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CCTV China United States rail cooperation ran aground: Chinese enterprises must be familiar with the rules of the game

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/11 7:34:24 Browse times: 191 Comment times: 0

CCTV China United States rail cooperation ran aground: Chinese enterprises must be familiar with the rules of the game(央视评中国美国高铁合作搁浅:中国企业要熟悉游戏规则)

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CCTV China United States rail cooperation ran aground: Chinese companies to be familiar with the rules of the game | high-speed rail _ news

Original title: the United States has stopped cooperation with China's high-speed train, several mean?

Wang Yahong

China United States first high-speed rail projects likely to have a miscarriage. Last September, company reached an agreement with the China railway United States private railway company Western Express, June 9, unilaterally announced the termination of the cooperation.

Western Express website screenshots

Western Express companies:

Termination of cooperation: the biggest obstacle comes from the United States Federal Government provides high-speed trains must be in the United States manufacturing, access permissions required to push forward the construction of Chinese companies.

According to the 2009 United States recovery and Reinvestment Act article 1605th, involving aviation, railways and road transport projects, such as building materials and operating equipment, must be made by United States domestic manufacturing, except in a few special cases.

Statement for unilateral termination of cooperation of the Western Express, China railway company also gives a response.

China railway company the latest responses:

United States West express company with China railway international company United States signed the agreement, unilaterally released news of the termination of the project in cooperation, this behavior is wrong and irresponsible, we oppose and be dealt with according to law.

Both sides agreed in the framework of cooperation agreement, either release the relevant information, must be approved by the consent of the other party.

Us terminates high-speed rail projects, how should the rights of the Chinese side? Upon termination of this partnership on high-speed rail cooperation between what would be the impact?

  CCTV comments: high-speed rail between China and cooperation does not draw a full stop

The US company said in a statement, terminating a business relationship is that there are difficulties related to compliance in a timely manner, and its Chinese partner, the approval of the necessary to advance the project faces challenges. Company officials said the biggest difficulty remains the United States Federal Government requirements, namely, high-speed trains must be in United States domestic production.

The localization rate itself is a typical non-tariff barriers in international trade. Early in 1933, the United States Congress enacted the purchase of United States goods Act and regulations Federal Government agencies must give priority to United States manufacturing of the final product. So-called United States manufacturing the final product consists of two standards, one for the product in the United States manufacturing, second is the degree of domestic, which is the product in the United States manufacturing parts to over 50%. Although the Act did not prohibit federal institutions from buying foreign goods, but the request will be assessed in the 6% to the price of foreign products to 12%, which makes foreign products cost more than domestic products, actually have been to exclude foreign products the possibilities of winning.

After the great depression to the present, although much progress has been made in terms of liberalization of the international trading system, but United States trade protectionism has long had deep roots, unofficial barriers will appear in various forms, while United States Government called the high-speed trains must be in United States production is "localization" barriers to new examples.

  Enterprises to understand the rules of positive rights at the national level should enhance communication

Chinese companies in the United States development projects, but also familiar with the United States the rules of the game, a variety of tariff and non-tariff barriers must be familiar with, or accidentally fall into the trade trap. To troubleshoot these problems, on the one hand the enterprise level to increase risk awareness, understanding local rules, and encouraged me to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Enterprises have responded to spare no effort in safeguarding, in the face of United States unilateral excuse, reasonable interests to Chinese companies.

Moreover, apart from the enterprise to understand the rules, positive rights, but communication is also important at the national level. For example, in this week's just-concluded China-us strategic and economic dialogue, contains contents of the railway cooperation. Said the outcome document of the Conference, China's State railway company and United States trade and Development Agency decided in the next two years to support the two reverse trade missions from China's state railways, helping Chinese railway officials and businesses are familiar with United States freight rail capacity expansion of best practices, equipment and technology. Believe top design of bilateral economic cooperation, will work together for the future of high-speed rail plays a positive role in promoting.

  China high-speed rail cooperation difficulties fully estimate and optimistic about the future

High-speed trains and nuclear power equipment is China's export of electromechanical products the two leading players in nearly two years in the "going global" plays an important role. China's high-speed rail projects have been in many overseas countries have settled in, United States market, it has always been one of the major breakthroughs. Chinese-made trains before successfully entered the Boston market has gained good reputation in the market for Chinese companies.

But it turns out, breakthroughs in the key market, underestimation of the difficulties that some of the Chinese side. Apart from the high-speed rail vehicles local manufacturing of "localization" barriers, but also there is a potential risk in environmental assessment. In addition, according to World Bank estimates, China's construction cost is 1-1 per km of high iron. 2.5 billion RMB and United States California high-speed rail construction costs (not including land, rolling stock and the construction period interest) up to $ 52 million per kilometer. This means the United States is the cost of high-speed rail in China more than three times, which makes the financing and operation of China is facing a "uncharted waters".

Of course, in terms of high speed rail cooperation must fully estimate the difficulties and remain optimistic about the future. High-speed rail construction, United States lagged far behind China, Japan and Europe, and the United States does not produce high speed rail vehicle supplier in China. United States in high-speed rail has a wide demand, China has in recent years achieved rapid development, so the two countries persist in cooperation based on the high-speed rail project is, it will not change as the stranding of a statement or a project. Found the problem, maintain contacts, China high-speed train whistle still ringing.

Placed in the perspective of macro-considerations, the United States suddenly announcing the end of China's first high-speed rail in the United States, does not mean the end of bilateral cooperation in rail, think of it as the beginning of cooperation running episode.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
High speed rail

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  对国产化比率的要求是国际贸易中一种典型的非关税壁垒。早在1933年,美国国会就制订了《购买美国货法案》,规定联邦政府机构的采购必须优先考虑美国制造的最终产品。所谓美国制造的最终产品包括两个标准,其一为该产品在美国制造,其二是国产化程度,也就是该产品中由美国制造的部分要达到50%以上。该法案虽未禁止联邦机构购买国外产品,但要求在评估时将国外产品的价格上调6%至12% ,从而使外国产品的价格高于本国产品,实际上已基本排除外国产品中标的可能性。


  中企要了解规则 积极维权 国家层面应加强沟通



  高铁合作 中国既要对困难充分估计 又要对前景保持乐观


  不过事实证明,在重点市场突破方面,中方对各方面的困难有些估计不足。除了上述高铁车辆需要本地制造的“国产化壁垒”外,在环保评估等方面也存在潜在的风险。此外,据世界银行测算,我国建设高铁的成本为每公里1-1.25 亿元人民币,而美国加利福尼亚高铁的建设成本(不包括土地、机车车辆和建设期利息)甚至高达每公里5200万美元。这意味着美国高铁的成本是中国的三倍多,这使得在融资和运营方面中方也面临一块“未知水域”。






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