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Chinese Embassy in the United States: the South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/1 7:58:59 Browse times: 147 Comment times: 0

Chinese Embassy in the United States: the South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game(中国驻美使馆:南海不应成为地缘政治博弈场)

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Chinese Embassy in the United States: the South China Sea South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game | | Embassy _ news

Original title: the Chinese Embassy: the South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game

  The South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game

  --Ambassador United States Embassy spokesman on South China Sea issues a letter to the New York Times

The "global network of military reported on June 1" on May 25, 2016, China United States Embassy spokesman Zhu Haiquan field in the South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game wrote to the New York Times comment section under the title expounded China's principle position on the South China Sea issue, compete in the South and the May 21 entitled ' daring editorial errors in the expression to be refuted. Letters published in the comment page of the newspaper on June 1. Following is the full text:

China maintained sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands were exercising their legal rights. After the second world war, China in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation to recover sovereignty over the Spratly and Paracel Islands. But since the beginning of the 70 's of the last century, some countries have started the illegal occupation of China part of the reef in the Nansha Islands.

The only way to resolve the dispute are parties to negotiate directly. China has negotiated with 14 12 signed a border treaty on land in neighbouring countries. Should also take this approach to solve the South China Sea issue.

In the search for a diplomatic solution at the same time, the Chinese side has been restrained. Side and the reef-building are used for peaceful purposes, and will not have any impact on the freedom of navigation and overflight. China does not participate in unilateral arbitration is filed, does not accept the Philippines acted in accordance with international law.

On relevant events mentioned in the editorial of the New York Times, Chinese understanding of the situation is that due to the US military in implementing came close reconnaissance activities along China's coast, the Chinese military to track, and always keep a safe distance. China about the operation in full compliance with safety and professional standards. While the American military is trying to threats, is not safe, not professional.

The South China Sea should not become a geopolitical game. We hope that the US side to stop show of force, in order to play a responsible and constructive role in promoting dialogue and negotiation.

(Source: global network)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Nanhai Embassy

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  【环球网军事6月1日报道】2016年5月25日, 中国驻美国使馆发言人朱海权以《南海不应成为地缘政治博弈场》为题致函《纽约时报》评论部,阐明中方在南海问题上的有关原则立场,并对该报5月21日题为《在南海比拼胆量》社论中的错误言论予以批驳。信函于6月1日在该报评论版刊登。全文如下:







责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

南海 驻美使馆


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