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Guangxi was torn pants phones robbed lawyer refused to accept Marshal apology

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Guangxi was torn pants phones robbed lawyer refused to accept Marshal apology(广西遭撕裤手机被抢夺律师拒接受法警道歉)

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Being torn pants phones robbed in Guangxi lawyers refused to accept Marshal apology | Wu Liangshu | lawyers _ half naked news
Guangxi, Guo Hai Wu Liangshu law

Wu Liangshu says joint investigation team "does not belong to the beat of" dissatisfied with the conclusions, not accepted on the basis of an apology would take legal means to claim the rights, Marshal involved criminal accountability.

To court the filing formalities, but Marshal torn pants snatch the phone, lawyer with Guangxi, Guo Hai Wu Liangshu story caused an uproar in the legal profession, hundreds of lawyers issued a joint statement requested court, qingxiu district, Nanning city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, when surveillance video of the incident, and the judicial police, the judge concerned.

The morning of June 10, over more than 10 lawyers gathered in Nanning held a "Wu Liangshu lawyers human rights seminar". The meeting, Wu Liangshu says joint investigation team "does not belong to the beat of" dissatisfied with the conclusions, not accepted on the basis of an apology would take legal means to claim the rights, Marshal involved criminal accountability.

  Lawyers court violence

Qingxiu district on June 3 in what happened to the Court? Wu Liangshu and several lawyers who have watched surveillance tape restores with the scene at the time.

Processing contract dispute cases for proxies, around 9 o'clock, Wu Liangshu court filing procedures. Reception qingxiu women judges said the case did not belong to the jurisdiction of the Court, Wu Liangshu explained to no avail and asked the pickup receipt issued by the judge in accordance with the provisions, then rejected. "Do you want to receive a receipt, go to reception of letters and calls. "At the request of Wu Liangshu repeatedly, the judge sent a bailiff to bring Wu Liangshu to petition reception office.

Wu Liangshu said the multi-party negotiations, the petition room the judges still refuse to issue a receipt receipt. Qingxiu District Court found Wu Liangshu discipline inspection group complaints, disciplinary inspection group is a woman judge to petition reception office to receive Wu Liangshu. In the meantime, a judge questioned Wu Liangshu phone recordings, Wu Liangshu said no, the judge is asked to check mobile phones, was rejected by the Wu Liangshu. Since then, judges and judicial police repeatedly asked to check cell phone, Wu Liangshu refused and asked to show a legal basis.

Wu Liangshu says, it's about nine 11:30, a Marshal suddenly snatch it in his pants pocket phone. Wu Liangshu hold tight don't let go, another Marshal entered from outside the door, hold Wu Liangshu neck from behind. Wu Liangshu is suppressed in the PJE, with his feet on the ground and cover your mouth and nose to stop its crying. Marshal tore Wu Liangshu pants, pants torn, mobile phone fly left out, breaking the screen.

After checking the phone recording was not found, Wu Liangshu control reception of letters and calls. Until after 14 o'clock in the afternoon, Nanning city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region law Concord Law leadership under negotiations, Wu Liangshu was allowed to leave.

Qingxiu District Court on June 3 released "lawyer with Guangxi Guo Hai Wu Liangshu qingxiu District Court to handle business matters through" communication. Said Wu Liangshu lawyer "agitated and filing the Hall shouting," "receiving visits, Wu Liangshu admitted to recording the Court." Wu Liangshu trousers were torn and communications Description: "marshal its forces to check cell phone, Wu Liangshu upon seeing this, put the phone into the Pocket, pull on both sides, pulling, Wu Liangshu bear in his pocket, causing Wu Liangshu of outer pants off line. ”

In this regard, Wu Liangshu Caijing reporters, lawyers, in the Office lobby, he did not "emotional", "shout", but insisted on peacefully pickup receipt issued by the judge in accordance with the provisions, also said that recognition of the court recording, pants are powerful torn or "outer pants off line" photo is very clear.

His argument was already watching the surveillance video of the lawyer with Guo Hai Lu Tinghai lawyers confirmed.

Wu Liangshu cringe. He said that during the period he was controlling in letters and calls reception, in the video you can clearly hear a Marshal said in a loud voice, his torn trousers to frame Court, "I was really afraid of monitored device ' broken '. ”

Wu Liangshu, who narrates the difference and have informed the Court, qingxiu Caijing reporters tried to contact the President of the Court materials interviews in the forest, but he is not answering his cell phone. Caijing reporters text messages to Wu Liangshu said "judicial police said he tore the pants framed Court" issues such as an application sent to the wood in the forest, to press time ago without reply.

