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Experts talk about the National Security Committee: owners should be the country’s top leaders

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Experts talk about the National Security Committee: owners should be the country’s top leaders(专家谈国安委:负责人应是国家最高领导人)

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Experts on National Security Committee: operators should be the country's top leaders | | | the third plenary session of the national security of the National Security Committee _ news

 National security

Innovating social governance, must focus on maintaining the fundamental interests of the people, the maximum increase harmonious factors, enhance social development, improve the level of social governance, the interests of national security, and ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order. How to improve social governance, stimulate energy, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts, and improve public safety system. Establishment of the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security.


The national security coordination and raising of

How to set up a National Security Council?

China institutes of contemporary international relations, counter-terrorism research center director Li Wei said in an interview with Beijing Youth daily reporter, set up a National Security Council, is increasing in response to possible future major incidents a matter of national security interests. For improving national security system is concerned, this is a drastic step.

In recent years, the academics there are many voices that China's complex international environment, should be the formation of the National Security Committee.

Li Wei believes that decided to establish a National Security Council, in addition to changes in the international situation, more important is to focus on the future and potential uncertainty, can be said to be "better safe than sorry" considerations. As a major incident involving national security and crisis response and management's highest decision-making body, in line with the demands of a modern country.

The National Security Council will play a role?

Li Wei believes that national Security Council for national security and national interest first to work out a long-term strategy, which is the top level planning. Meanwhile, given the current international context of traditional and non-traditional security issues, and to respond to emergencies both play a strategic role. National Security Council, will play a decisive role for the long-term stability of China in the near future.

Generally refers to the traditional security issues relating to military conflicts between States, involving national security issues of territorial sovereignty. Non-traditional security issues are on except for the military, political and diplomatic factors that pose a threat to national sovereignty, which will typically include financial security, environmental security, economic security, such as terrorism, piracy.

Advantages of integrated strategy at the national level safety?

Observers believe that, at the national level to major strategic planning involving national security, Foreign Affairs, may better play a co-ordinating role.

Wei believed that established the National Security Council, increase national security coordination level, better coordination of existing departments, preventing waste of resources.

For example, an unexpected event led to disruption of sea lanes, in this case, just on the transport or energy sectors may not be able to respond to and need for coordination as a whole. In addition, sometimes the contingency plans submitted by a single sector may be limited to sectoral interests could not be better, more comprehensive solution to the crisis and therefore must be conducted on a higher level.

Terrorism, for example. In August, national counter-terrorism coordination group is upgraded to the anti-terrorism task force to better coordinate the various functional departments, mobilizing national resources to targeted strengthening counter-terrorism efforts in the major area. But the inadequacy of mechanisms to address the root causes of terrorism and the soil, and the National Security Council to develop a comprehensive response to terrorism at the higher levels strategies, programmes and measures to implement, will make more effective deterrent to terrorism.

Yue Gang of military experts also said in Twitter, the National Security Council to solve the problem of security decisions are so weak in the past, for example, on the external security policy, foreign-led Foreign Affairs leadership team is responsible for, in the face of comprehensive security threats, it is difficult to hold the defence, economic, and public security forces into one fist, hit a punch.

How National Security Council structured?

Li Wei, as the highest decision-making bodies of national security, should be the leader of the nation, the head of the Commission. Committees may include Foreign Affairs, public security, the military, transportation, health, home, and other members of the Department. In order to facilitate daily work, may be set up under the Office of the National Security Committee.

Different from other national Security Council?

Li Wei said, the United States, Russia and many other countries have national security Committee or similar body. From the modern international security, security for all of the Commission's basic functions are the same. But according to their position and role in international relations, dealing with some issues there may be different, but there is no fundamental difference.

International expert Zhang guoqing of the Chinese Academy of social sciences said in Twitter, it's time to set up the National Security Council, with international practice, is significant.

