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Congress modified in response to University of Chinese elective: it is to strengthen the mother-tongue education

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Congress modified in response to University of Chinese elective: it is to strengthen the mother-tongue education(人大回应大学汉语改选修:正是为强化母语教育)

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People change taking Chinese as a response to the University: it was to strengthen education in the mother tongue | | University Chinese curriculum | Congress _ news

According to the (reporter Wang Fei Xu Luyang interns) recently, the University to change the College Chinese elective, controversial. Yesterday, the school official responded by saying, this is the 2013 class of the school an integral part of undergraduate programmes and complemented by a system of reform, "does not mean the weakening of mother tongue education. ”

 "College Chinese course reform is to strengthen the mother-tongue education"

On the curriculum reform, questions were raised "would weaken education in their mother tongue". "University of mother-tongue teaching is not just language, became elective in Chinese at the University, that does not mean weakening the mother-tongue education. "Yesterday, the academic Director of us responded at Renmin University, research shows that University Chinese position is not clear, they did not balance and other defects.

Hong Dayong said of college Chinese course reform in order to strengthen University education in their mother tongue, and to strengthen the capacity and meeting the different needs of students as the main purpose.

Hong Dayong said University Chinese curriculum reform is the undergraduate part of the road map, in fact, there are a series of supporting measures, "as mother-tongue education is not just a course to take. "Schools have been initially identified, after the reform of college Chinese course in the general education classroom curriculum group, consisting of a class into a few classes.

 Schools require students to read at least 20 books outside class classic

Since 2009, the NPC has opened 37 Forum of general education elective courses, students are required to take 4 credits of which provided, in order to strengthen mother-tongue education, the national people's Congress opened its 51 original readings of classics in the curriculum group, including the book of Odes, the dream Act, such as the Tao Te Ching, requiring students to take 2 of these credits.

However, Chinese is only part of the University, students do not take, how to ensure that their native language abilities?

Hong Dayong said that schools require students to be reading at least 20 of the cultural classics, and build skills to strengthen the basis of classification guidance courses, developing students ' reading and writing skills.

In addition, the NPC will also organize yan lianke 's, Faculty of writers such as Yun called "writers on writing" public lecture series, and build the "student writing guide Center", carried out by the professional teacher personalized writing guide.


Curriculum reform will involve a number of compulsory

Introduce Hong Dayong, 2013 compulsory course reform in undergraduate programmes, dealing not only with Chinese universities, including English, computer fundamentals and applications, such as career development and career guidance.

Among them, 2 credits of college English oral teaching in order to achieve the objective of enhanced oral communication, career development and employment guidance in the original credits on the basis of, pay attention to combination of in-class and extracurricular teaching, to enhance students ' career planning and job-related skills. In addition, the school will also be compulsory ' and application of credits from 6 down to 4.

(Original title: elective ≠ weakening Chinese modification of mother-tongue education in universities)

(Edit: SN069)November 13, 2013 The Beijing News(人大回应大学汉语改选修:正是为强化母语教育|大学汉语|课改|人大_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者许路阳 实习生王飞)近日,人民大学将大学汉语改为选修课,引发争议。昨日,该校相关负责人回应称,这是该校2013级本科生培养方案中的一环,并辅以系统配套改革,“并不等于弱化母语教育。”










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