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1 billion US dollar billionaires in China second in the world, donated only Europe and the 4%

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/6/1 7:57:27 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

1 billion US dollar billionaires in China second in the world, donated only Europe and the 4%(中国十亿美元富豪世界第二,慈善捐款仅及欧美4%)

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1 billion US dollar billionaires in China second in the world only charitable donations and European and American 4%| Regal | contributions _ news

File photo: charity

Reference news, June 1, foreign media say China assets for $ 1 billion of annual growth in number of 30% to 40%, but compared to Europe, their is still only a drop in charitable donations. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a new report finds that Chinese charitable donations only United States or Europe, approximately 4%.

The voice website reported on May 31, according to a study by Forbes magazine, and assets of $ 1 billion on Chinese people in 2015 and 38%. Their net worth grew by $ 170 billion in 2015, up to $ 830 billion. Is to generate $ 1 billion in China's rich second-largest country, after the United States.

Beijing Office of the United Nations development programme is responsible for poverty reduction, equity and governance Affairs, said Gu Qing Tan, Assistant Director, Chinese Tycoon a little charitable donations because charities are operating without transparency, and generally suspect that social welfare funds are not on the right track.

Central School (CEIBS) said Rui Meng, a Professor of finance, Chinese business people and the interests of the company's most charitable donations are exchanged.

He said, "donors are often traded in the dark, through contributions in Exchange for benefits from local governments. Most charitable organizations directly or indirectly linked to the Government agency. Not far from them is to deal with them. ”

However, there are some improvements. Report of the United Nations development programme found that, over the past five years, the number of China's charity organizations increased by 60% in 2015 and reach 4,211.

Reports different from the US and Europe, China's super-rich and not rely on big donations to set an example. China is not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett-like figure.

However, just last week, the e-commerce giant, Jack Ma, Alibaba boss announced that he would donate a large portion of their income to the Alibaba public foundations and other charities. Ma ranks 33rd in the global rich list, personal net worth of over $ 20 billion. Ma also said that he did not claim tax deductions for charitable donations can get.

Reports said the news different reactions in different areas.

Central School of Rui Meng said: "Ma doing this for PR. His company had some bad news. He wished to improve their reputation through charitable contributions. ”

Some Chinese business people believe that public development network is a tool that can promote their business interests. In addition, Rui Meng said, they recognized that swinger barriers when they want to buy foreign companies, you have donations to local charitable organizations.

"China's policy," Friedman said, MA long and United States businessmen dealing and familiar with the United States, charitable donations are also being affected.

He said: "corporate social responsibility in China haven't become recognized as a trend. Some traders think of charity as a business tool, however, the situation is gradually improving. ”

United Nations Development Programme and other international organizations are trying to persuade China to open Internet money channels, because a significant portion of the population of China Unicom Internet, mostly through the mobile Internet. In light of the abuse in the case of contributions, China recently has raised and donated through the Internet governance.

Gu Qing Tan of the United Nations development programme, said: "we believe that the Internet is the future of China's charity cause growth direction. There are a lot of people want to make a contribution to society through mobile payments. ”

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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中国十亿美元富豪世界第二 慈善捐款仅及欧美4%|富豪|捐款_新闻资讯


  参考消息网6月1日报道 外媒称,中国资产上十亿美元的富豪人数每年增长30%到40%,但与欧美相比,他们的慈善捐款仍然只有九牛一毛。联合国开发计划署(UNDP)的一份新报告发现,中国人的慈善捐款只有美国或欧洲的大约4%。















责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

富豪 捐款


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