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Expert: Philippine former senior official criticized the West for demonizing China

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Expert: Philippine former senior official criticized the West for demonizing China(专家:菲律宾前任高官批评西方妖魔化中国)

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Expert: Philippine former senior official criticized the West for demonizing China | |-Philippine relations in the Philippines _ news

Original title: experts: former Philippine officials criticized the West for demonizing China

Newly-elected 16th President of how duteerte of the Philippines and the South China Sea disputes? Ability to turn Sino-Philippine relations? Review the development of Sino-Philippine relations, Arroyo in power is the golden era of the development of Sino-Philippine relations, also in China, Philippines to the joint development of oil and gas resources in Nansha 2005-2008 seismic exploration in the early, opening a successful precedent for joint development in the disputed region of South China Sea. However, since Aquino took office, Sino-Philippine relationship falling sharply, especially in the Philippines the Philippines unilaterally sunk to a low ebb after the dispute submitted to arbitration.

Many longtime relations with Philippines politicians and scholars were worried to retrogression in the relations between China and the Philippines. Recently, the Maritime Center of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, former Secretary-General aerweituo·aienkemienda said publicly that exacerbated tension in the South China Sea is the Philippines, rather than long accused Western media of China. He said that China has always tried to negotiate with the Philippine side, but the Philippine side has not responded. He criticized the West for demonizing China, "the first land reclamation of the Philippines. "Before the Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations Lauro Baja, and former Foreign Minister, Rosario Manalo has appealed to the Government as soon as possible bilateral negotiations with China over the South China Sea, Rosario Manalo believes that the Philippines unilaterally instituted arbitration has outraged the South China Sea, China, resulting in deterioration of the situation in the South China Sea. BA viella hotels, University of the Philippines Professor Erin pointed out that bilateral dialogue is the right way to building mutual trust between China and the Philippines, are seen only through bilateral dialogue and consultation in order to make China's sincerity in the Philippines. Luomeier·ban Le Yi, a professor at the University of national defense of the Philippines also believes that the new President should focus on repairing Sino-Philippine relations. These people's point of view reflected in the Philippines the Philippine academic and public opinion to improve urgently the relationship between China and the Philippines looked forward to, and in return Philip strong appeal to bilateral dialogue and consultations to solve the dispute.

It was during the Aquino administration, the Philippines on the South China Sea issue in January 2013 unilaterally instituted mandatory arbitration proceedings, resulting in the Sino-Philippine relations came to a standstill. Aquino of the injustice not only runs counter to the Philippines resolve disputes through negotiation, consensus, and this will not help in the resolution of disputes in the Philippines in the South China Sea and has a direct negative impact on Sino-Philippine relations. For example, in the field of politics and diplomacy and the Philippines while maintaining a certain frequency of visits by leaders of the two countries, but on the brink of stagnation in their level in other areas. Began Yu 1991 of two diplomatic sector official dialogue consultations mechanism total held 19 times official consultations, however by "sea arbitration case" effect, two Zhijian of this regular diplomatic dialogue is Yu June 2013 Hou was forced to stop, so far has "shelved" up 3 years of long; in trade cooperation field, China in recent years on Philippines investment total in ASEAN internal by accounted for of share not rose anti-drop, currently only maintained in 2% around of share, It also reflected from one aspect attractive to invest in the Philippines than before, if that momentum continues to grow, and will have a serious negative impact on Sino-Philippine trade and economic cooperation; in the area of cultural exchange, civil interactions are apparent setbacks, has weakened the humanistic Foundation of bilateral cooperation. Relevant data show that nearly 3 years significantly reduced number of tourists visiting the Philippines, fell by as much as 70%, showing a "Cliff" down trend, China's largest source of foreign tourists from the Philippines dropped to fourth-largest source of foreign tourists. It can be said that Sino-Philippine relations because the Philippines brought "South China Sea arbitration case" the negative impact is omni-directional, stereo, multiple layers, has been threatening to the establishment of Sino-Philippine strategic cooperation between the two countries.

However, since its duteerte was elected President, striving to regain a consensus between the Government and the restoration of mutual trust between improved bilateral relations between China and the Philippines have been released in good faith. On May 30, XI Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages to the Chairman duteerte was elected President, also reiterated that China will push Sino-Philippine relations back to the track of healthy development of policy positions. Meanwhile, after duteerte was elected the new President Philip, first met with Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines in Davao City Zhao Jianhua, and clearly said to the Chinese side is willing to work to improve relations.

(Source: the global times)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Philippines-Philippine relations

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  许多长期关注中菲关系的菲律宾政治家和学者都为中菲关系的倒退而忧心忡忡。最近,菲律宾外交部海事中心前秘书长阿尔韦托·埃恩科米恩达就公开表示,加剧南海局势紧张的正是菲律宾方面,而非西方媒体长期指责的中国。他说,中方一直试图和菲方谈判,但菲方一直没有回应。他批评西方在妖魔化中国,“第一个填海造陆的是菲律宾。”菲前常驻联合国代表劳罗·巴哈和前外长罗萨里奥·马纳洛都呼吁政府尽快与中国就南海展开双边谈判, 罗萨里奥·马纳洛认为,菲律宾单方面提起南海仲裁的行为激怒了中国,致使南海局势恶化。菲律宾大学教授艾琳·巴维耶拉指出,双边对话才是中菲重建互信的正确途径,也只有通过双边对话和协商才能让中国看到菲律宾的诚意。菲律宾国防大学教授罗梅尔·班乐义也认为新总统应着力修复中菲关系。这些菲律宾有识之士的观点反映了菲学界和民间舆论对于改善中菲关系的迫切期待,和对中菲回归双边对话协商解决南海争议的强烈呼吁。




责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

菲律宾 中菲关系


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