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Foreign Media: deep in the 3-kilometer in the South China Sea, China laboratory

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/10 8:54:21 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: deep in the 3-kilometer in the South China Sea, China laboratory(外媒:中国将在南海3千米深处建立实验室)

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Foreign Media: deep in the 3-kilometer in the South China Sea, China laboratory

Bloomberg screenshots

Reports that China Sea Lab or can be used to monitor US military submarines

Bloomberg reported on June 8, will focus on the construction of the South China Sea deep water platforms to study underwater mineral deposits, but also could be used for military purposes.

Reported that China's Ministry of science and technology (Science Ministry), according to a statement, the laboratory will be alive and well in the South China Sea 3-kilometer (9800 feet) deep. Laboratory's main objective is to study the underwater mineral deposits, but also could be used for military purposes. The project was in March put forward under the framework of China's five-year economic plan, 100 ranked as the second priority development projects.

According to the note, Chinese authorities recently tested the feasibility of the project, and decided to step up the pace.

Despite advancing, China's thirst for natural resources is still the driving force behind the project, but the recent introduction of the relevant departments in China's manned deep-sea platforms are removable and can be used for military purposes. IHS Jane's information group (one in 1898 by Fred · Founded by Jann United Kingdom publishers, now based in London), analysts said, China has planned to build one is known as "underwater great wall" sensor network to detect the United States and Russia in a submarine.

United States Clark, senior fellow at the Center for strategic and budgetary assessments, (Brian Clark) says, "attempts to establish laboratories in this depth was unprecedented, but it is possible. HOV about 50 years ago, had to dive to a depth of. Challenge now is, each dive time for several months at a time. ”

Bloomberg said, so far, Chinese officials have not publicly about any of the details of the project, including specific timetables, plans or cost estimates and possible locations. Under the leadership of the Chinese President, China is still trying to advance on the busiest routes in the world claims of sovereignty over the South China Sea.

Reported that the South China Sea is one of the most popular and prosperous region in the world. Here focused on the 10% of the world's marine fish stocks. In addition, the South also has a large natural gas and oil reserves. United States energy information administration, said the region's proven, hold about 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves.

China has not yet made any estimates of construction costs of the project, Clark said, the cost may be prohibitive, and as likely to be found, the project's appeal to military use could be weaker than submarines or unmanned devices.

"A variety of sensors and communications systems make sense of the deep sea", Clarke said, "during the cold war, United States and the Soviet Union spent a lot of energy looking for each other's communication cables and sensors, interference they destroy them in times of war in time of peace. Perhaps, today and in the future, these efforts are still continuing. ”

Compile/observer network Sun

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-10 14:08:21
Observer network




  报道称,中国科学技术部(Science Ministry)的一份陈述中显示,这座实验室将健在南海在3千米(约9800英尺)深处。实验室的主要目的是对水下的矿藏进行研究,同时也可能用于军事目的。该项目是在3月份中国五年经济计划框架下提出的,在100个优先发展的科技项目中排名第二。


  尽管对自然资源的渴求仍是中国推进该项目背后的推动力,但近期相关部门的介绍中,中国的深海载人平台将是可移动的,可以被用于军事用途。IHS简氏信息集团(一家于1898年由佛瑞德· 詹恩创立的英国出版业者,现总部位于伦敦)的分析人士称,中国已计划打造一个被称为“水下长城”的传感器网络,以探测美国和俄罗斯的潜艇。

  美国战略和预算评估中心高级研究员克拉克(Brian Clark)表示,“在这一深度建立实验室是从未有过的尝试,但这的确是可能的。载人潜水器在大约50年前就已能下潜至这一深度。现在面临的挑战是,每次下潜的时间要长达数月之久。”





  编译/观察者网 张红日

(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-10 14:08:21

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