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Guangdong local officials colluding with village cadres in obtaining compensation, in connection with the Super billion

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/13 11:09:05 Browse times: 179 Comment times: 0

Guangdong local officials colluding with village cadres in obtaining compensation, in connection with the Super billion(广东地方官勾结村干部骗取补偿款,涉案超亿元)

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Guangdong local officials colluding with village cadres in obtaining compensation in connection with the Super billion land expropriation compensation Guangdong _ | | news

Information times News (reporter shallmean correspondent Chen Yunfei Wei Lei) for further increased handling and prevention poverty, and agro-Huimin field positions crime work efforts, yesterday afternoon, Guangdong Province held handling and prevention poverty, and agro-field positions crime work Symposium, Guangdong provincial Standing Committee, and Communist Party Secretary Lin shaochun, and province Attorney Attorney-General and Zheng Hong attended Conference and speech, province discipline, and provincial Organization Department, and provincial rural work Office, and province poverty do, 27 home related units head participate in Conference.

  State check agriculture-related crimes since last year 1324

Lin shaochun stressed, carried out handling and prevention poverty, and agro-Huimin field positions crime work, not only is strengthening rural grass-roots governance, and service poverty battle of important way, is implementation central anti-corruption struggle decision deployment, insisted "Tiger", and "flies" with playing of important initiatives, regions the about sector to from global and strategy height starting, according to Central and provincial of requirements, continues to in-depth advance special work.

It is reported that January 2015 to April 2016, the Guangdong Procuratorate 1324 Kyoritsu check agriculture-related crimes in the field case 1737, 40.3% State check the total number of crime cases in the same period, in which major 872 cases 1044, the county or division level cases of 43 people, cases the Department or Bureau level 3 people through handling cases saved economic losses of more than 96.84 million Yuan, by provincial party Secretary Hu instructions affirmation.

  To defraud State land requisition of more than 100 million Yuan

According to the introduction, in specific work, the prosecution focused on investigating the three main components of job-related crimes. Is to deal with rural land resource development and utilization links of 536 people, per cent of total number of agriculture-related crimes (below) of the 30.9%. Crime is concentrated in the area of compensation for rural land expropriation, for embezzlement and malfeasance are intertwined, street, village officials and functionaries of colluding with each other, and wantonly defrauding compensation for appropriated land. Former town Secretary, Huangjiang town, Dongguan city Kam hung in the course of land acquisition to defraud State land requisition cases of more than 100 million Yuan.

Handling agriculture farmers subsidies link 378, 21.8%. Crimes were committed in extension project of standardization of pig farms subsidies, fishing boat diesel subsidies, rural labor employment training grants, grain planting subsidies, agricultural subsidies and so on eight projects. Such as Shanwei, Zhanjiang and Yangjiang, Shantou and other crime areas of diesel subsidies to deal with fishing vessels 42 people, involving more than 100 million Yuan.

To deal with social security in rural areas step 210, 12.1%. Mainly related to rural low-income housing households housing reconstruction grants, urban and rural health-care Fund, the rural minimum living standard security, such as poverty alleviation. Blue Tang town Concord village, zijin village in Heyuan Gan Zhibin, Zeng Yiyuan, XING Hong Chen, Wu Liming, who used his position, suspected of corruption, Lo-Fi, special poverty relief funds, rural renovation of 385,000 yuan.

  Special raids: "two committees" of personnel in connection with the

It is understood that the special work to highlight and prosecuted two focus groups. A rural "two committees" personnel. From the investigation of the case, "two committees" personnel involved, Kyoritsu 485 persons, accounting for 27.9% of which 262 people, village Party Secretary and village Director, nest characteristic, collusion, association with modus operandi is quite prominent. Liangjing town, Huiyang district, Huizhou Wai long village Committee Secretary and Director of Wen Kuibin 10 ' Committee cadres ' corruption of 11.25 million Yuan compensation case.

Second, primary Agriculture Department personnel. 422 people find in your State Agriculture Department officers in grass-root levels accounted for more than 76.8%, sector leaders highlighted crime. Meizhou city, such as the pig of the procuratorial organs investigated standardized scale series of farming subsidies, Office 31, County (district) animal husbandry Bureau, agriculture Bureau, Deputy Secretary for development and reform, 21.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Land acquisition and compensation in Guangdong

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Information times
广东地方官勾结村干部骗取补偿款 涉案超亿元|征地补偿款|广东_新闻资讯

  信息时报讯 (记者 何小敏 通讯员 陈云飞 韦磊) 为进一步加大查办和预防扶贫、涉农惠民领域职务犯罪工作力度,昨日下午,广东省召开查办和预防扶贫、涉农领域职务犯罪工作座谈会,广东省委常委、政法委书 记林少春、省检察院检察长郑红出席会议并讲话,省纪委、省委组织部、省委农村工作办公室、省扶贫办等27家相关单位负责人参加会议。


  林 少春强调,开展查办和预防扶贫、涉农惠民领域职务犯罪工作,不仅是加强农村基层治理、服务脱贫攻坚战的重要途径,也是落实中央反腐败斗争决策部署,坚持 “老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打的重要举措,各地区各有关部门要从全局和战略高度出发,按照中央和省委的要求,继续深入推进专项工作。

  据 悉,2015年1月至2016年4月,广东检察机关共立查涉农领域职务犯罪案件1324件1737人,占同期立查职务犯罪案件总人数的40.3%,其中, 重特大案件872件1044人,县处级要案43人,厅局级案件3人,通过办案挽回经济损失9684多万元,得到省委书记胡春华批示肯定。


  据 介绍,在专项工作中,检察机关重点查处三大环节职务犯罪。一是查办农村土地资源开发利用环节536人,占涉农犯罪总人数(下同)的30.9%。犯罪主要集 中在农村土地征用补偿领域,多表现为贪贿与渎职犯罪交织,拆迁户、村干部和国家机关工作人员互相勾结,大肆骗取侵吞土地补偿款。如东莞市黄江镇原镇委书记 伦锦洪在土地征收过程中骗取国家土地征地款1亿多元案。


  查 办农村社会保障环节210人,占12.1%。主要涉及到农村低收入住房困难户住房改造补助款、城乡医保资金、农村最低生活保障金、扶贫款等。如河源紫金县 蓝塘镇和睦村村干部甘质彬、曾亦元、陈杏红、邬利明等人利用职务之便,涉嫌贪污低保款、专项扶贫款、农房改造款38.5万元。


  据 了解,专项工作突出查办两个重点群体。一是农村“两委”人员。从查处的案件看,村“两委”人员涉案多,共立查485人,占27.9%;其中村支书和村主任 262人,且窝串案特征明显,内外勾结、合伙作案现象相当突出。如惠州惠阳区良井镇围龙村委会书记兼主任文奎斌等10名两委干部贪污1125万元人民币征 地补偿款案。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

征地补偿款 广东


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