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Resolving “Venezuela will deadbeat loans in China“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/11 7:39:28 Browse times: 142 Comment times: 0

Resolving “Venezuela will deadbeat loans in China“(解析“委内瑞拉会不会赖账中国贷款”)

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Resolving "Venezuela will deadbeat loans in China |" Venezuela _ news

Original title: Venezuela will "default" (wanghailou)

Recently, a number of media reports of "Venezuela prepared to repudiate the Chinese loan" affair, also talk online. Some said "Venezuela reluctant to loan in China", some said "Venezuela broke, no money back to China", and said "Chinese money to ' waste '." Venezuela will really do default? Let us calm down and think about it.

  Question one: Venezuela reluctant to repay loans in China now?

First thing to note is that, to date, Venezuela debt properly, does not default on its debt. International media President Maduro's recent press conference, stressed that normal servicing of external debt, has accumulated nearly 3 years to repay US $ 35.9 billion, even in the case of economic difficulties this year, went ahead as scheduled to repay more than 5 billion dollars in the first quarter. Board Vice President, Foreign Minister, also came forward to clear commitments, said Wei since 90 's of the last century, there have been no defaults, and surely will not in the future. Venezuela reluctant to default, and do not dare to default. In case of default, sovereign debt rating would be substantially lower cash flows frozen overseas assets had been seized, it will no longer be possible any financing from international markets. Therefore, even if the Government "tightening their belts" will continue to pay his debts, make every effort to avoid default.

  Problem two: economic collapse, do not even want to pay?

The current economy is indeed very difficult, 8% economic growth this year, inflation will be 720%, but the overall normal oil production and sales. As we all know, sitting on the world's biggest oil reserves, has proven reserves of about 300 billion barrels, accounting for 18% per cent of the global total, at least 300 years. Oil is known as "black gold", has a very strong "realisation". According to the data released by the Organization of petroleum exporting countries, Wei's current oil production is about 2.5 million barrels per day and exports remained stable, daily cash flow has more than 80 million dollars of the oil trade. As long as the situation is on the whole stable, oil production and sales operation, does not not have the money to pay off his debts. Of course, like Venezuela partners in economic hardship, think about the long term, China provided some help, in our hearts and in principle should be, this is the correct view of the proper meaning. There was speculation, and so few financing cooperation in public information, be sure there is a problem. In my opinion, financing cooperation between the financial institutions and commercial co-operation between enterprises, financial and energy security, trade secrets, confidential's international practice on specific details. To note is that some Western media more interested in this thing, also a lot of hype, this intention is worth pondering.

  Problem three: the rebels once they are in power, will adopt a hostile attitude toward China, debt default?

At present, the struggle fiercer, opposition claims that President Maduro to step down within the year. Politics is in to be "fun", but the community's generally friendly to China, that China's capital and technology is very important for national development, should continue to carry out cooperation with China. For any country, regardless of which party, developing economy and improving people's living standards are a top priority. Now, China has become the world's second largest economy, should have powers of self-confidence and strategic power. Around the world, which don't want to ride the express train of economic development? Furthermore, cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win, Venezuela won the international financing and export markets and resources into the development and welfare of the people and China enjoy a long-term and stable supplies of oil, led to a large number of enterprises "going out".

Bilateral cooperation in development today, large scale, well, thick, has become an important "Ballast" cooperation in ship does not, as some people put it, "says".

Source: people's daily overseas edition

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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  委当前经济确实十分困难,经济今年负增长8%,通货膨胀将达720%,但石油生产和销售总体正常。众所周知,委坐拥世界最大的石油储备,已探明储量约3000亿桶,占全球总量的18%,至少可开采300年。石油被称为“黑色金子”,具有极强的“变现”能力。据石油输出国组织公布的数据,委当前石油产量 约250万桶/天,出口也保持稳定,每天油贸产生的现金流就有8000多万美元。只要形势总体保持稳定,石油生产和销售运转正常,委不会拿不出钱来还债。 当然,对于像委内瑞拉这样处于经济困境中的合作伙伴,从长远考虑,中方提供一些力所能及的帮助,于情于理都是应该的,这也是正确义利观的应有之义。有人揣测,中委融资合作公开的信息这么少,一定出现了问题。笔者认为,中委融资合作是两国金融机构和企业间开展的商业性合作,涉及金融和能源安全等商业机密,有关具体细节对外保密是国际惯例。要注意的是,一些西方媒体对这事似乎更感兴趣,各种炒作也很多,个中用意值得玩味。


  当前,委朝野斗争激烈,反对派宣称将在年内赶马杜罗总统下台。委政坛虽斗得“不亦乐乎”,但委社会各界对华普遍持友好态度,都认为中国的资金和技术对委国家 发展十分重要,应继续同中国开展合作。对任何国家而言,不管哪个党派执政,发展经济、提高人民生活水平都是第一要务。现在,中国已成为全球第二大经济体, 应该有大国自信和战略定力。放眼全球,哪个国家不想搭上中国经济发展的快车?再者,中委合作是互利共赢的,委方获得了国际融资和石油出口市场,将资源优势 转化成了发展动力和人民福祉;中方则获得了长期稳定的石油供应,带动了大批企业“走出去”。






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