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Deputy Center office building of Beijing there would be no walls, Office took the lead with 5G

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/8 9:21:38 Browse times: 257 Comment times: 0

Deputy Center office building of Beijing there would be no walls, Office took the lead with 5G(北京副中心办公楼间将不设围墙,办公区率先用5G)

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Beijing Deputy Centre office building without walls Office took the lead with | Vice Center _ 5G| Beijing News

On March 12, in Beijing's Tongzhou district lucheng area, Beijing City Center construction was in full swing. Map of China

The Beijing News (reporters Wang Shuo) by 2017, the municipal party Committee and municipal government "four bodies" will be relocated from the center of Beijing city Administrative Office, also driven 400,000 people leading to Tongzhou. How will administrative office building? Yesterday hosted the second session of the China-us climate-smart/low-carbon cities Summit, the Beijing City Center administrative area in construction during the meeting, Zhang Yaqin, head of the Office share in the planning and construction of Beijing City Center administrative area in thinking and practice. According to reports, the Administrative Office of the Beijing City Center buildings will take the group layout, highlight the architectural features of openness and Exchange, administrative area and there would be no walls between the various buildings, public areas are open to people maximum.

 Nearby rental building open community

Administration Office is located in the city centre of Beijing lucheng town, Tongzhou district, covers an area of approximately 6 square kilometres. Zhang Yaqin introduced, will highlight the planning and construction of the administrative office building in harmony with the environment, but also with the capital coordinated development, the development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Among them, in terms of functional requirements, in accordance with the level balance request, arrangements for residential land, synchronization completed for water, electricity, gas, heat and other municipal infrastructure and supporting facilities, work-life harmony.

According to reports, the area will be the first to implement the Central Government's mode of small blocks, build an open community, the "people-oriented" concept into urban street design. Block size control in the range 150-200 m, scale control in the area of 1-2 hectares, by increasing the density of road network and away from the area, promote organic osmotic transport functions and public service functions to the residential area. Of supporting public service facilities residential settings, services 10-15 minutes walk RADIUS residents up.

Internal function shared external without walls

"Administrative Office of Beijing city center is one of the four teams and municipal Committee of Council Office, Beijing in the future an important external window. "Zhang Yaqin, the Executive Office building will implement the concept of open and shared.

According to introduced, Administrative Office District within of complex will take group type layout, can points can collection, highlight building function of open and Exchange, public activities regional will oriented public maximum open, Administrative Office District and the the buildings Zhijian will not set wall, and according to open requirements planning construction parking facilities, and culture facilities, and sports facilities, and Conference Center, and library, and Museum, and culture activities square,.

In addition, meeting facilities, event facilities, ground floor cafeteria, reception centres, such as the intensive construction of office facilities, down public spaces such as gardens, green roofs, green terrace-building, as well as the interconnection of underground space in the administrative office building, internal office functions will be implemented within the administrative area to share.

Through the modernization of the Administrative Office, will also drive around the whole infrastructure, ecological environment improvement through the humanization construction of high-quality public spaces, driving overall upgrading of residential environment, public service resources, realization of building regional sharing of resources.

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Office all-optical network coverage in the region took the lead in application 5G

According to the introduction, in the Executive Office building, innovative ideas are the core of promoting the construction of office space requirements, through to the project planning, design, construction, and construction throughout. Widespread adoption of the technologies in engineering, new materials, new techniques, new equipment.

Build smarter cities, administrative office information in order to build a world-leading infrastructure and intelligence applications, Office areas in the realization of all optical network, the first 5G mobile communication technology. And the Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, virtual reality, such as information technology, applied to the wise management of building design and construction aspects of enhancing the building management can be quantitative and Visual controls that run. Through the wisdom of the city system, regional, municipal, construction, facility life-cycle management.

In addition, the Office will also integrate the construction of municipal emergency command system, integrated emergency services platform, urban monitoring, Internet monitoring platform platform for municipal and city emergency command and disposal of all types of major emergencies, each related Department on duty emergency as well as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei three remote conferences, coordinated emergency response to provide hardware support.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Beijing Center

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The Beijing News
北京副中心办公楼间将不设围墙 办公区率先用5G|北京|副中心_新闻资讯


  新京报讯 (记者王硕)2017年年底,市委、市政府“四套班子”将搬迁至北京城市副中心行政办公区,同时将带动40万人疏解到通州。行政办公区将如何建设?在昨日举办的第二届中美气候智慧型/低碳城市峰会上,北京市城市副中心行政办公区工程建设办公室负责人张亚芹在会上分享北京在规划建设城市副中心行政办公区的思考和做法。据介绍,北京城市副中心行政办公区的建筑群将采取组团式布局,突出建筑功能的开放与交流,行政办公区及各楼宇之间将不设围墙,公共活动区域将面向市民最大限度开放。

  就近安排居住用地 打造开放式社区



  对内功能共享 对外不设围墙





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责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

北京 副中心


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