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Scholar: China and the United States high speed rail project United States break protectionism harm oneself

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Scholar: China and the United States high speed rail project United States break protectionism harm oneself(学者:中国和美国高铁项目美国毁约是贸易保护损人害己)

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Scholar: China and the United States high speed rail project United States break protectionism harm high-speed trains, China | | | trade barriers, China and the United States _ to trade news

United States Western express high speed rail

Source: people's daily overseas edition

Author: Wang junling

Recently, China and the United States the first resistance of high-speed rail construction project attracted attention from all sides. Event has its origins in United States partner Western Express sudden unilateral breach of contract, said in a statement "with the iron in the international group (United States) Limited joint venture enterprises, building connections in Southern California and Las Vegas high-speed line project will not continue". Experts pointed out that China's achievements in manufacturing, construction and operation, cost advantage is obvious, after the completion of the project on the local economic and social development has a very large role. Sudden unilateral breach nature is still in US trade. This irresponsible behavior not only hit its business reputation, harmed along the United States people's interests.

  United States breach of contract suit

From "handshake" to "changing faces", less than a year. September 2015 West express company and iron in the international negotiations to build joint venture designed to help development, financing, construction and preparation operation connection in Las Vegas, Nevada City and express high speed rail project in Western Los Angeles, California, and along the site around to ease the traffic problems make local people is a headache. It is understood that the length of 370 km of high-speed rail lines, expected total investment of 12.7 billion US dollars, originally scheduled to start in September this year.

Why all of a sudden break, us explanation is that the United States Federal Government on "high speed train must be in the United States manufacturing" has become the biggest obstacle to advance this project. Number of domestic and overseas experts said the agreements previously signed by the two sides, whether it is published or cancel the agreement, must be agreed by both parties. Western Express "surprise attack" obviously breach and give reasons unconvincing. China Institute of international studies United States the Director Teng jianqun believes that United States terminate the cooperation is mainly for the Western express opposition from the Federal Government. Teng jianqun, said not to let other countries participate in the country's railway construction, is actually the embodiment of protectionism.

United States University of Colorado (Denver campus) Director of the Department of finance, Professor Yang pointed out in an interview with this reporter, sudden unilateral breach of contract practices in US companies, is clearly contrary to United States on commercial transactions have been promoting the spirit of contract. "When the two sides would sign commercial American company should also benefit. Therefore, there may be due to United States election year is usually non-commercial factors such as heightened political, disrupting the normal business decisions, including United States companies, relevant business interests are jeopardized. The same time, which is met by investment companies in the United States in a concrete manifestation of political risk. "Yang said.

  China's strong

So, China's high-speed rail resistance mean that their competitiveness is not strong? Comprehensive information from all sides, China's advantage is obvious.

Academician Wang mengshu, said China's high-speed train technology has 3 main advantages: one is the track, high tunnel construction technology, have the capacity to deal with various complexities, such as China's high-speed train technology to ensure track deformation under large temperature difference; the second is China's high-speed train technology team excellent; the third is China's high-speed railway construction costs lower than competitors. According to estimates, China cost only 33%-50% high-speed rail cost in other countries.

Prices, China's high-speed rail technology with "gold" envy of the world. Known as "train the brain" train network control systems, for example, traditional technology under the influence of bandwidth and transmission speed can only support basic train control and diagnostic functions of data transfer, and the development of information technology on the "brain" is an increasingly high demand, Bombardier, Siemens and other international giants also are unusual attention to this development. Not long ago, Chinese cars in Zhuzhou Institute of independent development of global network control system of new generation trains, at 380 km/h level loading tests on Chinese standard EMU success, China had "the most powerful brain."

"On the one hand, to manufacture overseas and China's most brilliant business card, high-speed rail has the independent intellectual property right, the entire value chain advantages and best price/performance ratio, on the construction of high-speed rail is a systematic project, deals with a large and, therefore, in advancing the process in the twists and turns are also very normal, need a rational view. "Foreign economic relations and international cooperation of the Institute of NDRC Director Zhang Jianping told reporters.

  Trade barriers to break down

According to reports, the high-speed trains are not only for people in the City Shuttle provides fast and cheap choice, is one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions. In recent years, China carried out at least 30 of them have been cooperation or negotiation, "interoperability" circle of friends throughout Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and Brazil, and Russia and other countries.

Analysts pointed out that Chinese learn about the real needs and aspirations of the nation-building high-speed rail, to play to their strengths into its market, not only in order to expand the Chinese company's profit sources, can help States parties to improve infrastructure, result in economic development benefits for the local population. Stakeholders need to wake up and recognize that China is based on "win-win" efforts that logic is not wishful thinking "ask-do", but need to get a fair business in good faith.

Zhang Jianping further stated that, from China and the United States framework agreement and progress on both sides, many sensitive issues we should have considered, suddenly break it is more like an extension of trade friction. "Need to be aware of is that high-speed rail industry tend to be a lot of driven steel, electrical equipment, and many other products and raw materials demand, American stranded rail projects to protect their domestic industries, and took the opportunity to suppress China manufacturing momentum motivation is actually very good. But now United States infrastructure is relatively backward, this practice is not consistent with United States long-term interest of the people. "In his analysis.

