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Shanghai Disney short rental booking line near the end of July,

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/13 11:09:50 Browse times: 165 Comment times: 0

Shanghai Disney short rental booking line near the end of July,(上海迪士尼附近短租房预订排队至7月末,)

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Disney short rental booking line near the end of July in Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai rental Disney | | | Shanghai hotel news

Legal evening news (reporters Zhang Ting) Shanghai Disneyland will be officially opened on 16th this month. In addition to attract large numbers of tourists to come, a number of "smart" Shanghai people also made a "peripheral" businesses and idle make for short rental housing. Huge passenger flow in hotel accommodation houses form a gap, short term rental platform data shows that recent Disney surrounding houses and search traffic has increased nearly twice times. Radiation range up Disney around four or five subway stations far away.

  Spotted another unused room rental reservation has until the end of July

"Because of Disney's effects, so my old House that was more than 20 years was finally a little value now guests already booked by July. "Shanghai native Liu says it is still read. Reporters learned that Liu set of 90 's of the last century's old House, where in Shanghai Metro Line 11 line near the Imperial station, from Disney's four stops.

Liu said, the Pudong area relative position rather, but Disney was near "exurbs." "Where I work and the children go to school in Puxi, we also have two houses in Puxi, so here's a basically empty. ”

However, as the line Line 11 opened and opening of Disney's footsteps approaching, Mr Liu's old house all of a sudden become "meat and potatoes", Liu said, at present, there are many people around start to do short term rental business.

Reporters learned that Liu again in early March will house again, hanging on the rental site as short term rental accommodation. This House has now become the site search first-place listings in June, is basically a room full of State, and has been booked to the end of July.

  All hotel listings save gap and promote short term rental business hot

Reporters this morning in ctrip search found June 16-18th during the opening of the Disney, park surrounding the hotel basic rooms sold out, selling more luxury rooms.

According to reports, the Shanghai Disneyland since 51 trails so far has brought daily to nearly 80,000 large passenger flow, and a huge gap, with 420-room Disneyland Hotel and 800-room hotel toy, houses at the end of June have been booked up, and even the July housing tight. According to the Shanghai Tourism Administration data, Shanghai's average hotel occupancy rate of between 60%~70%, even considering the complementary effects, it is difficult to withstand the current passenger volume.

Online rental platform "Ant-short term rental" responsible person, platform, short rental source in Shanghai in the near future rapid growth of more than 2000 sets, Disney surrounding houses and search traffic has increased nearly twice times. Disney range of radiation effects on short term rental market reached four or five subway stations as far far away.

Price, a set of two or three, and online rental price ranges around 300-600 per day. Landlords of the hot market for short rental source for earnings optimism.

However, industry insiders say, short term rental is accompanied by "sharing economy" the rise of the housing rental forms, at present there are loopholes in the management of the short term rental market. Short term rental houses mostly focused on tourist hot spots, whether individual landlords have business intelligence? In the absence of regulatory policing, fire fighting, health and other aspects of management cases, personal and property safety of the landlord and the tenant can be protected? Once a dispute who should look for? This is a range of issues currently facing the short term rental market.

Text/reporter Wang SI SI

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Disney's surrounding areas House prices

Annual rose 30%

Tight hotels, short rental, Disney also showed a significant rise in prices around.

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter called Disneyland around Shanghai chuan Sha, Nam Hue areas real estate agents understand that chuansha housing prices in the past year from 27,000-28,000 yuan/square meters up to 40,000 yuan/square meters this year, Nan hui Zhen real estate prices from around 10,000 yuan per square meter for up to 30,000 yuan per square metre.

Chuansha, a chain of stores broker Mr Zhou introduced within 5-10 km around Disneyland there is a certain amount of rise in prices. He explained that the chuansha is nearest the Disneyland area, prices are relatively high, a lot of people focus on investment opportunities, sell in the chuansha area House, to more distant places such as Huinan Town investment property buyers. Text/reporter Zhang Ting

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Disney short term rental in Shanghai Shanghai, Shanghai hotel

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Legal evening news
上海迪士尼附近短租房预订排队至7月末 |上海迪士尼|上海短租|上海酒店_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 张婷)上海迪士尼乐园将于本月16日正式开幕。除了吸引大量游客前来,不少“精明”的上海人也做起了“周边”生意,将闲置住房腾 出用作短租房。巨大的客流让酒店住宿房源形成缺口,据短租平台数据显示,近期迪士尼周边房源和搜索量都增加了近2倍。辐射范围最远可达迪士尼周边四五个地 铁站远的距离。

  发现 闲置老房 短租预订已到7月末





  追访 酒店房源存缺口 促短租生意火热


  据 介绍,上海迪士尼自五一试运营至今,已带来日均近8万人次的超大客流,住宿形成巨大缺口,拥有420间客房的迪士尼乐园酒店和800间客房的玩具总动员酒 店,截至6月底的房源都已预订一空,连7月的房源也较为紧张。另据上海旅游局数据,目前上海酒店的平均入住率在60%~70%之间,即便考虑互补效应,也 难以承受目前的旅客体量。



  不 过,业内人士也表示,短租是伴随“分享经济模式”的兴起而出现的房屋租赁形式,目前我国在短租市场的管理方面存在不少漏洞。短租的主要房源集中在旅游热点 地区,个人房东是否具备营业资质?在缺乏监管部门对治安、消防、卫生等方面管理的情况下,房东和租客的人身财产安全能否获得保障?一旦发生纠纷又该找谁处 理?这一系列问题是目前短租市场所面临的。

  文/记者 王思思






  川沙一家链家门店的经纪人周先生介绍,迪士尼乐园周边5-10公里范围内的房价都有了一定的上涨。他介绍,川沙是距离迪士尼乐园最近的区域,房价也是相对最高的,有不少人看重投资机会,卖掉了川沙区域内的房子,到惠南镇等更远的地方再投资购房。文/记者 张婷

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

上海迪士尼 上海短租 上海酒店


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