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Experts say H7N9 avian influenza fatality or near 30%, clinical treatment difficulties

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/30 6:31:11 Browse times: 255 Comment times: 0

Experts say H7N9 avian influenza fatality or near 30%, clinical treatment difficulties(专家称H7N9禽流感病死率或近三成,临床救治困难)

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H7N9 avian flu experts said the case fatality rate clinical treatment difficult or almost 30% | | avian influenza avian influenza virus | H7N9_ news

Original title: H7N9 avian influenza fatality or near the 30% difficulties in clinical treatment, experts say

International online coverage (reporter Pan Ying): H7N9 avian flu confirmed cases have been reported in mainland China so far this year have exceeded hundred examples, 20 people died. CDC experts said the fatality rate of the disease or of up to 20% per cent, with a case fatality rate is high. At the same time, because this virus no pathogenicity in poultry and are therefore more difficult to guard against, there is difficulty of clinical treatment.

From the end of March last year, since the first report of human infection H7N9 avian influenza cases in China, currently has reached more than 200 the number of cases confirmed, which killed more than 60 people. Calculation of number of cases and deaths, H7N9 fatality rate reached 20% per cent. Feng Zijian, China CDC Deputy Director stressed that the current fatality rate is also not strict, scientific sense of the case-fatality rate: "this is not a scientific case-fatality rate because we now see many patients who had not been there it ends, still hospitalized for treatment, unable to get the final accurate CFR. (And) we found that patients with severe now, small patients, doctors might not have suspected that he was attending it. So we see the case-fatality rate (deaths), but the denominator (number) is not accurate. ”

Compared with another common avian influenza virus H5N1, H7N9 more easily infect humans, and case-fatality rate is relatively low. Data show that China only 45 cases of H5N1 avian influenza in a decade, and H7N9 avian flu in less than a year has had more than 240 reports of more cases. However, the H5N1 avian flu virus case fatality rate of approximately 60% and H7N9 avian flu virus death rate of less than one half of its.

National Influenza Center Director Shu Yue-lung said, the similarities of these two viruses is that popular primarily in the poultry, transmissibility is weak, cannot result in widely circulated in the crowd like a seasonal flu. In contrast, H7N9 more difficult than H5N1 preparedness: "the biggest difference is that a class is a highly pathogenic H5N1 in poultry, poultry deaths caused, H7N9 this virus endemic in birds without symptoms, however, it is also the more difficult challenge of prevention and control. ”

Avian influenza situation analysis will be held a few days ago, Ministry of agriculture, reported H7N9 avian influenza virus mainly in the live poultry business sites, has not yet been checked out at poultry farms, H7N9 avian influenza virus in poultry are avirulent.

Peking University people hospital breathing medicine Gao zhancheng Professor introduced said, in clinical aspects, relative Yu H5N1 avian influenza for, H7N9 avian influenza virus of diagnosis more difficult, clinical doctor must strengthened on epidemic learn history of asked, strengthened distinguish: "H5N1 chicken also onset, we easy thought and fatality poultry of contact has relationship, and H7N9 of diagnosis, to clinical doctor brings is big difficult, because poultry class is health of. First-line physicians in the diagnosis on the basis of the lack of effective, it is difficult to expect H7N9 at an early stage, clinical doctors to strengthen epidemiological inquiry into history, is there any live poultry trading, whether the live bird market, enabling clinicians to H7N9 epidemiological inquiry to enhance identification and screening. ”

Early discovery, early reports, early diagnosis, early treatment, strengthening of severe cases where is the key to effective prevention and control, reduce the fatality rate. From the monitor stand, H7N9 virus is still sensitive to antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu and found no resistance.

Beijing Ditan Hospital Treatment Center said Li Xingwang, Director of infectious diseases, according to H7N9 avian flu diagnosis and treatment programme, conditional medical institutions to carry out H7N9 avian influenza testing was not equipped to be submitted in a timely manner. He said, now H7N9 avian influenza cases also hard do 100% seized out, so even detection is negative of patients, if suspected infection has H7N9, also should as soon as possible using up Philip, resistance HIV drug for treatment, to reduced fatality rate: "up Philip, resistance HIV drug on influenza virus is has effect of, premise is more early with more good, once patients appeared influenza sample symptoms, fever cough, suddenly heat, even detection is negative of, we also advocated giving resistance HIV treatment, to reduced seriously ill people of incidence. Now some patients due to various reasons causes the test results come back negative, this patient is also possible (h7n9 avian) flu. ”

Experts warn that for the elderly, in patients with underlying diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high risk groups, such as pregnant women, obese people, and if you develop flu-like symptoms, should be even more timely treatment with antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu.

Earlier reports that China H7N9 avian flu vaccine research and development of key technology and product development subject has been essentially completed preclinical studies. Enterprises have now declared to the drug regulatory authority, but is still listed on the vaccine could not be determined.

(Edit: SN054)January 29, 2014 International online(专家称H7N9禽流感病死率或近三成 临床救治困难|禽流感病毒|禽流感|H7N9_新闻资讯

  原标题:H7N9禽流感病死率或近三成 专家称临床救治有难点

  国际在线报道(记者 潘莹):今年以来中国内地报告的H7N9禽流感确诊病例数已超百例,死亡20人。疾控专家表示,这种疾病的病死率或可高达20%-30%,病死率比较高。同时,由于这种病毒对禽类无致病力,因此更难防范,临床救治还存在难点。











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