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Sudden hail in Harbin city, members of the public make a snowman in summer

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/13 11:10:00 Browse times: 150 Comment times: 0

Sudden hail in Harbin city, members of the public make a snowman in summer(哈尔滨市突降冰雹,市民在夏季堆雪人)

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Harbin sudden hail and members of the public during the summer months make a snowman (pictured) | | Harbin hail _ news

Original title: ice city of Harbin are worthy of summer can make a snowman

Version A08 yesterday around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, drop in Harbin city, Heilongjiang province, large hail, and to what extent, netizens in micro-blog, "can make a snowman."

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Harbin city, according to news reports, originally started in the clear sky cloudy, Harbin, followed by strong rains began to appear.

2 o'clock in the afternoon, Harbin over the lowering of the hail, hail soybean grain size at first, grows, some hail up to 1 dime size, surface water poured over the car in just a few minutes a half wheel.

2:5 P.M., Harbin municipal meteorological Observatory issued Orange warning signal of hail, weather is expected until the 12th, at 8 o'clock in the evening, main city of Harbin songbei possible hail, and possible hail. Subsequently, the weather network news in China, Harbin Hulan district, fangzheng, Mulan, the tonghe County, also has issued Orange warning of hail.

3:25 P.M., @@ Harbin weather news that the Harbin municipal meteorological Observatory issued a severe weather warning, the next 0-3 hours, Acheng, Hulan, and Bayan, and Sanchih, Magnolia, and bin, founder, River, life extension may have short-time strong precipitation, thunderstorms, hail and other severe weather.

Public information of China Meteorological news, hail is a kind of strong convective weather often occurs in the summer or spring and summer. Hail 70% concentration in most parts of China in the 13 to 19 o'clock local time, most between 14 to 16 o'clock. According to statistics, does not belong to China, Harbin more common hail "disastrous" (the hardest-hit areas are mainly concentrated in southern Gansu, Gansu province, Yin Shan mountain range, Taihang mountains and the Western provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan areas).

China Meteorological news reminded the public, when confronted by hail shall promptly enter the building facilities to fight falling objects avoid such as, unable to escape, along with the wind.

  Harbin friends voice

@@ Half level enchanting face makeup: the existence of God, Harbin, not hail, is going to be the next big, can become a snowman, sandals making a snowman, and SEI!

@@ Post-punk on the road: Harbin June best suited to playing? The answer is: a snowman. (综合)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Hail in Harbin

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哈尔滨市突降冰雹 市民在夏季堆雪人(图)|哈尔滨|冰雹_新闻资讯






  下午3时25分,@@哈尔滨气象 发消息称,哈尔滨市气象台发布强天气警报,预计未来0-3小时,阿城、呼兰、巴彦、宾县、尚志、木兰、方正、通河、延寿可能有短时强降水、雷雨大风、冰雹等强对流天气。




  @@半面妖娆半面妆: 哈尔滨神一样的存在,一般不太下冰雹,要下就下场大的,能堆成雪人的那种,穿着凉鞋堆雪人,还有sei!

  @@后朋克在路上:6月最适合来哈尔滨玩什么?答案是:堆雪人。 (综合)

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

哈尔滨 冰雹


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