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Time and space across 28 messengers China Central Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra of the European

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/8 9:23:07 Browse times: 137 Comment times: 0

Time and space across 28 messengers China Central Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra of the European(时空跨越28年,友好使者中国中央音乐学院少年交响乐团再响欧洲)

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Spatio-temporal spans 28 years goodwill emissary to China Central Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra to Europe | na Mura | Bruch _ news

Original title: spatial and temporal spans 28 years goodwill ambassadors in China and Europe

Qianlong, Beijing, June 8, news on May 25, 2016 to June 2, China Central Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra has been invited to visit Netherlands, and Belgium, and Germany tour. 1988 pay less has visited Europe, 28 years later, the young Chinese musicians, again with honors.

Li xincao: "pay less performance has never been such a sensation in Europe. ”

Famous command home Li xincao, as this times visits permanent command, led less make all members respectively in Netherlands Amsterdam Royal Music College Concert Hall, and Amsterdam Muziekgebouw Concert Hall, and Belgium Antwerp Royal art college blue Office, and Cologne WDR (West Germany radio) concert hall and Cologne Philharmonic Concert Hall total for has five field performances, staged of tracks has: Youth Brigade beauty composer Wang Feinan designed for juvenile Symphony Orchestra and for of works stubborn drama; Chen Gang, and he zhanhao Violin Concerto Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai; Max Bruch of the romance in f major; Paganini, for Grand Viola Sonata; aidehua·laluo of the Cello Concerto in d minor and Beethoven's Seventh Symphony in a major. Perform a sell-out audience of students superb skills as well as their expression beyond the age of maturity in music shows to give a warm and prolonged applause, for a long time reluctant to leave.

Belgium Antwerp Royal Academy of fine arts, "the blue room" was built in the late 60, is a concert hall with superb acoustics, built almost at the beginning played host to various big bands from around the world. WDR (West German radio), the oldest dating back to the early 20, as Germany public radio an important member of the Alliance, it broadcast the program in the field of professional authority. Can perform the Orchestra is world-class professional organization. Cologne Philharmonic Hall has 70 years of history, here staged more than more than 400 concerts a year, almost all the professional Orchestra in the world to be able to reach the Cologne Philharmonic Hall of honor stage, students are the first of the Central Conservatory of music at the same time they stage the young Symphony Orchestra of China.

Li xincao, saying, "pay less performance has never been such a sensation in Europe. ”

Master class: "this is the youngest and best student we've ever seen"

During the Exchange and master classes in the industry, performance won praise from students.

President of the Royal Academy of music in Amsterdam yanake said, with an average age of less than 18 years old, so young, but for music but has a deep understanding and ability to play, the band she was shocked.

Belgium Antwerp Royal Academy of fine arts professors said: "Central Conservatory Youth Symphony Orchestra of students is that they have seen the most young and outstanding students, their skill is amazing. ”

Wolter, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government of Cologne: "Envoy of friendship between the two cities"

2016 international children's day, city Vice Mayor Mr Wolter in historic Cologne town hall meeting with young musicians from China.

Wolter said, Cologne and is a sister city of Beijing, has more than 29 years ago, two cities in economy, culture and other areas have had close contacts and friendly exchanges, the Chinese pay visits, friendship two cities and two countries is the best witness.

Teacher: this is the honor students, is the China Youth honor

This visit Pang Huanlei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee headed by the Central Conservatory, Central Music Institute accessorial middle school principal namula as Deputy Head of Central Music Institute accessorial middle school vice principal Wang Shaowu, the artistic director of the tour, they said, the visit, not only are all members of the Central Conservatory of music Youth Symphony Orchestra glory is the glory of Chinese teenagers.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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Namu Bruch

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时空跨越28年 友好使者中国中央音乐学院少年交响乐团再响欧洲|娜木拉|布鲁赫_新闻资讯

  原标题:时空跨越28年 友好使者中国少交再响欧洲

  千龙网北京6月8日讯 2016年5月25日至6月2日,中国中央音乐学院少年交响乐团应邀出访荷兰、比利时、德国进行巡演。1988年少交曾出访欧洲,28年后,中国年轻的音乐家们,再次载誉而归。


  著名指挥家李心草作为本次出访常任指挥,带领少交全体成员分别在荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐学院音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹Muziekgebouw音乐厅、比利时安特卫普皇家艺术学院蓝厅、科隆WDR(西德广播电台)音乐厅以及科隆爱乐音乐厅共进行了五场演出,上演的曲目有:青年旅美作曲家王斐南专为少年交响乐团而作的作品《顽剧》;陈刚、何占豪小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》;马克斯·布鲁赫F大调《浪漫曲》;帕格尼尼《为宏大的中提琴而作的奏鸣曲》;爱德华·拉罗《 d小调大提琴协奏曲》;贝多芬《A大调第七交响曲》。演出场场爆满,现场观众对同学们精湛的技艺以及他们对音乐体现出的超越年龄的成熟表达给予了热烈而持久的掌声,久久不愿离席。












责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

娜木拉 布鲁赫


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