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China’s business environment is increasingly unfriendly to foreign companies? China’s Foreign Ministry responded

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/7 7:14:55 Browse times: 128 Comment times: 0

China’s business environment is increasingly unfriendly to foreign companies? China’s Foreign Ministry responded(中国商业环境对外企越来越不友好?中国外交部回应)

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China's business environment is increasingly unfriendly to foreign companies? China's Foreign Ministry responded | | | business foreign companies _ the Foreign Office news
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference.

Original title: June 7, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

  Q: recently, China, Korea, and Japan, the Philippines and other countries in civil society to work together for comfort women information heritage. Reported that the Japan Government will try to stop. China is what?

A: China and Korea and other countries and regions more than more than 10 civic groups common to the "comfort women" thematic joint declaration of memory of the World Register, to make people fully aware of the cruelty of the war of the world, bearing in mind the history and cherish peace, defending human dignity. China urges the Japanese side to deal with the "comfort women" thematic report, not to discredit the interference and deliver on commitments on historical issues, and take concrete actions to win the trust of the international community and neighbouring countries in Asia.

  Q: Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs published on 6th statistics in 2015, Japan hit a record high number of visas issued to Chinese citizens, groups and individual tourists increased substantially. Do you have any comment? Is China concerned that recent exposure of the Tokyo electric power company to conceal the Fukushima incident will affect Chinese tourism to Japan? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded Japan of Chinese citizens Japan seafood food safety?

A: China has advocated on the basis of the four political documents, with Japan the development of long-term, healthy and stable relations. Both sides should conduct normal exchanges between the two peoples and enhance mutual understanding and create more favourable conditions.

On the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Chinese side has repeatedly stated its position. Governments are responsible for protecting foreign nationals in their personal safety and legitimate rights and interests. Japan how the Government intends to eliminate the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident consequences, in particular measures taken? Hope that Japan adopt a responsible attitude to the Government state.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued security reminders, believe that Chinese citizens will arrange travel plans, protection for their own safety.

  Q: did the United States Department of Commerce investigation Huawei comment?

A: we have taken note of relevant reports. We also noted that the company had issued a statement to comply with the laws and regulations of the country concerned.

  Q: European Union Chamber of Commerce in China said the gloom facing European companies operating in China reached an unprecedented level, increasingly unfriendly business environment for foreign companies in China, market access problems remain. Do you have any comment?

A: it is our long-term policy of utilizing foreign capital. China's foreign policy will not change, protect the legal rights of foreign policy will not change, provide a good environment for foreign-funded enterprises operating in China policy will not change. We will continue to work for foreign businesses operating in China to create a favorable legal and policy environment, administrative and market environment. We will further relax the market access of foreign investment, improve the foreign investment regulatory system, revise foreign investment regulations, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of foreign-funded enterprises according to law. 2014 attracts foreign capital, China ranks first in the world, reached 120 billion dollars for 23 consecutive years of developing countries first. This figure is eloquent proof of the attractiveness of China's foreign investment environment.

Progress of China's reform and opening up is to constantly improve the foreign investment environment in China's process, this process will not be reversed. Deepening reforms of China's ongoing efforts to improve the foreign investment environment will also provide strong protection.

  Q: 5th Kazakhstan Aqt?be, terrorist attacks in the West, resulting in many casualties. Kazakh Government declared a Aqt?be, action against terrorism. Comment on this?

A: China Kazakhstan Aqt?be, condolences to the victims of the terrorist attacks and expressed condolences to the victims ' families and the injured.

China condemns all forms of terrorist acts in support of Kazakhstan government measures to combat terrorism and maintain domestic stability. We are ready to work with Kazakhstan to deepen counter-terrorism cooperation, safeguard regional security and stability.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Foreign business environments a foreign company

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  答:中国和韩国等国家和地区十多个民间团体共同将《“慰安妇”专题》联合申报世界记忆名录,有利于让世界人民充分认识侵略战争的残酷,铭记历 史,珍惜和平,共同捍卫人类尊严。中方敦促日方正确对待《“慰安妇”专题》申报,不要抹黑干涉,切实兑现在历史问题上的承诺,以实际行动取信于国际社会和 亚洲邻国。

  问:日本外务省6日发布统计数据显示,2015年日本向中国公民发放的签证数量创下历史最高纪录,团体和个人游客大幅增加。你 对此有何评论?中方是否担心日前曝光的东京电力公司隐瞒福岛核泄漏事件会影响中国人赴日旅游?外交部是否会提醒前往日本旅游的中国公民注意日本海产品食品 安全?







  答:利用外资是我们的长期方针。中国利用外资的政策不会变,保障外资企业合法权益的政策不会变,为外资企业在华经营提供良好环境的政策不会变。 我们将继续致力于为外国企业在华经营营造良好的法律政策环境、行政环境和市场环境。我们将进一步放宽对外商投资的市场准入,健全外商投资的监管体系,修订 外商投资的相关法规,依法保障外商投资企业的合法权益。2014年中国吸引外资规模居世界第一,达到1200亿美元,连续23年保持发展中国家首位。这一 数字雄辩地证明了中国外商投资环境的吸引力。





责任编辑:张淳 SN182

外交部 商业环境 外企


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