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China and the United Kingdom held the first high-level security dialogue

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/14 7:24:43 Browse times: 159 Comment times: 0

China and the United Kingdom held the first high-level security dialogue(中国和英国举行首次高级别安全对话)

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China and the United Kingdom held the first high-level security dialogue _ | XI news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 13-for the first time, China and the United Kingdom held high-level security dialogue in Beijing on 13th, both on the fight against terrorism, cybercrime, organized crime and other areas of cooperation as well as international and regional highlights security issues of common concern an in-depth exchange of views and reached important consensus. CPC Central political and Legislative Affairs Committee Secretary General Wang Yongqing and United Kingdom Prime Minister's National Security Advisor make·gelante co-chaired the dialogue.

China and the United Kingdom agreed, met for the first time, China and the United Kingdom the high-level security dialogue during his visit is to implement the October 2015, XI Jinping, China and the United Kingdom issued by the two countries, China and United Kingdom Joint Declaration on comprehensive strategic partnership geared to the 21st century global key initiatives have important pioneering and model. Agreed the spirit of "equality and mutual benefit, candid and pragmatic" principle, strengthening security cooperation between the two countries and jointly address global security threats.

Central network Office, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, industry and information technology departments, participated in the dialogue of Heads of departments such as the Ministry of public security, Ministry of State security.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Xi Jinping

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  新华社北京6月13日电 首次中国和英国高级别安全对话13日在北京举行,双方就打击恐怖主义、网络犯罪、有组织犯罪等领域合作以及共同关注的国际和地区突出安全问题深入交换意见,达成重要共识。中共中央政法委秘书长汪永清与英国首相国家安全顾问马克·格兰特共同主持对话。

  中国和英国双方一致认为,举行首次中国和英国高级别安全对话,是落实2015年10月习近平主席访英时中国和英国两国发表的《中国和英国关于构建面向21世纪全球全面战 略伙伴关系的联合宣言》的重要举措,具有重要的开创性和示范意义。双方同意本着“平等互利、坦诚务实”的原则,加强两国安全合作,共同应对全球性安全威 胁。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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