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Zhang gaoli visits Georgia

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/4 6:41:15 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Zhang gaoli visits Georgia(张高丽访问格鲁吉亚)

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Zhang gaoli, visit Georgia | Zhang gaoli _ news

CCTV News (news feeds): invitation to visit Georgia Tbilisi Vice Premier of the State Council, Mr Zhang gaoli, 3rd with Georgia President Margvelashvili.

Zhang gaoli conveyed the cordial greetings and best wishes from Chinese President. Zhang said that the Chinese side attaches great importance to developing relations with you, willing to work hand in hand with you to consolidate traditional friendship, tap potentials for cooperation, and promote the continuous development of the friendly and cooperative relations.

Zhang gaoli, Georgia location, good investment environment, have strong complementarity of economic cooperation with China. Both sides should take the opportunity of building economic belt of the Silk Road, and consolidation of development strategies and docking, and provide a platform for expanding bilateral pragmatic cooperation. To fight for an early completion of the FTA to further improve trade and investment environment. To focus on further opportunities in transportation infrastructure construction, communications, agriculture, wine trade and mutually beneficial cooperation. To actively explore electricity, vehicles, rolling stock, machinery and electronic products manufacturing, and other fields, opened up production cooperation, a new growth point. To expand cultural exchanges and consolidate the friendly society based on public opinion. In international and regional affairs, to continue to maintain close communication and cooperation.

Margvelashvili asked Zhang to convey his cordial greetings and good wishes of the Chinese President. He said, the Chinese side proposed to build economic zone of the Silk Road initiative of Georgia significant. Willing to give full play to its geographical advantages, with the Chinese side to strengthen cooperation in railway transport, port and road construction. Welcomes Chinese enterprises to increase investment. GE will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China policy.

The same day, Zhang gaoli and Georgia held talks Prime Minister Kvirikashvili. Zhang gaoli conveyed cordial greetings and good wishes from Prime Minister Li keqiang. He said that China is welcome to continue to play to the location, resources, personnel and other advantages, deeply involved in the economic belt of the silk road-building and promote regional cooperation and achieve common development and prosperity. Both to to promoted development strategy docking for mainline, strengthening cooperation top layer design; to construction in the grid since trade district for breakthrough, full upgrade two pragmatic cooperation level; to big project and voted financing collection as focus, full build Silk Road economic with connotation; to capacity cooperation for hand, exploration two pragmatic cooperation of new field; to convenience both personnel between for based, create better of Humanities environment.

Kvirikashvili asked Zhang to convey his cordial greetings and good wishes to Prime Minister Li keqiang. He said, attaches great importance to developing relations with China and thanked China for the support and assistance provided by the economic development. Ready to accelerate the process of bilateral free trade negotiations with China to further deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

After the talks, Zhang gaoli and Kvirikashvili witnessed the signing of relevant cooperation documents.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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Zhang gaoli

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  张高丽表示,格鲁吉亚地理位置优越,投资环境良好,同中国经济合作具有较强互补性。双方应以共建丝绸之路经济带为契机,加强发展战略对接,为扩大两 国务实合作提供广阔平台。要争取尽早建成中格自贸区,进一步优化贸易投资环境。要重点促进双方在交通基础设施建设、通信、农业、葡萄酒贸易等方面互利合 作。要积极探讨开展水电、汽车、机车车辆、机电产品制造等领域合作,开辟产能合作这一新的增长点。要扩大人文交流,夯实中格友好的社会民意基础。要在国际 和地区事务中继续保持密切沟通与合作。

  马尔格韦拉什维利请张高丽转达他对习近平主席的亲切问候和良好祝愿。他表示,中方提出的共建丝绸之路经济带倡议对格鲁吉亚意义重大。格方愿充分发挥 自身地理位置优势,与中方加强在铁路运输、港口和公路建设等方面合作。欢迎中国企业加大对格投资。格方将继续坚定奉行一个中国政策。

  同日,张高丽同格鲁吉亚总理克维里卡什维利举行会谈。张高丽转达了李克强总理的亲切问候和良好祝愿。他说,中方欢迎格方继续发挥区位、资源、人才等 优势,深入参与丝绸之路经济带建设,并带动区域国家合作,实现共同发展繁荣。双方要以推动发展战略对接为主线,加强合作顶层设计;以建设中格自贸区为突破 口,全面提升两国务实合作水平;以大项目和投融资合作为重点,充实共建丝绸之路经济带内涵;以产能合作为抓手,探索两国务实合作的新领域;以便利双方人员 往来为基础,营造更好的人文环境。






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