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Fujian fleeing corrupt officials drove over hundred kilometers per hour, were stopped completely collapse

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Fujian fleeing corrupt officials drove over hundred kilometers per hour, were stopped completely collapse(福建贪官驱车逃窜时速超百公里,被拦下彻底崩溃)

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Fujian fleeing corrupt officials drove | collapsed over hundred kilometers per hour have been stopped corrupt officials _ news

Original title: "a private words at play, a corruption of the word inflation"

"The night of July 21, 2013, when I entered the examination room at that moment, it's earth shattering, whole person was devastated, tears, grief ... ... Huihenjiaojia. "Luo Guoqing wrote in his confession. In fact, when Luo Guoqing told his driver drove in Quanzhou Houzhu bridge to flee in panic over more than 100 kilometres per hour, and was eventually blocked away when his heart had collapsed.

Review days, Luo Guoqing tears, account for a short time during their term of acceptance of the fact that many business owners more than 13 million yuan of the money. In December 2013, Luo Guoqing was expelled, canceled retirement benefits. On January 9, 2015, Fujian province LongYan intermediate people's Court sentenced Luo Guoqing sentenced to 15 years on charges of taking bribes and confiscate the proceeds of crime.

Account to the Organization, Luo Guoqing relieved. "Organizationally to my investigation, is correct, it should be. Or in my old age, till the end of my life, I was panic, disturbed, was condemned by his conscience. ”

  Nanshe "Homecoming" complex in the way hand over foot palaces go further

In 1973, the Luo Guoqing has just 21 years old to enlist, he made three order of merit, and proudly joined the party. The army for 24 years, from the Deputy Division Commander of the ordinary soldiers to grow as leaders.

According to Luo Guoqing memories, he can choose to change jobs to go to Beijing, you can also select to force home, but he decided to return home in Quanzhou. "Taiwanese people often say that home to his ancestors, to get ahead, any place for family and friends to do something. "That Luo Guoqing lingering experience.

Luo Guoqing organizational reuse returned home, after many jobs post exercise. In 2005, he was appointed Party Secretary of Quanzhou Nanan, became leaders of a county-level city "leaders". Luo Guoqing with the entrepreneurial passion, Director-General at that time, proposed investment business works, made in a relatively short time, Nanan total ranks second in the province. This thanks to the joint efforts of all the cadres and masses, Luo Guoqing believes that achieve this kind of success depended on his "number one", so "go everywhere the renowned its own energy and".

Luo Guoqing lying on the laurels, gradually bred enjoyments and copycats. And due to the age and other reasons, Luo Guoqing considered themselves to be "further rise is unlikely", was already "ship to dock at the station." Is that, as always, do a good job, to make achievements, still choose to maintain the status quo, "limbo", consider themselves in later life how? These two ideas in Luo Guoqing linger.

Lack of momentum, energy loss on the job, but began to receive more time socializing. At that time, many entrepreneurs in Nan ' an investment business, Luo Guoqing is often invited to participate in Nan an Quanzhou clansmen associations or activities, often to the field visit. Live in Star-rated hotels, eat the delicacies, is of a high standard of hospitality, is the sweet complimenting people on the table, which Luo Guoqing "felt like walking on air swell worth as much vanity is heavy, and (after hearing the compliments) was very nice and comfortable. ”

Accustomed to flattering words, enjoy the quietness of "Qing Fu", Luo Guoqing consciousness gradually degraded, lavishness, flinging his pursuit. His official reception and private dinner in the southern range of reception standards one year over one year. Home he lavishness – the children's happy new year red packets if others gave 500 Yuan, he will give 1000 Yuan. Usually participate in charity, disaster relief activities, Luo Guoqing thought it was personal for entrepreneurs to join, put on their face, to allow bosses to thank him and praise him. Later, Luo Guoqing surveyed recalled the past, not by wrote in his confession: "this is childish and ridiculous. ”

  First time I broke the record "sleepless" crazy time "open"

"When I reflect on the first money was very complex, (inner) fight fiercely, there was indeed very afraid. "At that time, a business owner comes to Luo Guoqing, talked for half an hour, took a bag of money from a Briefcase to Luo Guoqing. Both in the living room around, toss five or six minutes.

