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China’s current situation of child sexual assault: sexual assault, teachers commit 40%

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/2 7:54:17 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

China’s current situation of child sexual assault: sexual assault, teachers commit 40%(中国儿童被性侵现状:一对多性侵,教师作案占四成)

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China's current situation of child sexual assault: sexual assault, teachers commit 40%

Yiliang Yunnan rural teacher molesting 7 girls detained Zhang; yongshun in Hunan province in a township school headmaster of molesting 6 girls prosecuted; Wei, Sichuan primary school teachers repeatedly raping of molesting 11 children sentenced to death ... ... Child molestation case, is becoming a growing social concern of high frequency words.

According to the China children's culture and Art Foundation girls ' Protection Fund ("protection of the girl child"), three years from 2013 to 2015, exposed the sexual abuse of children across the country a total of 968. Compared to unexposed cases we've seen, just tip of the iceberg.

More distressing is that current judicial practice, the difficulties in the process of civil compensation by sexually abusing children. In 2015, the Jilin JI fiber kindergarten cases of rape of girls, victims of only 1098 treatment fees and appraisal fees. Late for high cost of psychotherapy, the Court "has not yet produced" not to support it.

Into sin "a fig leaf" the secondary damage caused by social prejudice, so that victims and their families resorting to law, having to "carry". "The victims tend to be children's fault. "Have come into contact with more than more than 10 cases of child sexual abuse lawyer, Li Ying, said that public opinion on child victims of" stigma ", caused incalculable moral damage to the child.

  (For more information, please pay attention to the Beijing News app: bjnews_xjb)

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-06-02 20:50:22
The Beijing News




  而沦为罪恶“遮羞布”的社会偏见所造成的二次伤害,让受害者及其家庭在诉诸法律后,不得不“负重前行”。 “受侵害往往成了孩子的过错。”曾接触过十余起儿童性侵案的律师李莹说,社会舆论对受害儿童的“污名化”,给孩子造成了难以估量的精神伤害。


(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-06-02 20:50:22

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