Text/reporter is Miss Queenie Lau


China's central leading group on national security

In 1981, decided to resume the Central Foreign Affairs leading group, CPC, Central Foreign Affairs leading group shall set up offices for "Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council". In September 2000, the CPC Central Committee decided to form a "Central leading group of the national security", and "the Central Foreign Affairs leading group" offices, two brands, a set of institutions.

Central leading group for national security (the Central Foreign Affairs leading group), in charge of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Standing Committee, is in charge of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the concerned members and have a close working relationship with Foreign Affairs, national security agency composed of Ministers, which is responsible for Foreign Affairs, national security, major problems in the area of decision-making.

Apart from the President, the Vice Presidents and deputy leader and members including Vice Premier of the State Council or the State Councilor for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of defence, the Ministry of public security, Ministry of State security, Ministry of Commerce, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the head of the overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the information Office, and the Central propaganda Department, the head of the Minister and senior officers of the General staff, and so on.


National Security Council

United States National Security Council is the United States President's staff is one of the, was established in July 1947, by the Chairman of the President, whose members include the Vice President and Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Minister of finance, the Secretary for emergency preparedness, the Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, and the President's national security adviser. Its main role is to harmonize the United States Interior, defense and foreign policy, and make recommendations to the President, but is not a decision-making body.

Subsidiary organs of the Security Committee is the President of the Russian Federation in 1992, according to Russia established constitutional law, security law and presidential decree, whose function is to review important State and social security building, develop an integrated national security policy.

Japan cabinet meeting decided on June 7 this year, in favour of the establishment of the National Security Council, in order to enhance the Prime Minister's Office leadership on diplomatic and security challenges. Pursuant to the proposal, Japan Prime Minister, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Foreign Minister and Defense Minister will meet regularly to discuss common foreign and security policy. If you have an emergency, relevant sectoral ministers will also join the meeting.



To address constraints the outstanding contradictions and problems of development of national defense and army building, innovative development of military doctrine, military strategic guidance, improve military strategy in the new period, building a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. To deepen military adjustment of personnel system reform, promoting the reform of military policy regime, promote the development of military and civilian integration depth.


Civil-military integration requires countries push long-term strategic planning

Military experts Yue Gang said in a Twitter community mentioned in the Communique "the outstanding contradictions and problems of national defense and army building", refers to the level of military modernization and not adapted to win informationized local wars under request, military capabilities and the new century and new stage historical mission of our army, they aren't involved.

According to the modernization of national defense and army building "three-step" strategic thinking, and strive to achieve mechanization by 2020, information technology made significant progress. Earlier, XI Jinping has stressed on many occasions the importance of strengthening national defense modernization.

On November 5, just before the convening of the third plenary session, XI Jinping visits University of science and technology for national defense, stressed, we should vigorously promote scientific and technological progress and innovation, efforts in the area of forward-looking, strategic place.

In March this year, XI Jinping to attend the 12 plenary session of the national people's Congress meeting of the PLA delegation also stressed that the further development of military and civilian integration the big article, adhere to the demand, State-led and strive to create a depth of infrastructure and important area of civil-military integration patterns of development.

At the National Defense University professor said Maj Gen Jiang in an interview with the media once said that strategic planning is a system design, and overall layout. Military and civilian integration development strategy planning is essential. Military and civilian integration development as a long-term systematic project involving two major systems and multi-stakeholder relations, requiring the State to push through long-term strategic planning. Text/reporter Liu Yi

(Original title: China will set up a National Security Council)

(Edit: SN069)November 13, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily(专家谈国安委:负责人应是国家最高领导人|国家安全委员会|国家安全|三中全会_新闻资讯























  文/本报记者 刘一




















  国防大学教授姜鲁鸣此前在接受媒体采访时曾经表示,战略规划是系统设计,也是整体布局。军民融合式发展战略规划至关重要。军民融合式发展作为一项长期的系统工程,涉及军地两大系统和多方利益关系,需要国家通过长期战略规划来强力推进。文/本报记者 刘一



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