  Collective watching surveillance video

Led by the Nanning municipal Committee of political and Legislative Affairs Committee, the Nanning city intermediate people's Court, the police, the judiciary, bar associations and other units to form June 7 released the preliminary findings of the joint investigation group. Said site monitoring video displayed, Marshal on Wu Liangshu by implementation of Rob phone, and behind control, and closed, and put pour in to, and foot chest, action, occurred in one minutes within, purpose is to forced check its phone within has no without allowed of recording video, and Marshal in got phone Hou immediately release on Wu Liangshu of control, "and no hurt of deliberately, not belongs to beat".

Preliminary investigation to invoke the Supreme People's Court on safeguarding people's courts violated the order of the provisions of article views: seventh: "complaint letters and visits places shall be equipped with facilities for the storage, complaint letters and visits from staff should be carried with photos, sound recordings, video-enabled devices to register. Photo taking, audio and video without permission, the judicial police shall stop, delete the recording, and for perpetrators to be admonished. ”

Investigations concluded that the judicial police the right to stop, remove unauthorized recording, but the bailiff of the hospital "in the case of no evidence Wu Liangshu recording, using coercive means to check their cell phones, beyond the scope of the legal statutory authority to use coercive means, is an act of abuse of force. ”

Joint survey group proposed 5 points processing views: a is green show District Court to Wu Liangshu lawyer public apologized, and compensation loss; II is green show District Court law to Wu Liangshu lawyer issued received filed material of voucher, and law timely told filed review results; three is, Nanning city, Intermediate Court started responsibility survey program, in accordance with about provides held related personnel responsibility, and to social informed results; four is green show District Court strictly implementation filed registration system, further improved work style Five qingxiu District Court is assuring that lawyers practise according to law the rights and legal rights.

8th, joint investigation teams to invite Wu Liangshu and its lawyers and Wu Liangshu lawyers law firms, lawyers on behalf of the Director, Deputy Director, Nanning city, Guangxi Autonomous Region, two-level association leadership, qingxiu District Court transferred to the surveillance video, and to report the progress of the investigation Wu Liangshu lawyer.

Before you watch the video, qingxiu District Court President Wu Liangshu publicly apologized and expressed willingness to compensate. Wu Liangshu said, he told the joint investigation team "does not belong to the beat" conclusions do not agree, Marshal involved processing results are not clear, yet before you watch the video, refused to accept the apology and compensation.

  Lawyers filed criminal charges

Hundreds of joint statement lawyers believe that career lawyers in the court case "is so brutal and cruel treatment", nature, serious violations of rights in which lawyers practise, undermines the basic dignity of lawyer, asked the Court seriously dealt with according to law the judge concerned and the judicial police.

On June 6, the National Association's official website issued a notice, saying the survey letter has been issued on this things to Guangxi Lawyers Association.

On June 10, "Wu Liangshu solicitors ' rights workshop", the lawyers studied law on the matter discussed. Lawyer Yang Xuelin believes that marshal the parties meet the constitutive elements of crime of illegal searches, recommended Wu Liangshu and its lawyers to the public prosecutor's Office charged, be investigated for criminal liability of parties Marshal. Lawyer, tanyongpei, said, bailiffs Act also constitutes the crime of insult, if the public prosecutor's Office does not prosecute Marshal, Wu Liangshu can also Marshal of the parties on charges of insulting a criminal prosecution.

In addition, counsel also referenced the joint investigation group of the Supreme People's Court on the legal safeguard the people's complaint letters and visits of the court opinions and discussed the legal status of the order. Most lawyers believe that this opinion is only an internal rules of the court system, and its provisions against recording at the petition site, public supervisory authority contrary to the constitutional right of State organs and their staff members, should not be legally binding.

Wu Hui Wu Liangshu delegate and tanchen life the two lawyers as his agent. The two lawyers said in a statement, violence by Yu Qingxiu court bailiffs and other staff members suspected of crime, have qingxiu Prosecutor's Office filed a criminal complaint, and qingxiu qingxiu Court transfer the full video review of the Prosecutor's Office as evidence.

