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Chinese experts Lei Yang disclosed the case progress, autopsy has come to the final step

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/3 9:20:17 Browse times: 270 Comment times: 0

Chinese experts Lei Yang disclosed the case progress, autopsy has come to the final step(中国专家披露雷洋案进展,尸检已到最后一步)

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Chinese experts Lei Yang disclosed autopsy cases progress to the final step by autopsy _ | Lei Yang | news

Recently, the Beijing Changping District people's Procuratorate has completed the "Lei Yang died after whoring involved coercive restraint measures by police" clues in the preliminary investigation, to meet the conditions of file for investigation. IV of Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate decides the case is handed over to the people's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch of investigation. On June 1, the Beijing people's Procuratorate last branch shall decide on the civilian police criminal investigation of five parties. Why is the fourth branch? In addition, the autopsy widely concerned issue, by whom? How long does it take? What test? For these issues, expert interpretation of one by one.

  Prosecutors believe there is criminal facts

Prosecution case on file for investigation, what does it mean? Gu Yongzhong, a professor at the University of politics and law, China said that at present Beijing's procuratorial organs have decided the case on file for investigation, that means that the public prosecutor's Office says the case is a crime and should be investigated for criminal responsibility to the investigators, so was filed.

However, this needs to be clear is, in connection with the investigation does not mean that it necessarily constitutes a crime, or must be held criminally responsible, because investigation is just the start of criminal proceedings, whether personnel involved constituted a crime, also need to be determined later in the course of criminal proceedings. Frank is the need for court decisions.

  Why the Beijing Prosecutor's Office four-branch investigation?

According to the official, the Beijing Prosecutor's Office decided at the Beijing Changping District Prosecutor's Office preliminary investigation, considered eligible for investigation of cases directly made by the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate. After the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate filed, referred to the forth branch of Beijing people's Procuratorate for investigation in the case.

Why is referred to the Division IV for the investigation? It is understood that under the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate has four branches, branch of which 123 are according to regional prosecutors, Changping, which corresponds to the first branch, and one branch is the national prosecutor of the second cross-administrative division was established, accepting cases ranging from Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction over major crimes case and related cases. Experts say that this arrangement in order to make the law more neutral, dispel doubts.

  Law enforcement deaths, what to do?

In the course of law enforcement, if there is a law enforcement death, should start what kind of program? Gu Yongzhong, a professor at the University of politics and law in China, said case law enforcement personnel should report to the prosecutors, should protect the scene should notify the families.

For the families understand what rights they have when, Gu Yongzhong said family members have the right to know the causes of crime, understanding the process of Lei Yang died, right to enforcement staff are suspected of violating criminal has the right to make a complaint or report to the public security or procuratorial organs requires the responsibility of investigating the investigators.

The morning of May 17, Wu Lei Yang family made a report to the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate lodged criminal, Changping public security branch of Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate for Lei Yang was arrested for prostitution-related police and auxiliary police investigation.

  Lei Yang autopsy must be carried out by a third party

If you want to know the real cause of death of Lei Yang, need to do an autopsy. The autopsy? Which organization an autopsy?

In this regard, said Gu Yongzhong, autopsy of the victim's family has the right to choose the subject and process of the right to participate in the autopsy and may also appoint a lawyer to assist in the autopsy process.

In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress on the management of forensic seventh article of, the people's courts and judicial administrative departments may establish an accreditation body. In addition to the Court is not headed by an accreditation body other than, the public security organs, procuratorial organs have set up judicial authentication institutions. Lei Yang, because Lei Yang is when I'm with the police death, forensic institutions within the public security organs shall withdraw, and prosecutors eventually decided that the commissioned third party accreditation body to carry out an autopsy, the prosecution forensic autopsy on third party accreditation body and the results of supervision.

  Family members of the deceased to present during the autopsy

Deputy Director, Member of the Chinese Institute of law doctor Li Xiulin, prosecutors commissioned after the autopsy, forensic request handling units are present, the presence of family members of the deceased, witnesses, is a third party was present. In this case, the forensic work.

People's procuratorates in accordance with the rules of criminal procedure No. 212 provides that the people's Procuratorate, Anatomy of an unidentified body, shall notify the family members of the deceased and their signature or seal on the autopsy notice. So, in third-party authentication institutions during the inspection, in addition to the procuratorial organs will send supervision, families also arrived at the scene, as the tests involve highly technical problems, so also can apply to people with expertise to supervise.

  5 examination of the autopsy of the main

What do autopsy to verify? It is understood that the purpose of testing is to determine the cause of death, generally speaking, the accreditation body will do testing and anatomical testing, toxicological analysis testing, alcohol testing, pathology tests 5 tests. Inspection activities to be a strict fine, from the surface of the tiny traces of clothing will be recorded. The entire process takes about a month.

Although for a long time, but the whole process will have video recording, according to the people's Procuratorate of forensic work rules article 14th, autopsy shall carry out photography and video recording. Photographic and video recordings should be carried out by a professional technician. Without the approval of the case against other photographic and video recordings. If the family disagrees with this inspection report, supplementary identification or recertification.

At present, Lei Yang autopsies in the pathological stages, still need to wait for the results.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Lei Yang autopsy

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