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The Beijing High Court: 14% cases of campus violence involving slapping nude photos

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/31 8:25:54 Browse times: 179 Comment times: 0

The Beijing High Court: 14% cases of campus violence involving slapping nude photos(北京高院:14%校园暴力案涉及扇耳光拍裸照)

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The Beijing High Court: 14% cases of campus violence involving slapping nude | | slapped | nude photos of campus violence _ news

On May 31, the Beijing high people's Court held a press conference to inform the community in the past five years Beijing court of violent crimes on campus. Five years, the city's courts handled nearly 200 criminal cases of campus violence, accounting for 0.19% of the total criminal cases in the same period, smooth criminal cases of campus violence, overall did not fluctuate, and involve charges of relatively concentrated, high rate of common crime cases.

Case statistics show that violent crimes on campus focuses on intentional assault, crimes quarrel and affray, and today three such cases accounted for more than 78%. About 70% cases of common crime. Among them, the Department of Defense people, victims of one of "many to one" case 45%; are people on both sides of the conflict, "many to many" case 55%. Seen from the crime, minors accounted for 62% of the total number of violent crimes on campus, and the predominantly male, killed the vast majority of students at school.

Vice President of the Beijing high people's Court introduced Sun Li, violent crimes on campus time, place, have certain similarities, mainly focused on schooling, school way less work hours or eat, and military training. Crime, mainly in the school canteen, toilets and dormitories where fewer teachers are present, such as, as well as outside the relatively secluded hiding places such as car parks, Park corner. Causes and motives of the crime is relatively simple, mostly because of daily chores such as Queuing, collision, numbness of the mouth, joke, or "face" aggressive, and try to be brave and sensitive paranoid emotional disputes. Meanwhile, school violence is not only bring different degrees of bodily harm to the victim and victims ' mental health lasting harm. Case statistics show that about 14% cases of victim was slapped, threw cold water on, cigarette burns, nude, very bad insult means, resulting in killing students in the case after a long period of time, continues to be accompanied by panic, irritability, anxiety and other emotional responses, even transferring, drop out of school.

Sun Li pointed out that violent crimes on campus in addition to reflect family, school, networking various outstanding issues, teenagers ' ignorance of the law, defying law in need of attention. Case study found that about 68% of the accused to legal regulations relating to campus violence "is not very understanding"; there are some narrative of the accused, had happened before wounded or injured by students of the students events, parents are helped up as compensation cases, didn't think this would be sentenced. In this psychological drive, they are more likely to take a chance, reckless desperation. In addition, two negative responses need to guard against the victim. One is afraid to be hit again, and suffer in silence, compromise. Worth noting is that trial victims tend to be perpetrators more fearless, intense and frequent into the vicious circle of violence. Another is the transformation from victim to perpetrator. Case statistics show that nearly 10% 's case the accused originally for victims of school violence, after they violated, due to lack of correct behavior guidelines, fails to recover in time and attitude adjustment, resulting in a revenge retaliation, follow the psychological domination, aggressive behavior, so as to translate into new offender.

Sun Li suggested, at the legal level, promotion of special laws, such as the development of the Campus Security Act, identify and refine legal liability of parties such as Governments, schools, families, enhance the operability of the system. Campus violence for perpetrators, to seek help in collaboration with relevant departments to build a linkage mechanism to implement the necessary follow-up counselling, prevent a return to crime. For the victims, social workers, psychological assistance in promoting justice in schools, exploring stress intervention mechanisms for students open recourse, providing professional advisory services. If necessary, intervention by school violence cases, cutting off "victim – offender" conversion path.

In today's press conference, by the Beijing Municipal publicity Office of the leading group produced in collaboration with the Beijing high people's Court, called love? guardian public service announcements in line with Tencent and SINA publishing. This Department public tablets according to real case, selected three bit actor respectively played a deliberately hurt case of violence who, and a robbery case of participation violence who, and a belligerent trouble case of victims, through they monologue type of tells, one by one reflected campus violence case in the violence who from "not knowing, and defying method" to huihenjiaojia of mental course, and campus violence to victims caused of fear, and helpless, and since closed, and exclusion, multiple hurt. In the latter part of the film, as the "judge Mama" Lai q, as well as space hero Yang Liwei Shang Xiuyun, a juvenile court judge has played, colors from the original black and white suddenly to bright light and calling for campus advocacy society prevention and control of violence, peace-building harmonious campus. Beijing high people's Court also issued ten cases of violent crimes on campus, campus violent crime situation from various perspectives, explore how juvenile individual, family, school, and other levels of effective school violence prevention and control measures, and to give warning to society, calling for concerted attention to campus safety.

In recent years, the full implementation of the Beijing court of suiting penalty to the principle of offender and victim dialogue mechanism established to promote parenting education model, efforts to repair relationships, encourage families to improve teaching methods. Strengthened in three court judges serve as Vice-President of the rule of law, annually sending law into the campus more than 300 times, audiences of minors more than 70,000 people. Take advantage of micro-blogging, micro-credit, micro films and other emerging media platforms, creatively "who law enforcement, whose Franco-Prussian" legal accountability into the process of promoting the construction of safe campus.

(Source: Beijing court)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
School violence slapped nude photos

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  近年来,北京法院充分贯彻落实罪责刑相适应原则, 建立加害方和被害方对话机制,推广亲职教育工作模式,着力修复社会关系,推动家庭改善教育方法。三级法院不断强化法官兼任法治副校长工作,年均送法进校园300余次,受众未成年人7万余人。充分利用微博、微信、微电影等新兴媒介平台,创造性地将“谁执法,谁普法”的普法责任制融入到推进平安校园建设过程中。


责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

校园暴力 扇耳光 拍裸照


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