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People’s daily on the United States freedom of navigation operations: is a right or a power

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/5 7:23:19 Browse times: 163 Comment times: 0

People’s daily on the United States freedom of navigation operations: is a right or a power(人民日报谈美国航行自由行动:是公理还是强权)

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People's daily on the United States freedom of navigation operations: is a right or a power

I confused received a letter by mail. Letter ridiculed United States on the pretext of freedom of navigation in the South China Sea dispute to show Chinese muscles move. The author of the letter is from Taipei Ou Beigong (actually author fictional characters--Editor's note) ladies. She intends to send a letter to Harris, Commander of the US Pacific headquarters and copied to United States Secretary of the Navy Lei·mabosi, and United States Defense Secretary Robert Carter and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

I do not know whether this European woman who, but I think she has a sharp angle. As far as I understand the situation, she wrote very accurately. In order to allow readers to make their own judgment, I here enclose the letter full text:

Dear Harris,

I am writing to express my respect. On May 10, "Lawrence" destroyer yongshu reef, China sailed into the 12-nautical mile territorial sea, you did a "brave".

It has been suggested that this is a one-way pass, the United Nations Convention on the law of "innocent passage" provision was made. These people mean, to counter the danger of China did not in fact exist, to sail in the region does not need courage, don't even need brains, only a single political master's command.

This, of course, is fraudulent. I am sure that your soldiers under risk "heroic act" must be "recognized". Don't forget, on April 1, 2001, the United States EP-3 spy plane collided with a Chinese f-8 fighter over the South China Sea. Now, when you put their soldiers ' lives at risk, without batting an eye. You're great!

Makes me hesitate: the United States is within sight of playing with fire in China. If the situation is out of control, the whole region will suffer. Why should we as United States bad behavior bear the costs? Any one who has independent thinking, see United States maritime disputes only in China for "bad boy" doesn't feel right?

You than anyone on the planet know that China has never turned anyone away freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, has not made any comment in this regard. United States cannot come up with any examples on this. Of course, Washington will try to avoid this--why let the facts ruin a good excuse? Instead, Washington will say, according to the South China Sea, China cannot let broken line to make claims not subject to challenge.

Don't you know that the Chinese Government took out with the South China Sea as early as 1948 discontinuous lines map? At that time no country, including the United States and the United Kingdom, and Australia, have any objection to that.

No doubt you will say, China building airport runways and other facilities is a "militarized" threatens all countries in the region. Sir, from your mouth these words can be a bit of hypocrisy! Your country operating in more than 60 countries worldwide with about 800 military bases or military facilities, some Al-Qaida even built directly in front of the national.

Although I am just a fisherman's daughter, but read let me know, with intentions to be a threat. United States has 11 carrier battle groups deployed around the world, each battle group has sufficient firepower to 4/5 countries in the world back to the stone age. The world's two largest air force, the first is the United States air force, the second is a United States naval aviation. In addition, the United States also made public his "intent": does not allow other countries to challenge the power of its first position. Under such circumstances, you also talk about a threat?!

Meanwhile, except for Brunei, but other Somali also build the reef in the South China Sea Island. This United States obviously deliberately overlooked. In the words of former Vice President Al Gore said that it was "troublesome" the truth.

Of course I do, United States did not admit the habit of making mistakes or admit he might make a mistake. When the Americans invaded Iraq and found no weapons of mass destruction, even without an apology. When Washington was wrong to accuse the Soviet Union in Viet Nam when the use of biological weapons, scientists of the International Panel of experts found that the yellow substance just be bee excrement.

United States what is the bottom line? Might is right. United States is frustrating China's rise, preventing the Chinese challenge United States hegemony. The truth we all know that, so the United States was not to talk about lofty principles and international law.

However, if you also want to get some respect from the people in the region, there is something you can do. In the name of freedom of navigation and of upholding international law, you may wish to send a destroyer to red bird reef.

Japan believe there are its territory. But red bird reef at low tide exposed surface area would still not your Office in Honolulu. In addition, red bird reef lies 1700 kilometres south of Tokyo, from Taiwan is less than 500 km away. Under the United Nations Convention on law of the sea, rocks are not Islands, cannot have the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. But Tokyo did not waiver, its red bird reef claims an exclusive economic zone and even than the whole of Japan was such a big area. Last month, Japan also at the red bird reef nearby seas aboard a Taiwan fishing vessel detained and asked for ransom.

So, dear Admiral, please put "Lawrence" was sent to red bird reef, let the crew where he caught a fish. If you did, you might have doubts about people of the so-called freedom of navigation in the South China Sea operations, might give you a round of applause.

(Author as Singapore Press Holdings Group, a former Senior Executive Vice President and former editor of the Straits Times, the original text published on May 29, the Straits Times)

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-06-05 05:28:25
People's daily-people's daily



















(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-06-05 05:28:25

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