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Texas “jumped to his Deputy Mayor“ on trial

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/10 8:55:29 Browse times: 194 Comment times: 0

Texas “jumped to his Deputy Mayor“ on trial(德州“跳楼副市长”受审现场)

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Texas "jumped to his Deputy Mayor" on trial

The morning of June 8, dezhou city Vice Mayor Huang Jinzhong of corruption and bribery case in Jinan City intermediate people's Court in a public hearing. Huang Jinzhong April 26, 2015 by the discipline Inspection Commission investigation killed jumping off and on is called "jumping Deputy Mayor". After a year of therapy, he was able to walk on their own, but still lame State.

"Flat three" (micro-public number: sdbaosanyang), near the end of the trial, Huang Jinzhong loud, pleading tearfully for at least 5 minutes, the final statement. He is in court, said the sentence commuted.

He said that 25 years ago, his mother told him "don't be greedy for money", "woman", but on this issue, precisely, he had committed a crime.

  丨 mouth Li

The morning of June 8, intermediate people's Court of Jinan City public hearing, former Vice Mayor of dezhou Huang Jinzhong (Deputy departmental level) of corruption and bribery case.

Jinan in the hospital official micro-letter said, prosecutorial organ allegations: 2004 to 2014, accused Huang Jinzhong using served as Shandong province Yucheng Mayor, and municipal Secretary, and dezhou City District Secretary, and dezhou Deputy Mayor of positions convenience, misappropriation public funds, and property, amounts huge; using positions convenience, for units and personal in company business, and positions promotion, and work arrangements, matters provides help, obtained or illegal received units and personal give of property, amounts special huge, should to corruption crime, and Bribes Huang Jinzhong of criminal accountability.

Huang Jinzhong is called by many "jumped to his Deputy Mayor". On April 28, 2015, Texas News Network said: the morning of April 26, Huang Jinzhong administrative center building 10 corridor into 9 floor patio platforms fall, currently under hospital treatment, not life-threatening.

Justice Network reported that Huang Jinzhong falls due: April 26, Shandong provincial discipline Inspection Committee travelled to Texas to investigate Huang Jinzhong. That morning, Huang Jinzhong blocking by the provincial Commission for discipline inspection staff at dezhou City Government Office building Office. Huang Jinzhong killed, jumping from Office, 10/f, 9/f, the double leg. "Jumped to his Vice Mayor, the words" the resulting.

Open CV Show, Huang Jinzhong linyi County people born in 1956, at the age of 18 become educated youth to the countryside, works in linyi to 2001, to become Deputy Secretary of linyi County and deputy heads. Yucheng, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor, January 2001, successive Yucheng, Party Secretary of the city Party Secretary, Deputy Mayor of dezhou city, the end of 2010.

On May 21, 2015, Huang Jinzhong municipal people's Congress entitled to terminate. In June, posted a message in dezhou city government official website, Huang Jinzhong ceases to be a Deputy Mayor of dezhou city. On June 17, dezhou City 17 24 meetings of the Standing Committee's announcement to remove Huang Jinzhong in dezhou City Deputy Mayor.

On June 23, the Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection on Huang Jinzhong problem of seriously violating examination. The investigation, Huang Jinzhong others for breach of discipline for personnel gain; violation of self-discipline regulations to accept gifts; use their posts to facilitate the embezzlement of public property used bribes to seek benefits for others, to ask for or accept a bribe, adultery with others. Corruption and bribery cases involving suspected crimes.

On July 3, the Jinan City Procuratorate decided, Huang Jinzhong bribery according to law criminal investigation and coercive measures.

On April 20, 2016, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a message, Huang Jinzhong was arrested for corruption and bribery case to the intermediate people's Court of Jinan City, Jinan City procuratorate has prosecuted. Until June 8, Huang Jinzhong in Jinan intermediate court for trial.

Video clips from the Jinan intermediate court announced the trial, see Huang Jinzhong was last seen wearing a black short-sleeved sport shirt, dark trousers and shoes, two bailiffs escorted into court. After a year of treatment, Huang Jinzhong of broken legs can walk, walking speed is not very slow, but could see limping, lame State.

Jinan intermediate court official said the Court, the prosecution presented evidence, fully expressed their views by the prosecution, Huang Jinzhong of the final statement, and is in court, said the sentence commuted.

Huang Jinzhong released videos of last statements from the Court, see Huang Jinzhong statement about 5 minutes at least, his voice loud, always stand presentation, every now and then burst into tears. In a statement, said Huang Jinzhong sentence commuted, saying, "I went to today, is really super, coming to you, you deserve it, since the consequences."

He recalled that in 1990 he became after the linyi County deputy magistrate, his mother had told him, "no matter what remember two words, a greedy for money, second-level women."

"Old mother earnestly told me, on this issue, precisely, I committed a crime, falling over, this is the tragedy of my life. "Huang Jinzhong said. Notes that in the communications of the provincial Commission for discipline inspection, in addition to corruption issues, including Huang Jinzhong "adultery with others."

After the end, Huang Jinzhong bowed to the judge and Prosecutor. On a bending action, and see from, Huang Jinzhong effect may be affected by a leg injury, slow hard.

Finally, the Court announced an adjournment, selective sentencing.

  Following is the sample according Huang Jinzhong of the Court video finishing final statement:

Dear judge, distinguished judges, respected Prosecutor:

I worked for more than 40 years, is the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of youth into me from a countryside leaders, gave me good platform for the people. However, for a long time, I relax remolding, relaxed spirit and relaxed honesty and self-discipline, and relaxed laws. They have no fear of the party, without fear of the law, without fear of power, no fear of the family. Do not cherish the party organizations and the masses for his power and status, do not cherish the families for their trust and support. His Outlook on life, World Outlook and values produce a serious distortion, no bottom line and no prevention, no awareness of the law, the right life goals and lost their lives, put power in the hands of, crimes of embezzlement and bribery, serious crime as their own tools and platforms.

Go to today, it is inflated, blame, retribution, and suffer the consequences. Your sorry party for their upbringing and education, sorry families for their support and dedication.

A person violating the law will lose their freedom, a party member cadres do not follow the party's request, does not obey will ruin, bear jail. I am remorseful of their crime, to society, to organizations, to family, to relatives, to friends of the impacts, caused harm is extremely bad. My lesson is too deep, and paid the price were too painful.

(I) not more than one year old mother. I didn't listen to mother's words, I in 1990 when the Deputy Magistrate, old mother told me at that time, remember two words, organize your training as a deputy magistrate, no small, no matter what remember two words, a greedy for money, the second woman. Old mother earnestly told me, on this issue, precisely, I committed a crime, falling over, this is the tragedy of my life.

(I) accept the verdict, and serious reform, repenting, a new leaf, scrubbing disgrace to their actual actions, reintegration back home as soon as possible, be a legal citizen.

Thank you for the judges. Thanks for the Prosecutor. Thank you.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-10 09:04:13





























(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-10 09:04:13

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