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Foreign Media: Panama President for more than Chinese nationals illegally in China the green light

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/9 5:34:07 Browse times: 146 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: Panama President for more than Chinese nationals illegally in China the green light(外媒:巴拿马总统为万余名非法滞留中国公民开绿灯)

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Foreign Media: Panama President for more than Chinese nationals illegally in China the green light to | Panama | Chinese citizens _ news
File photo: Panama kayueneitasi Islands

Original title: BBC: Panama President for more than Chinese nationals illegally in China the green light

Reference news, June 9, foreign media say Panama presidential executive order promulgated by President huankaluosi·baleila, before January 1, 2016, legal entry of illegal aliens after Chinese citizens "out". Estimates that more than more than 10,000 Chinese people will pay $ 2500 in fines following a 2-year long legal residence that can be extended to 10.

According to the United Kingdom broadcasting company, June 8, which is 2014 Barrera for the ruling "Panama party" during the second world war the Chinese exclusion acts of the last century after the apology, another important measure to remedy racial rifts.

Zhu Tingzhang, Director of the overseas Chinese in Latin America to the BBC Chinese website emphasizes that this is going to benefit Chinese compatriots century immigrants background and there are considerable differences between, because, in addition to some of the people from Colombia cross into things, many holders of United States, and Canada and Australia enjoy visa-free entry into Panama's favour and decided to stay. Including Venezuela evacuated to Panama have strong economic strength, dealers, Panama home housing investment will have positive contributions to economic development.

Reported that the Qing dynasty Xianfeng four years before the first ship carrying 162 years 701 Chinese "sea witch" double-masted cargo ships arrived in Panama since the city opened Chinese migration history, Panama Chinese and Chinese have lived through the last century 40 anti-Chinese unrest. 80 's of last century a new round in huaxian, Guangdong with Kaiping, enping emigration and gradually occupied by the Chinese population.

Non-official statistics, Chinese ethnic Chinese account for about Panama 10% of 3.6 million people.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Panama citizens

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  参考消息网6月9日报道 外媒称,巴拿马总统胡安卡洛斯·巴雷拉总统颁布特别行政命令,针对2016年1月1日前合法入境后非法滞留的中国公民提供“解套”。估计约有1万多中国人将可在缴纳2500美元罚锾后申请为期2年最长可延至10年的合法居留。






巴拿马 中国公民


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