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Executive Vice Mayor of luohe city, Henan province, was arrested for serious offenses being investigated

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/2 7:57:59 Browse times: 139 Comment times: 0

Executive Vice Mayor of luohe city, Henan province, was arrested for serious offenses being investigated(河南省漯河市常务副市长涉嫌严重违纪被调查)

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Executive Vice Mayor of luohe city, Henan province, was arrested for serious offenses being investigated

According to the Henan provincial Commission for discipline inspection information: approved by the Henan Provincial Committee of Henan luohe municipal Committee, Vice Mayor Yang Guozhi on suspicion of serious offenses, currently under investigation. (Henan provincial Commission for discipline inspection)

  Yang Guozhi resumes

1978.07-1986.03 xuchang normal school, Yancheng County, Henan province, Cheng Guan Zhen Guan school teacher, Yang Zhuang school vice principal

1986.03-1988.07, Henan province, Yancheng County party Committee propaganda Department of cadres, officers (1984.04-1987.07 in central China Normal University, majoring in Chinese language and literature correspondence undergraduate courses)

1988.07-1994.04 luohe, Henan province, municipal office cadres, Director for information section chief, Secretary

1994.04-1995.07 wuyang County in Henan province, Member of the propaganda Department

1995.07-1995.11 wuyang County in Henan province, Member of the propaganda Department and Director of the Office of the County

1995.11-1997.12 wuyang, Henan province, County party Committee Standing Committee, Director of the County Office

1997.12-2001.04 wuyang, Henan province, Deputy Secretary of the County party Committee, County magistrate

2001.04-2002.12 wuyang, Henan province Party Secretary (of which: 2001.09-2001.12 in the Party Secretary of the provincial party school, 17th head refresher study)

2002.12-2006.02 wuyang, Henan province Party Secretary, County Director of the Standing Committee (2002.09-2003.01 in the provincial party school, 31st issue of young and middle-aged cadres training courses; 2004.03-2004.07 at the Central Party school 8th County (City) Party Committee Secretary of course)

2006.02-2006.12 wuyang, Henan province Party Secretary (Deputy departmental level), Director of the county people's Congress Standing Committee (2004.09--2006.07 at the Central Party school graduate school of political theory in professional learning)

2006.12-2011.9 luohe, Henan province, the municipal party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary-General

2011.9-now in luohe, Henan province, municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the municipal government, Deputy Mayor

  (Resume from luohe city, Henan province people's Government website)

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-06-02 21:01:27
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  1978.07—1986.03 许昌师范毕业,河南省郾城县城关镇南关学校教师、杨庄学校副校长

  1986.03—1988.07 河南省郾城县委宣传部干部、干事 (1984.04—1987.07在华中师范大学汉语言文学专业函授本科班学习)

  1988.07—1994.04 河南省漯河市委办公室干部、信息科副科长、秘书一科科长

  1994.04—1995.07 河南省舞阳县委常委、宣传部部长

  1995.07—1995.11 河南省舞阳县委常委、宣传部部长兼县委办公室主任

  1995.11—1997.12 河南省舞阳县委常委、县委办公室主任

  1997.12—2001.04 河南省舞阳县委副书记、县长

  2001.04—2002.12 河南省舞阳县委书记 (其间:2001.09—2001.12在省委党校第17期县委书记县长进修班学习)

  2002.12—2006.02 河南省舞阳县委书记、县人大常委会主任 (2002.09—2003.01在省委党校第31期中青年干部培训班学习;2004.03—2004.07在中央党校第8期县(市)委书记进修班学习)

  2006.02—2006.12 河南省舞阳县委书记(副市厅级)、县人大常委会主任 (2004.09——2006.07在中央党校研究生院政治学理论专业学习)

  2006.12—2011.9 河南省漯河市委常委、秘书长

  2011.9—至今 河南省漯河市委常委、市政府党组副书记、常务副市长


(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-06-02 21:01:27

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