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People from all walks of life bid farewell to peace-keeping in Jilin martyrs Shen Liangliang

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/10 8:55:02 Browse times: 198 Comment times: 0

People from all walks of life bid farewell to peace-keeping in Jilin martyrs Shen Liangliang(各界人们在吉林送别维和烈士申亮亮)

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People from all walks of life bid farewell to peace-keeping in Jilin martyrs Shen Liangliang (map)

8:37 A.M. June 10, it was getting dark. Funeral homes in Jilin city, Shen Liangliang martyr's Memorial is in preparation. End of yellow chrysanthemums, white flowers spell out "peace Warrior" decorated in mourning, laid by troops on both sides and from all walks of life, such as giving local governments laid a wreath at the elegiac couplet. Pale geese photo video: hit Shen Liangliang returned the bodies of the martyrs throughout the ceremony source: CCTV
CNS, Jilin, June 10 (reporters and and Li Yanguo)-June 10, Jilin city, it was getting dark. All walks of life gathered at the funeral home in Jilin city, attend Shen Liangliang martyrs of the Chinese people's Liberation Army held the ceremony to bid farewell to the sacrifice on peacekeeping posts in Mali's "blue-helmeted hero."
Mali on May 31, 2016 20:50, Shen Liangliang served as peacekeepers camp main post, to prevent a sudden fear of car bomb attacks on United Nations camps, were martyred at the age of 29 years old.
The morning of 10th, encircled by the green hills of Jilin city funeral home farewell square has gathered a large army and all walks of life. Bouquets people have played the "salute to peace Warrior" banner, field officers and men wearing white flowers, black armbands. Say goodbye to square, end of yellow chrysanthemums, white flowers spell out "peace Warrior" decorated under the portrait of Shen Liangliang.
Farewell Hall, Shen Liangliang's coffin covered with the national flag and placed at farewell Hall Middle, surrounded by clusters of flowers.
8:40, Shen Liangliang's parents and relatives arrived. "Bright Oh, Mommy is here! Look MOM! "Mother Yang Qiuhua new car, shouting at his son's name.
She sat in a wheelchair, insisted himself up the steps, to bid farewell to meet Hall and son. In the farewell Hall, Yang Qiuhua suddenly took the son's picture, Whispers: "you can rest assured that your brother or sister, and Central Government taking care of me, visit my, you mother to rest assured that I will listen to you, son, go......"
Representative of the Deputy Commander of the army You Haitao army party committees visited condolences Shen Liangliang families of martyrs and Shen Liangliang sacrifices to safeguard world peace gave a high evaluation, encouraged Shen Liangliang family turn grief into strength.
10 o'clock, farewell ceremony began, people from all walks of silence, soldiers fired a 11-gun. Deputy Political Commissar of the army's 16th group army Ren Guolai read out the notification of revolutionary martyrs.
Army's 16th group Army Commander Tan Min said in a eulogy, Shen Liangliang Clank of the interpretation of the Chinese soldiers dedicated to the martyrs strong army oath. Face the danger of violence fear of car bomb rammed the United Nations camp, his options worthy of the sacred mission of safeguarding international peace, worthy of the lofty honor soldiers.
In funeral music, all walks of life to make her a bunch of white chrysanthemums to the martyrs, for a final farewell.
The next few days, martyr of ashes will return to his hometown of Wen County, Henan, and was buried in the cemetery of martyrs of Wen County, Henan.
(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-10 10:58:29
China News Network

  6月10日上午8时37分,天色暗沉。吉林市殡仪馆内,申亮亮烈士的追悼会正在准备中。黄色菊花做底,白色花束拼成的“维和勇士”装点在追悼会现场,两侧摆放着由部队和地方政府等各界赠送的花圈挽联。苍雁 摄 视频:直击烈士申亮亮遗体归国仪式全程 来源:中央电视台
  中新网吉林6月10日电  (记者 苍雁 李彦国)6月10日上午,吉林市天色暗沉。各界人士聚集在吉林市殡仪馆,参加中国人民解放军陆军在这里举行的申亮亮烈士遗体告别仪式,送别这位牺牲在马里维和哨位上的“蓝盔英雄”。
(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-10 10:58:29

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