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Judge for the violence in Xinjiang terror suspect sentence was double

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/1 8:00:03 Browse times: 141 Comment times: 0

Judge for the violence in Xinjiang terror suspect sentence was double(新疆法官为暴恐犯罪嫌疑人减刑被双开)

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Judges for violent terror suspects in Xinjiang commutation | double | Xinjiang bending | storm fears _ news

Recently approved by the akesudi Committee, discipline of Aksu Prefecture, Aksu Prefecture intermediate people's Court of the Department, former Deputy Director, judge Lati·qiuwaer case review of the serious disciplinary problems.

The investigation, Lati·qiuwaer serious violation of the party's political discipline, dangerous, sudden terror suspects for exoneration or mitigation, serious breaches of the integrity of the party discipline and using his power for personal gain, misappropriation or involved in dividing up cases and confiscated money, ask for and accept cases for cash; serious violations of party discipline, without changing the resolution of the Judicial Committee of the Court, as a terror suspect involved in mitigation of punishment.

Lati·qiuwaer form of party members and cadres, Court of Justice, against the "three evil" forces, combat violence, such as fear of crime a major issue of politics do not stand firm, and the ambiguous attitude and serious breaches of the Central, autonomous region and prefectural stabilisation policies, loss of the principle of party spirit and principle, breach the law for selfish ends, nature, the plot is very serious. According to the Chinese Communist Party disciplinary regulations and municipal party Committee of the Communist Party, or acts in violation of the party's political disciplines of the party's disciplinary regulations and other related regulations, Aksu prefecture by the members of the discipline Committee meeting to study, and approval of the Aksu Prefectural Committee, decide to give Lati·qiuwaer expelled from the party, dismissed from disciplinary action; the collection discipline which proceeds; its crime transferred to the judicial organs are suspected of violating the law.

Source: supervision, Aksu Prefecture website

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Bending the violence in Xinjiang

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  甫拉提·丘瓦尔身为党员干部、法院法官,在反对“三股”势力、打击暴恐犯罪等大是大非问题上政治立 场不坚定、态度暧昧,严重违背中央、自治区、地委维稳决策部署,丧失党性原则和工作原则,知法犯法,徇私枉法,性质恶劣、情节十分严重。依据《中国共产党 纪律处分条例》及自治区党委《关于共产党员、党组织违反党的政治纪律行为的处分规定》等相关规定,经阿克苏地区纪委委员会议研究,并报阿克苏地委委员会批 准,决定给予甫拉提·丘瓦尔开除党籍、开除公职处分;收缴其违纪所得;将其涉嫌违法犯罪问题移送司法机关依法处理。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

新疆 徇私枉法 暴恐


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