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NET Hunan people shared syringes infected hepatitis c exposure, officials said is not true

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/5 7:23:15 Browse times: 157 Comment times: 0

NET Hunan people shared syringes infected hepatitis c exposure, officials said is not true(网曝湖南多人因共用注射器染丙肝,官方称不成立)

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NET exposure of Hunan people shared syringes infected hepatitis c officials say it's nothing | c | a syringe _ news

Original title: NET Hunan Taoyuan exposed dozens of people with dirty dye injection for hepatitis c disease control public security has been involved

Changsha, June 5 (Xinhua is Tan Chang) network was recently posted in a Web Forum said exposure, paint town, Taoyuan County, Hunan province, dozens of people infected with hepatitis c, suspect that a local village caused by repeated use of disposable syringes. 5th Xinhua learned from Taoyuan, paint he Zhen Ping Village, stone aggregation of recent hepatitis c cases as at 4th does not occur in severe cases, there are 50 cases of hepatitis c patients discharged from hospital.

According to the Taoyuan County Government departments provide informed about, Taoyuan health and public security Department investigation concluded that, under the current situation analysis of the joint investigation group, due to the lack of direct evidence, stone village country doctor Katie reused disposable needles syringes which resulted in many people infected with hepatitis c is not set up. Hunan provincial disease control departments at all levels have carried out epidemiological investigations on the matter.

Internet post attached to a hepatitis c positive case statistics table displays, recently painted River town, dozens of villagers suffering from hepatitis c, most of whom are from shiban village, sick villagers ranging in age from 12 to more than 70. Internet post said the number of sick had diseases such as colds treatment at the slate village village doctor Katie, and Katie have been reused disposable syringes, suspect villages due to unsterilized injection infected hepatitis c.

Taoyuan County party Committee propaganda Department official 5th confirmed to reporters, stone village gather recent hepatitis c case. On April 26, the Taoyuan County after the paint Creek Township Center reported to the Centers for disease control, quickly started epidemiological investigation of reported cases. Since then, Taoyuan County, changde city, health plan, the Centers for disease control, Hunan provincial Center for disease control and other departments involved in the investigation.

Taoyuan to reporter sent to situation informed said, May 31, Hunan province CDC experts group on epidemic survey of situation to slate Ping Village villagers proposed analysis views tips: Slate Ping Village may exists hepatitis c infection must of gathered sex; age and vein infusion may is hepatitis c infection of dangerous factors, but in village health room and other medical institutions for vein infusion infection hepatitis c of risk no statistics differences; part infected may is forward infection, may is years Qian of infection.

According to the bulletin, on May 20, the health plan investigation team received a slate floor, Taoyuan village reported about Katie reuse disposable syringes. On June 1, the public security departments joined the joint investigation team, in conjunction with the investigation.

According to the bulletin, local hepatitis c patients hospitalization expenses can be reimbursed under the new agricultural policy, Taoyuan County outpatient drugs paid for by full financial subsidies. Taoyuan county authorities have issued more than 15,000 copies to the local people for hepatitis c health education literature, and organized cadres home campaign. As of June 4, the paint he Zhen does not occur in severe cases, 50 cases of hepatitis c have been inpatients discharged from antiretroviral therapy drugs are dispensed in place.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Syringes for hepatitis c

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Xinhua News Agency
网曝湖南多人因共用注射器染丙肝 官方称不成立|注射器|丙肝_新闻资讯

  原标题:网曝湖南桃源数十人因不洁注射染丙肝 疾控公安等已介入

  新华社长沙6月5日专电(记者 谭畅)近日有网帖在一些网络论坛曝光称,湖南省桃源县漆河镇有数十人感染丙肝,怀疑系当地一名村医重复使用一次性注射器所致。新华社记者5日从桃源县了解到,漆河镇石板坪村近期出现丙肝聚集性病例,截至4日未出现重症病例,已有50例丙肝住院病人出院。


  相关网帖所附的一张丙肝阳性病例统计信息表显示,近期漆河镇有数十名村民患丙肝,其中大部分来自石板坪村,染病村民年龄从12岁到70多岁不 等。网帖称,多名患病者曾因感冒等病在石板坪村村医李某某处就诊,而李某某曾重复使用一次性注射器,怀疑村民系因不洁注射感染丙肝。


  桃源县向记者发来情况通报称,5月31日,湖南省疾控中心专家组就流行病调查的情况向石板坪村村民提出分析意见提示:石板坪村可能存在丙肝感染 一定的聚集性;年龄和静脉输液可能是丙肝感染的危险因素,但在村卫生室和其他医疗机构进行静脉输液感染丙肝的风险无统计学差异;部分感染者可能是远期感 染,可能是多年前的感染


  据通报,当地丙肝患者的住院治疗费用可按新农合政策规定报销,门诊购药费用由桃源县财政全额补贴。桃源县有关部门已向当地群众发放15000余 份丙肝防治健康教育宣传资料,并组织干部入户宣传。截至6月4日,漆河镇未出现重症病例,已有50例丙肝住院病人出院,抗病毒治疗药物已配发到位。


注射器 丙肝


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