Lawyers at the seminar, said that lawyers often encounter a variety of unfair treatment in the course of practice, practice environment, they called on related departments to Wu Liangshu events as an opportunity to learn from details on the implementation of the Central spirit, truly safeguard the lawful rights and interests of lawyers in the course of their practice. The magazine Yin Yue/text

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Wu Liangshu half naked lawyer

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  因代理一起加工承揽合同纠纷案件,当日9时许,吴良述到法院办理立案手续。接待的女法官称该案不属于青秀法院管辖,吴良述解释无果,遂要求法官 按照 规定出具收件回执,再遭拒。“你要收件回执,就去信访接待室要。”在吴良述一再要求下,法官派一名法警将吴良述带到信访接待室。

  吴良述称,多方交涉,信访室接待法官仍然拒绝出具收件回执。吴良述找到青秀区法院纪检组投诉,纪检组一位女法官到信访接待室接待吴良述。在此期 间, 一位法官提出怀疑吴良述用手机录音,吴良述表示没有,该法官要求检查手机,被吴良述拒绝。其后,法官和法警多次要求检查手机,吴良述依然拒绝并要求出示法 律依据。

  吴良述称,大约在11时30分,一名法警突然伸手抢夺其放在裤子口袋的手机。吴良述紧紧护住不放手,另一名法警从门外进入,从身后勒住吴良述的 脖子。吴良述被压制在地,法警用脚将之踩在地上并捂住口鼻制止其呼喊。法警撕扯吴良述裤子,将裤子扯破,手机飞甩出来,屏幕破碎。


  青秀区法院于6月3日晚发布“关于广西国海律师事务所律师吴良述到青秀区法院办理业务的事情经过”的通报。称吴良述律师“情绪激动,在立案大厅 大声 嚷嚷”,“在接访中,吴良述承认对法院进行录音录像”。对吴良述裤子被撕烂的情况,通报中这样描述:“法警即对其进行强制检查手机,吴良述见状,将手机放 到裤袋里,双方因此发生拉扯,拉扯中,吴良述紧捂裤袋,导致吴良述的外裤脱线。”






  由南宁市委政法委牵头,南宁市中级法院、公安局、司法局、律师协会等单位组成联合调查组6月7日发布初步调查结果。称现场监控视频显示,法警对 吴良 述所实施的抢夺手机、背后控制、关门、放倒在地、脚踏胸口等动作,发生在一分钟之内,目的是为了强制检查其手机内有无未经准许的录音录像,且法警在拿到手 机后立即松开对吴良述的控制,“并没有伤害的故意,不属于殴打”。

  初步调查引用《最高人民法院关于依法维护人民法院申诉信访秩序的意见》第七条的规定:“申诉信访场所应当配备物品寄存设施,申诉信访人员,应当 将所 携带的具有拍照、录音、录像功能的设备予以寄存。未经准许拍照、录音、录像的,司法警察应当予以制止,删除拍录内容,并可以对行为人予以训诫。”


  联合调查组提出5点处理意见:一是青秀区法院向吴良述律师公开赔礼道歉,并赔偿损失;二是青秀区法院依法向吴良述律师出具接收立案材料的凭证, 并依 法及时告知立案审查结果;三是南宁市中级法院启动责任调查程序,依照有关规定追究相关人员责任,并向社会通报结果;四是青秀区法院严格落实立案登记制度, 进一步改进工作作风;五是青秀区法院依法保障律师执业权利及合法权利。




  近千名律师的联合声明认为,职业律师在法院办案 “被如此野蛮、残暴之对待”, 性质恶劣,严重侵犯律师的执业权益,损害了律师职业的基本尊严,要求法院依法严肃处理涉事法官和法警。


  在6月10日的“吴良述律师执业维权研讨会”上,律师们就此事进行了多方面的法律探讨。律师杨学林认为,当事法警的行为符合非法搜查罪的构成要 件, 建议吴良述及其代理律师向检察院控告,追究当事法警的刑事责任。律师覃永沛表示,法警的行为也符合侮辱罪的构成,如果检察院不对法警提起公诉,吴良述也可 以以侮辱罪对当事法警提出刑事自诉。

  此外,律师还就联合调查组引用的《最高人民法院关于依法维护人民法院申诉信访秩序的意见》的法律地位进行了探讨。多数律师认为,该意见只是法院 系统 的一个内部规定,其禁止在信访场所录音录像的规定,与民众对国家机关及其工作人员有监督权的宪法权利相悖,不应该具有法律约束力。


  律师们在研讨会上说,律师在执业过程中经常遭遇各种不公待遇,执业环境恶劣,他们呼吁相关部门以吴良述事件为契机,吸取教训,从细节上落实中央精神,实实在在地保障律师在执业过程中的合法权益。《财经》杂志 尹岳/文

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

吴良述 半裸律师


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