"I know you're military, Frank blunt, but you don't want to do without worldly gentleman, so you don't even have a friend here in the future. "" Well, this is borrowed from you, don't do it again. ”

According to Luo Guoqing memories that night he awake, one side is the hot money, like a time bomb can explode at any time, and on the other is the boss of the so-called "feel." "I hear the boss's attacks, with inevitable for the first time will have a second successive away other people's money, turned to crime for no return. ”

At first, most of the bribe-giver holding speculative mentality in the name of former comrades, friends on holidays, send a small gift to Luo Guoqing, a small red envelopes and good. Luo Guoqing others send money moves as "was a respected me, feelings between brothers and friends", he is the "small money" no seriously, think it is "economically active areas of unspoken rules". When the briber Luo Guoqing is found not otherworldly, we have to pull out all the stops, using every chance to Luo Guoqing sent money to send.

Nam on the hometown, some business owners business in Hong Kong, Macao and other places something, every year in their hometowns to visit relatives. After Luo Guoqing became party Secretary of southern, also often led to places such as Hong Kong and Macao. Upon arrival, Luo Guoqing in addition to regular visits, meetings, nowhere, and stayed in the hotel in the "open".

Luo Guoqing said, when people come to group after group, hotel room filled with presents from visitors and "tea". After the guests left, which sent Luo Guoqing can't remember which gift was. Sender also "sketchy", tend to put personal business card in a gift bag to lead "review".

In order to reflect "concern", during the Chinese new year, Luo Guoqing was the busiest time of the year. First XV a year these days, Luo Guoqing tirelessly, visiting at the home of township home to visit relatives, for members to send a bundle of money.

"In the past, such as alcohol, tobacco, tea gifts don't, entrepreneurial gifts gifts, watches, jewelry and other valuables, and develop into the boss sent tens of thousands of Yuan, hundreds of thousands of Yuan, or even millions of money received, lost its principles, has lost direction, lost personality, in breach of party discipline and state laws. "Luo Guoqing said in the confession. He is in land-use approval, project development, business and other aspects to obtain benefits for others and illegally accepting other people's property. "Manpower", a Luo Guoqing received informed about an illegal development project, but did not send someone to investigate, take steps to recoup their losses, because he took the boss's money.

Southern businessman Wu, Luo Guoqing support is obtained, take an old city reconstruction project, 7 times for Luo Guoqing HK $ 1.8 million Yuan and 1 million Yuan.

  Indulgence for a long time, the sister only sees him as a "cash-cow"

Luo Guoqing of brother long Luo Guoqing signs, boundaries of the southern pole forwarders Billboard project. Once Luo Guoqing brother after learning that the company invested in a real estate project, call the business owner directly, say "I'm a small pair, your new advertising for me! "The real estate boss confused, asked," what is your small pair? "Luo Guoqing brothers anger immediately rushing Crown, shouted:" I am a small pair you don't know, you should never mix in the southern! ”

At one point, southern businessman Lu wanted to win more than 11 acres of industrial land and factory buildings, but "no one", and later by Deputy Mayor of a go-between, met Luo Guoqing's sister. Luo Guoqing sister opening is 1 million Yuan. Luo Guoqing settle this matter, Lu served 1 million Yuan, Luo Guoqing sister for safekeeping.

However, "out of mind" not only was Luo Guoqing as "brother and friend" bribe-givers, more discipline in the review officer is sighing, due to Luo Guoqing on brothers and sisters tolerated for a long time, lax discipline, and his siblings put him only as "cash cows", "moments of truth" gives no brotherhood.

When the disciplinary inspector when Luo Guoqing's sister out of the 1 million Yuan bribes, his sister Sapo denial, said with a shout "you lock me up, Luo Guoqing and it don't matter to me, I have no money! "During the tuizang period, Luo Guoqing, brothers and sisters all refund thing to avoid a foul.

Luo Guoqing were detained in Fujian province after the second detention, supervision of police officers told investigators he often "three times a day to cry." Luo Guoqing cry fear not only face legal punishment, was disappointed in the brothers and sisters and the heart cold.

