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Chinese steel makers steel profits fell to 1 Yuan per ton, you can’t buy a bottle of mineral water

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/15 6:11:21 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Chinese steel makers steel profits fell to 1 Yuan per ton, you can’t buy a bottle of mineral water(中国钢企每吨钢利润跌至1元,不能买一瓶矿泉水)

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Chinese steel makers steel profits fell to 1 Yuan per ton could not buy a bottle of mineral water | | profit _ steel prices news

Information times (reporter Jing Ye) so far this year the price of steel is unsettled, rebar Maori high 812 Yuan per ton and fell to 1 Yuan, steel companies can't sell a ton of steel profits to buy a bottle of mineral water appears embarrassed again.

  Business incentive to frustrated

As of June 6, the West Building steel index index 2150/ton of steel in April, representing a peak in late 940 Yuan/ton, or 30.42%; cost index for 1999 Yuan/ton, just down from the highs of late April 217 Yuan/ton, or 10%. According to estimates, steel manufacturer margins fell from high 812 Yuan per ton in late April to the current 1 Yuan/ton, most of the steel production enterprises have been transferred to a loss. Sheet profits RMB 1000 Yuan per ton, down from 150~200.

A sharp drop in profits, corporate incentive to frustrated, since the end of May, marked increase in steel production, maintenance, Handan iron and steel, magang, sisg, transit and other steel mills have a production line to arrange repair. There is some steel companies by lowering the grade of iron ore into the furnace to reduce production, some companies try to iron used in plate production, reduce the production of building materials. Senior insiders Hou Jiwei said, since the end of May, just a few days, number of new maintenance steel mills close in the past two months. According to incomplete statistics, total production maintenance schedule 12 this month, involving more than 10 Mills, 13 production lines, is expected to affect the yield of finished material 415,500 tons.

  Throughout the production enthusiasm faded

It is understood that since 2011, steel prices fell from 5200 Yuan per ton last December 1600 Yuan/ton. And since the second half of last year, after prices falling below 2000 Yuan per ton of steel, steel production, production increased significantly. My net has calculated that, late last year, industry capacity shut down more than 50 million tonnes.

This year, however, as steel prices soared, partly shut down and production capacity. According to statistics, May crude steel production has been near record highs. In early May, Xinda, steel, Shanxi, Jilin jianlong steel (formerly haixin iron and steel), Westwood has quietly production, such as steel. Steel production speed is too fast, marked increase in arrival of various markets, steel trading business and the remaining mills are feeling the pressure. Then steel prices high platform diving.

West senior analyst Qiu Yue said of the Shinkansen, although steel companies do not make money, but only steel prices below marginal cost, profit losses reflected on paper, and last for two months, companies will be forced to stop production, just like the second half of last year.

Steel prices have fallen at the same time, throughout the production enthusiasm faded. So far, Chongqing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Qinghai and other places have come to steel capacity files, or specific implementation. Meanwhile, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry decided in iron and steel industry energy consumption across the law enforcement initiatives. Such as found in the inspection are not up to the mandatory energy consumption limits standard steel capacity, shall, within 6 months of the rectification, overdue corrective action or does not reach the car, shut out by law.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Steel profit

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Information times
中国钢企每吨钢利润跌至1元 不能买一瓶矿泉水|钢价|利润_新闻资讯

  信息时报讯(记者 叶静)今年以来钢铁的价格可谓阴晴不定,螺纹钢每吨毛利从最高的812元又跌到了如今的1元左右,钢企销售一吨钢铁的利润买不了一瓶矿泉水的尴尬又重新出现。


  截 至6月6日,建筑钢材指数西本钢材指数为2150元/吨,较4月下旬的高点下跌940元/吨,跌幅达30.42%;成本指数为1999元/吨,较4月下旬 的高点仅下跌217元/吨,跌幅为10%。据测算,螺纹钢生产企业毛利也由4月下旬最高的812元/吨跌至目前的1元/吨,多数螺纹钢生产企业已转入亏 损。而板材企业利润,则从每吨1000元降到150~200元。

  利润大幅下滑,企业生产积极性受挫,5月末以来,钢企减产、检修明显增 多,邯钢、马钢、韶钢、中天等钢厂均有生产线安排检修。还有部分钢铁企业通过降低铁矿石入炉品位来降低产量,部分企业尽量将铁水优先用于板材生产、减少建 材的产量。资深业内人士侯纪伟表示,5月末以来,短短几天时间,新增检修钢厂数量接近过去两月累计。据不完全统计,本月共有产线检修计划12起,涉及10 家钢厂、13条以上产线,预计影响成品材产量在41.55万吨以上。



  但 今年,随着钢价飙涨,部分关停产能又复产。据统计,5月旬度粗钢日产量已经接近历史新高。5月初,吉林鑫达、天钢、山西建龙钢铁(原海鑫钢铁)、西林钢铁 等都已经悄然复产。钢厂复产速度太快,各地市场到货明显增多,让钢贸商和其余钢厂都感到了压力。随后钢价高台跳水。


  在 钢价下跌的同时,各地复产的积极性褪去。目前已有重庆、山东、江苏、浙江、湖北、青海等地陆续出台去钢铁产能文件或专项实施方案。同时,国家发改委、工信 部决定在全国范围内开展钢铁行业能耗执法专项行动。如在检查中发现达不到强制性能耗限额标准要求的钢铁产能,应在6个月内进行整改,逾期未整改或未达到整 改要求的,依法关停退出。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

钢价 利润


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