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Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, or great floods this year, Jiangsu into the flood control practice

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/8 9:22:32 Browse times: 191 Comment times: 0

Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, or great floods this year, Jiangsu into the flood control practice(今年长江中下游或发较大洪水,江苏进入防汛实战)

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This year Jiangsu into middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, or great flood flood flood control for real | | flood _ news

Original title: flood season in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River this year is likely to be greater flood control Jiangsu Province, flood into the "operational"

Youth online (? green online reporter of China Youth daily, Li Chao) in Jiangsu Province in June entered the main flood season. Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of water resources held a press briefing, informed the province's flood control and drought prevention work, as of June 4, at 8 o'clock, 3.81 m average water level of Taihu Lake, rows of history over the second, higher than the same period of normal years 0.74 meters, 0.01 meters warning level; chase the Yangtze River flow 50700 cubic meters per second, much higher than the same period of normal years above 30%, 15200 cubic meters per second more than the same period in 1998. The last round of rain-affected, Jiangsu Province area south of huaihe river water level rose. Facing the serious flood situation, embattled, Jiangsu.

"Big floods in area south of the Huai River has possible. "The Deputy Director of the Jiangsu provincial Department of water resources, Zhang jinsong, spokesman said, as of now, weishan Lake, Lake, hongze Lake, shiliang River reservoir" three lakes "water 5.074 billion cubic metres, representing annual high of 27.7%. Yangtze River basin to water too much, Nanjing tidal 7.72 meters, higher than the same period of normal years 1.24 m. Under the influence of antecedent precipitation in Taihu Lake area, the water level rose more, 4th, at 8 o'clock 0.01 meters warning level for the first time this year, and the high water levels will continue for some time. Lixia River the water level was up to 1.53 meters, 0.47 meters lower than the warning level has been dropped.

Zhang jinsong introduced this year, affected by the strong impact of the El Ni?o phenomenon, many parts of the country climate, many provinces in the South in the near future concentrate heavy rains and mudslides and other disasters.

According to the weather forecast, this year's flood season in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are possible larger flood, tributary of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, Taihu Lake, the huaihe River basin's flood situation is not optimistic.

Climatictype total deviation in flood season this year, Jiangsu Province, precipitation. This year, Jiangsu province continued to show little South-North. From January to June 4th, the cumulative rainfall in Huaibei area of 182 mm, is 15% less than the same period of normal years, jianghuai 333 mm, of Jiangsu province along the Yangtze River 484 mm, high 19% and 30%, respectively.

Especially since April, South of the huaihe River continued wet weather, jianghuai and cumulative rainfall of Jiangsu province along the Yangtze River were 261 mm and 357 mm, much higher than the same period of normal years 67% and 82%. Recently, the area south of huaihe River of Jiangsu Province dominated by wet weather, have obvious upward trend in river and lake water level, the province's overall steady water regime. Obviously more rainfall situation in southern Jiangsu province along the Yangtze River region, prevention means early deployment along the sluice, Jiangsu province to stop River, and based on the real-time hydrologic drainage and ensure the safety of regional and urban flood control and drainage.

According to reports, is based around the Jiangsu flood-proof, anti-drought, Rob big insurance, save big disaster, flood and drought prevention work. Provincial, municipal and county-level member of the flood control and drought prevention Headquarters total adjustments in place, all kinds of water conservancy administrative and technical responsibilities were put in place. Facing more severe flood and drought situation, Jiangsu Province nearly a month earlier than the dangerous anti-troubleshooting, and disposal. Also, this year, Jiangsu Province, specially ordered 19 million Yuan for for increased provincial flood control material storage, updates, management and distribution, further strengthen provincial flood control material contingency support capability.

At present, Jiangsu Province has set up 5 national key flood control mobile team, 8 provincial flood mobile teams and provincial military commands set up 15 flood-professional team, with provincial armed police corps to form a two-level flood Echelon. Cities and counties formed a group with 700,000 people patrol the beach to check coverage of rescue team.

"At present, the province and the flood control departments have entered combat. "Zhang jinsong said that throughout the flood season of flood and drought prevention authorities will fully implement 24-hour on duty, strengthen the forecast early warning, strengthening flood control and for the work of inspection, pay special attention to flood control and rescue drills, accurate scheduling implementation of flood and drought prevention.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Flood control and flood

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China Youth daily
今年长江中下游或发较大洪水 江苏进入防汛实战|防汛|洪水_新闻资讯

  原标题:今年汛期长江中下游极可能发生较大洪水 江苏省防汛进入“实战”

  中青在线讯(中国青年报·中青在线记者 李超)6月份江苏省开始进入主汛期。日前,江苏省水利厅举行新闻通气会,通报全省防汛防旱工作情况,截至6月4日8时,太湖平均水位3.81米,排历史同期第二位,较常年同期偏高0.74米,超警戒水位0.01米;长江大通流量50700立方米每秒,较常年同期偏多30%以上,比1998年同期高出15200立方米每秒。受上一轮降雨影响,江苏省淮河以南地区水位普遍上涨。面对严峻防汛形势,江苏严阵以待。

  “淮河以南地区都有发生大洪水的可能。” 江苏省水利厅副厅长、新闻发言人张劲松说,截至目前,微山湖、骆马湖、洪泽湖、石梁河水库“三湖一库”蓄水量50.74亿立方米,较常年同期偏多27.7%。长江流域来水量持续偏多,南京潮位7.72米,较常年同期偏高1.24米。太湖地区受前期降雨影响,水位上涨较多,4日8时今年首次超警戒水位0.01米,且高水位还将持续一段时间。里下河地区水位一度涨至1.53米,低于警戒水位0.47米,已有所回落。








责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

防汛 洪水


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