  From the "select yin" into "money to clear the" the serious imbalance in the selection and appointment of the balance

Selection and appointment has high degree of social concern and extensive influence. Luo Guoqing wrote in confessions: "I went to after the Nam, put economic development first, project construction line, conflict mediation first cadre. First is really doing, cadres and the masses at that time reflected good ... ... But later lost their party spirit, contrary to the principles of organization, listen to the greeting parties in cadre appointment matters. "Luo Guoqing said, greeting people, is what he called some of my friends.

Hong Nam people, Luo Guoqing invited home ownership, after both familiar, Hong Luo Guoqing offered to help one of his brothers, Nanan City Public Security Bureau some leadership to promote and reward of 1 million Yuan. Luo Guoqing "brothers" open spirit "is your brother your brother brother" understanding readily answer, will implement this in a short time, all parties happy.

There is one on the other, Luo Guoqing served in Nam these years, after all business "brother and friend" recommendation, to open money and get promoted cadres had less than a dozen people.

The saying goes, for those who buy the officer cadre, with huge sums of money from the location once, must try to recover costs or to return Enterprise invested by the owners. How can such cadres shoes good post good accountability, really for the masses? In the Luo Guoqing in the period after the incident, Nan appeared a number of nests, Luo Guoqing when abuses inexcusable.

Luo Guoqing in the ulterior motive of "friend, brother," money offensive, in the so-called "man-hearted" under the snake, use their powers for personal gain of others, lost a minimum of fairness and justice, also lost a party member leading cadre of the most basic ethics, change can be infinite regret and tears.

  Analysis of cases

Analyzing the fall trajectory of many corrupt officials, are able to find their "boy friend" helping figure, Luo Guoqing's case is typical.

After Luo Guoqing served as Party Secretary of southern, holds power, ulterior motives of people "hunt" of the object. They leave no stone unturned and Luo Guoqing cotton, starting from dinners, gifts, watched and catering, step by step, eventually dragging Luo Guoqing. Regrettable is that Luo Guoqing and not the "self-dating" seriously, even profitable it gladly comply with "friends" hit it off, and party discipline behind, is waiting for his inevitable downfall end.

Leading cadres and people, how to contact, and often becomes the realm and pursue its interests, "barometer". Cadres to face numerous and material interests, to do a hedge between keeps friendship green, "official", "business" being the word, idiom, rather than hooks shoulders, share everything, to designate public-private boundaries.

"One track after the above. "Luo Guoqing case reminded the broad masses of party members and cadres: for those with a personal tug-of-war, human emotional investment, for those who dare to spend money, especially close to people, to those vulgar taste, mixed people of social relations, leading cadres must stay on high alert and must not be confused by people with ulterior motives, the use of. Only remain sober sense and strong self-control can be truly "heart does not move to the lure of profit, does not dazzle in colors of confusion", so that those who are opportunistic, looking around everywhere benefit, to create a fresh political contribution to the positive energy of the wind. (Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site Tori source consolidation)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Corrupt officials

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福建贪官驱车逃窜时速超百公里 被拦下彻底崩溃|贪官_新闻资讯

  原标题:“一个 私 字在作怪,一个 贪 字在膨胀”




  难舍“衣锦还乡”情结 在讲排场比阔气的路上越走越远



  如愿回到家乡的骆国清受到组织上的重用,历经多岗位多职务锻炼。2005年,他被任命为泉州南安市委书记,成了主政一个县级市的“一把手”。当时骆国清怀着 干事创业的激情,提出招商引资创业工程,在较短时间内使南安市财政总收入排名全省第二。这本得益于全体干部群众的共同努力,可骆国清却认为,取得这样的成 绩全靠他这个“一把手”,因此,“走到哪里都到处显耀自己的能量和作用”。