"Since the second world war, United States in the international community to promote free trade and investment and its benefits. Unless there are obvious technical reasons, only United States built high-speed railway to be granted such suspicion of mandatory restrictions to avoid hidden trade barriers. "Yang said the United States should be more accustomed to win-win deals with Chinese companies, but you need to be aware of international investment and trade in the political risk and effective management.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
China's trade barriers between China and United States trade enterprises to go out

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  近日,中国和美国首条高铁建设项目遇阻备受各方关注。事件起源于美国合作方西部快线公司突然单方面毁约,发布公告称“与中铁国际集团(美国)有限公司组建 合资企业、建设连接加州南部和拉斯韦加斯高铁线路的计划将不再继续”。专家指出,中国高铁在制造、建设及运营方面的成就举世瞩目,性价比优势十分明显,项 目建成后对当地经济社会发展都有非常大的拉动作用。美方突然单方面毁约的本质依旧是贸易保护主义。这种不负责任的行为不仅对其商业信誉造成打击,更有损沿 线美国民众的利益。


  从“握手”到“变脸”,不到一年。2015年9月,西部快线公司与中铁国际着手谈 判筹建合资公司,旨在帮助开发、融资、建设并准备运营连接内华达州拉斯韦加斯市与加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的西部快线高铁项目,并通过在沿途各地设立站点,以 缓解令当地民众十分头疼的堵车问题。据了解,该高铁线路全长370公里,预计总投资额127亿美元,原本计划将于今年9月开工。

  对于为 何突然毁约,美方的解释是,美国联邦政府有关“高速列车必须在美国制造”的规定成为了推进这一项目的最大障碍。多位海内外专家表示,此前双方所签署的协议 规定,不管是公布协议还是取消,都必须经过双方一致同意。西部快线采取“突然袭击”显然违约,且给出的理由难以服众。中国国际问题研究院美国所所长滕建群 认为,美国西部快线终止合作主要还是来自于联邦政府的反对。滕建群表示,不让其他国家参与本国铁路建设,实际上是保护主义的具体体现。

  美国科罗拉多大学(丹佛校区)金融系主任、终身教授杨坚在接受本报记者采访时指出,美方企业突然单方面毁约的做法,显然违背美国在商业交易上一直推崇的契 约精神。“当初双方能够签约,在商业上对美方公司应该也是有利的。因此,有可能是由于美国大选年被常常强化的政治等方面非商业因素,干扰了正常的商业决 策,使包括美国公司在内的相关方商业利益受到损害。同时,这也是中企在美投资所遇政治风险的一个具体体现。”杨坚说。



  中国工程院院士王梦恕表示,中国的高铁技术主要有3大优势:一是轨道、隧道建造技术高,具备应对各种复杂情况的能力,如中国高铁技术能够保证在很大温差 情况下铁轨不变形等;二是中国的高铁技术团队过硬;三是中国高铁的修建造价比竞争对手更低。据测算,中国高铁造价只有其他国家高铁造价的33%—50%。

  价格之外,中国高铁技术上的含“金”量亦傲视全球。以被誉为“列车大脑”的列车网络控制系统为例,传统技术受带宽和传输速度影响,仅能支撑基本的列车控 制和诊断功能数据传输,而信息化的发展对这一“大脑”的要求则越来越高,庞巴迪、西门子等国际巨头也都异常重视这一研发。不久前,中国中车株洲研究所自主 开发的全球新一代列车网络控制系统,在时速380公里级中国标准动车组上装车试验成功,中国高铁有了“最强大脑”。

  “一方面,作为中国 制造走向海外的最闪亮名片,中国高铁有着自主知识产权、全产业链优势以及最佳的性价比;另一方面,建设高铁是一个系统性工程,牵涉面大,因此,在推进过程 中出现波折也是十分正常的,需要理性看待。”国家发改委对外经济研究所国际合作室主任张建平对本报记者说。



  分析人士指出,中方了解有关国家建设高铁的现实需求和愿望,积极发挥自身比较优势进入其市场,不仅为了拓展中国企业的利润源,更可以帮助当事国提高基础 设施水平,为当地民众带来经济发展上的实惠。相关方面需要清醒地认识到,中方基于“互利共赢”逻辑的种种努力并非一厢情愿地“求人办事”,而是需要得到公 正对待的商业诚意。

  张建平进一步指出,从此前中国和美国双方的框架性协议和进展来看,很多敏感问题大家应该已经有所考虑,突然毁约更像是贸易 摩擦的一种延伸。“需要注意的是,高铁产业往往会大量带动钢铁、电气设备等诸多上下游产品的需求,美方通过搁浅高铁项目来保护其国内相关产业,并借机打压 中国制造势头的动机其实很充足。只是如今美国的基础设施已经相对落后,这种做法并不符合美国民众的长远利益。”他分析。

  “二战以来,美 国一直在国际间推动自由贸易和投资并大受其益。除非有特别明显的技术上理由,否则只有美国造的高铁才能获批这类强制性限制难免产生隐蔽性贸易壁垒的嫌 疑。”杨坚表示,美方应该更加习惯与中国企业进行双赢的交易,而中方则需要意识到国际投资和贸易中政治风险的存在并加以有效管理。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中国高铁 贸易壁垒 中国和美国贸易 中企走出去


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