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Stationed in Colombia Embassy actively defend Chinese interests

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/1 8:00:44 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Stationed in Colombia Embassy actively defend Chinese interests(驻哥伦比亚使馆积极维护华商权益)

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Stationed in Colombia Embassy actively defend Chinese interests | Colombia | Chinese _ news

In recent years, some Chinese nationals from other countries one after another came to Colombia, mainly engaged in clothing and general merchandise wholesale and retail businesses, concentrated in downtown Bogota GRANSAN market. Because of differences in their mode of operation, commodity prices and other reasons, some local traders to China from disgruntled.

On May 18, took place in the city of Bogotá for the protests of Chinese shops, GRANSAN market of some local traders called for "buy American", accusing the overseas Chinese businessmen "seize their business", "threats to their survival." Zhihou, law enforcement agencies according to the report, on suspicion of smuggling, tax evasion and check some of the overseas Chinese shops, on suspicion of illegally detaining 14 people of Chinese descent. 25th the market about 50 local traders protested again, and pushing overseas Chinese store clerks, kicked shop acts such as shutter.

For the first time after the incident, the Embassy responded, Ambassador and Counsellor respectively emergency meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, immigration, customs and the Inland Revenue Department and the head of the Police Bureau and other departments made solemn representations and express strong dissatisfaction, ask the law impartially, and to take effective measures to guarantee my personal safety and legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Brother says, the Colombian Government attaches great importance to China's representations, will enforce the law impartially, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and overseas Chinese shops and deploying more police protection. Embassy to intervene were arrested overseas on the day of the incident were released, some of them "residency issues" request deadline to leave the country.

At present, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it will strengthen internal coordination, safeguard in China's legal rights. Police have promised to strengthen police protect the personal and property safety of Chinese businessmen. Immigration, customs and Excise Department Inland Revenue Department says it will take the initiative to provide Chinese related laws and policy advice.

Embassy's work brigade groups in charge and most of the diaspora's support and cooperation. The Embassy will pay close attention to relevant developments and continue to do the work, as always, fully committed to maintaining the General travel Costa Rica the legal rights of overseas Chinese. Embassies will also give Chinese businesses and local law enforcement agencies and traders set up institutionalized communication platform, reducing the chance of friction and disputes.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Colombia China

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责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

哥伦比亚 华商


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