  工 作上冲劲不足、干劲减退,但接待应酬的时间却多了起来。当时很多企业家在南安投资创业,骆国清常被邀请参加南安或泉州同乡会等活动,经常到外地参观考察。 住的是星级酒店、吃的是山珍海味、享的是高标准接待,听的是酒桌上恭维人的甜言蜜语,这让骆国清“顿时觉得飘飘然忘乎所以,身价好像高很多,本来虚荣心就 比较重,(听到恭维话后)感到很中听、很舒服。”

  听惯了奉承话,享惯了“清福”,骆国清思想觉悟渐渐退化,讲排场、摆阔气成了他的一大追 求。他在南安的公务接待和私人宴请繁多,接待标准一年高过一年。回家过年他都要讲排场——孩子们的拜年红包别人如果给500元,他就要给1000元。平时 参加企业的公益慈善事业、各种救灾活动,骆国清认为这是给企业家个人捧场、给他们面子,要让企业老板感谢他、赞扬他。后来接受调查的骆国清回想起这些过 往,不由在悔过书中写道:“这是多么幼稚、多么可笑。”

  第一次破纪“彻夜难眠” 猖狂时“开门迎客”




  起 初,大部分行贿者抱着投石问路的心态,以曾经的战友、朋友的名义,逢年过节向骆国清送一点小礼品、小红包示好。骆国清将别人送钱的举动当做“是对我的敬 重,是兄弟朋友之间的感情”,他对这些“小礼小钱”没当回事,认为这是“经济活跃地区的潜规则”。当行贿者发现骆国清并非不食人间烟火,便纷纷使出浑身解 数,利用一切可以利用的机会向骆国清送钱送物。




  “以 前烟酒茶等礼品都不要,而这时对企业家馈赠的礼品、手表、金首饰等贵重物品都收,最后发展到对企业老板送来的几万元、几十万元甚至上百万元的钱也收,丧失 了原则,丧失了方向,丧失了人格,触犯了党纪国法。”骆国清在悔过书中说道。他在用地审批、项目开发、企业经营等方面为他人牟取利益,非法收受他人财物。 “拿人手短”,一次骆国清接到关于一个违规开发项目的通报,却并没有派人去调查处理,采取措施挽回损失,原因就是,他收了老板的钱。



  骆 国清的弟弟长期打着骆国清的招牌,在南安地界承揽电杆广告牌项目。有一次骆国清弟弟得知某企业新投资了一个房地产项目,就直接打电话给企业老板,直言“我 是小骆,你的新房广告给我做!”该房地产老板不明所以,就问“你是哪个小骆?”骆国清弟弟立即怒气冲冠,叫嚣道:“我是小骆你都不知道,你还要不要在南安 混了!”





  从“一线选贤”变质为“金钱开道” 选人用人的天平严重失衡

  选人用人历来社会关注度高,影响面广。骆国清在悔过书里写道:“我到南安后,提出要在经济发展一线、项目建设一线、矛盾调处一线选拔干部。刚开始确实是这样 做的,当时干部群众反映较好……但后来丧失党性、违背了组织原则,在干部任用事项上听从各方打招呼。”骆国清说的各方打招呼的人,就是他所谓的一些朋 友。







  骆国清在担任南安市委书记后,手握重权,成为别有用心之人“围猎”的对象。这些人挖空心思与骆国清套近乎,从请客吃饭、登门送礼开始,察言观色,投其所好, 步步为营,最终把骆国清拖下水。令人遗憾的是,骆国清并没有把“慎交友”当回事,甚至见有利可图便欣然就范,与“狐朋狗友”一拍即合,把党纪国法抛在脑 后,等待着他的必然是身败名裂的结局。


  “前车之覆轨,后车之明鉴。”骆国清一案提醒广大党员干部:对那些怀着个人目的拉拉扯扯、搞感情投资的人,对那些特别敢花钱、特别能套 近乎的人,对那些趣味庸俗、社会关系混杂的人,领导干部一定要保持高度警觉,绝不能被别有用心之人迷惑、利用。只有时刻保持清醒的辨别力和坚定的自我控制 力,才能真正做到“心不动于微利之诱,目不眩于五色之惑”,让那些投机取巧、四处钻营的人无处得利,为营造风清气正的政治生态贡献出正能量。(中央纪委监 察部网站 刘芳源 整理)




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