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Sichuan police: Man robbed children in fact, drug hallucinations, leading to wrong child

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/13 11:09:58 Browse times: 166 Comment times: 0

Sichuan police: Man robbed children in fact, drug hallucinations, leading to wrong child(四川警方:男子抢小孩实为吸毒生幻觉,导致认错孩子)

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Sichuan police: Man robbed children in fact, drug hallucinations, led to admit children | robbed children _ news

Depth method night rates (reporter Wang Shuo Zhu Shunzhong depth for contributions and Manpower) this morning, the law later reporter learned from a branch Public Security Bureau wuhou district, Chengdu city, Sichuan province, verified by the police investigation, the net yesterday, wuhou district, Yulin area were robbed of children is not true.

According to method late (micro-letter public, ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter understand, yesterday 10 o'clock in the morning Xu, field to Yung men Lu a will passers-by arms in the of child considered himself of child, was came theory, and and children parents occurred spat (both no body contact), bystanders alarm Hou, police station police will both with back survey, found Lu a prior had smoking ice HIV, has produced magic symptoms.

Due to the incident during the morning rush hour, place beside the love cute kindergarten, kindergartens to publish a notice in the case of ignorance of the truth, cause network, resulting in adverse effects.

At present, the children and parents had gone home, Lu is subject to further review.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Rob child

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  法晚深度即时(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 深度记者 王硕)今日上午,法晚记者从四川省成都市公安局武侯区分局获悉,经警方调查核实,网传昨日武侯区玉林辖区有人抢小孩一事不属实。

  据法晚(微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)记者了解,昨日上午10点许,外地来蓉男子鲁某将路人怀中的小孩认作自己的小孩,遂上前理论,并与孩 子家长发生口角(双方无肢体接触),旁观者报警后,派出所民警将双方带回调查,发现鲁某事前曾吸食冰毒,有产幻症状。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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