement. ”

Huoerteheyisi also noted that: "the genealogy and other evidence to prove that the villagers associated with the Patriarch, plus village dedicated to the founder of the fact that for a long time, the villagers have a legitimate basis for reimbursement of the Buddha. ”

Chinese heritage experts have pointed out that Buddha text, irradiates the Church retain their banners on a futon and hangings, history has come down on the field surname headstream of the Yang Chunlin's genealogy on Zhang Gongzu Division, irradiates the Church clearly documented, can all prove Zhang Gong zu Shi only corresponds closely with the shining fame.

Huoerteheyisi told reporters in the Netherlands initiated proceedings in accordance with Netherlands law, lawyers representing the villagers will be without prejudice to the Court, explaining the case, wise quotes Netherlands law and regulations.

According to Netherlands proceedings, after the plaintiffs filed appeals to the court file, the accused may, within six weeks of responding to documents submitted to the Court, may apply for an extension. After the first round of documents submitted, the Court may arrange a hearing and judgement; also may require the parties to submit additional documentation. The Court after the verdict, both sides could appeal.

Huoerteheyisi won the licensing law in 2004 in China. Huoerteheyisi is the China international economic and Trade Arbitration Committee and the Shanghai international economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. This Netherlands lawyers gave himself the Chinese name "Hao". He told reporters, Zhang Gong zu Shi recourse action is an interesting case, and similar case law is limited. "The team will make every effort to ensure that Zhang Gong zu Shi returned to their original resting place, the villagers should be the outcome of the proceedings. ”

The same day, journalists contact holder fanaofulimu of Buddha on several occasions, his phone went unanswered.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Netherlands Buddha litigation reporter

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福建肉身坐佛追索行动开始,荷兰诉讼启动 被告不是善意取得|荷兰|佛像|诉讼_新闻资讯


  新华社荷兰阿姆斯特丹6月15日电(记者 刘芳 杨昕怡)受福建村民委托进行章公祖师肉身像追索的诉讼律师团代表、荷兰律师扬·霍尔特赫伊斯14日向新华社记者证实,荷兰法院已于本月8日受理此案,肉身像持有者、荷兰藏家奥斯卡·范奥弗里姆已委托律师出庭;原告律师已向荷兰法院提交诉求声明,并将依照荷兰法律程序提交所需补充文件。霍尔特赫伊斯说,律师团队将尽全力争取使章公祖师返回原来的安息之所。




















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