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Shen Liangliang father: grandson wanted him to get up to be a soldier

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/11 7:39:31 Browse times: 149 Comment times: 0

Shen Liangliang father: grandson wanted him to get up to be a soldier(申亮亮父亲:孙子长大后想让他去当兵)

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Shen Liangliang father: grandchildren grow up, I want to get him to join the army | Shen Liangliang | father _ news

Original title: Shen Liangliang father: grandson still want him to get up to be a soldier

Zhang Yongjin

Military network in Jilin, China, June 10, the morning of June 10, Shen Liangliang martyrs funeral ceremony was held in Yongji County, in Jilin city, Jilin province, the funeral home. Martyrs's relatives, military leaders, troops and the community representative for the hero of the masses off. Shen Liangliang martyr story set against a subsequent interview, the reporter learned that, Shen Liangliang army for 11 years, only 880 days off at home. Comrades said Shen Liangliang is for enthusiastic, fearing neither hardship not tired, is an optimistic man, always gave the family the bad. Shen Liangliang's father Shen Tianguo flow with tears in an interview said: "the son's voice is in sight, his loyalty to the party, his love for the troops, it is in my heart. My grandson is 7 years old, he grew up in my family still wants him to join the army, to contribute to the party, the State and the army! ”

Shen Liangliang comrade Zhang Zhen said squad leader for enthusiastic, fearing neither hardship not tired.
Shen Liangliang comrades Cui Qingzhu said that: the monitor is an optimistic man, bad for my family.
Shen Liangliang father (right) in an interview.
"Bright as soldiers for so many years, this is my first time to force" bright father Shen Tianguo, saying, "I want to be in a very bright in the troops leave a shadow."

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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Shen Liangliang father

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  中国军网吉林6月10日电 6月10日上午,申亮亮烈士遗体告别仪式在吉林省吉林市永吉县殡仪馆举行。烈士亲属、军地领导、部队官兵和社会各界群众代表为英雄送行。 在随后的对申亮亮烈士事迹集中采访中,记者了解到,申亮亮当兵11年,在家休假的时间只有一百七八十天。战友们说申亮亮是个工作热情高,不怕苦不怕累,是个乐观的人,经常给家人报喜不报忧。申亮亮的父亲申天国在接受采访时流着泪说道:“儿子的音容就在眼前,他对党的忠诚、他对部队的热爱,就在我的心里。小孙子7岁了,他长大后我们家人还是想让他去当兵,去为党、国家和军队多做贡献!”



申亮亮 父亲


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