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Foreign media say the ASEAN for the South China Sea of China faces

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/15 6:11:35 Browse times: 160 Comment times: 0

Foreign media say the ASEAN for the South China Sea of China faces(外媒称东盟为南海问题打中国脸)

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Foreign media called ASEAN global problems China faces the South China Sea: like crazy, | | ASEAN _ China News

Original title: ASEAN for the South China Sea issue rare China face? West media like crazy

China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers ' special meeting held from 13th to 14th in Yuxi, Yunnan province, this year is the 25 anniversary of the China-ASEAN dialogue relations, the two sides will hold the Commemorative Summit. In addition the South China Sea issue remained consistently high heat, arbitration case may announce the results soon, which makes the Foreign Minister would be given multiple meanings, and attention.

Such meetings will inevitably be different to express their opinions, but never found the Western media speculated differences with ASEAN special gimmicks, until yesterday evening news drew surprised and puzzled.

Last night suddenly the Western media reported that ASEAN countries issued a "Joint Declaration", passage of which is this: "we in the South China Sea recently expressed serious concerns about the progress and continued, these developments erode trust and confidence, raising tensions and threatening peace and stability in the South China Sea. We emphasize that according to the law of the Sea Convention and other international recognized international law, maintain peace, security and stability of South China Sea and the importance of freedom of navigation and flight ". "Declaration" also said, "we said, will focus on regional security and stability and the peaceful settlement of disputes".

Western media claim that the ASEAN countries "Declaration" is not directly mention China, but unusually strong wording. "This is a rare diplomatic face of Beijing, and accused China's moves in the South China Sea. ”

First of all, this is the ASEAN's "joint statement"? It took ASEAN countries agree? According to our understanding, ASEAN is not openly distributed the text of a statement to the press, but Western journalists through the individual country diplomats to spy, wrote the above statement. If ASEAN really has one of the South China Sea "Joint Declaration", which should be coordinated by the China-ASEAN dialogue relations foreign ministers announced in a high profile, instead of this specious "revealed".

Second, what is of concern to ASEAN, "recent and continuing progress in the South China Sea"? Even if the version reported by the Western media, or they can be read as "China's unilateral action" basis. Instability in the South China Sea is now the most prominent is the United States military intervention stance, it gives the game contracted an unprecedented military power on the South China Sea, brought the uncertainty of endangering regional peace and stability. Parties to the situation in the South China Sea recently, more anxiety, real roots here.

Third, the ASEAN countries want to group of China's "face"? They want past Ministers would not help communication, instead of giving the South China Sea issue: new dimension of tension? Such willingness appears to not exist. ASEAN countries on a number of issues of right and wrong should not see eye to eye, without the complex problems of the South China Sea can be considered "collective stand" abrupt action Foundation. And "collective stand" sometimes gain the endorsement is likely to be for some countries.

A few Western media already make up ASEAN "Group expressed dissatisfaction with the Chinese," said constantly far-fetched manufacture opinion against China. However intact: the interests of peace and stability in the South China Sea between China and ASEAN community and China with a country-specific differences should not be the dominant factor in the situation in, and should not be used by big game, this principle has never been in the South China Sea dispute during their absence.

Heat of the South China Sea today was made in large part incited by external forces, Western public opinion in edit virtual China "isolated". China and ASEAN have maintained normal communication in peace and development should be the theme on this crucial proposition, both of us far more consistency than extraterritorial powers consistent with the countries in the region. In this connection, I believe that most of the ASEAN countries are like a mirror.

The funny thing is, our press time last night, the Western media news: first revealed to them the message of Malaysia announced a recall of "joint", this latest incident should say confirmed the judgement of newspaper editorials noted above.

Source: global times

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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