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Canton middle school students diagnosed with H7N9, no prior history of exposure to poultry

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/30 6:30:27 Browse times: 314 Comment times: 0

Canton middle school students diagnosed with H7N9, no prior history of exposure to poultry(广州高三学生确诊感染H7N9,事前无禽鸟接触史)

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Canton middle school students diagnosed with H7N9 prior history of exposure to poultry bird flu | |-free poultry | H7N9_ news

Guangzhou h 7N 9 again yesterday confirmed case of human infection cases of bird flu, the patient, a 17-year old high school student. Yesterday, after the Guangdong provincial CDC review, province Planning Commission be identified and informed of the case. It is reported that this middle school students, before the onset of not in the meat market in and out, there is no clear history of exposure to poultry. Provincial and municipal disease control Department in the epidemiological investigations carried out and found no patient contact birds, markets have recently experienced. In addition, the problem is it safe to eat chicken during the Chinese new year, the Ministry of agriculture official said Chinese new year dining tables need not talk about poultry.

It is reported that patients with small, now lives in a village street, Huangpu Dadao, Tianhe district, the streets. Earlier in the early stage of autonomy when visiting a hospital, was admitted to hospital believed to be suspected cases with viral nucleic acid detection, discovery of h 7N 9 infection. In successive provincial CDC review, confirm, confirmed cases of human infection with h 7N 9 avian influenza, and was immediately transferred to Guangzhou---Municipal People's hospital system admitted to Sentinel hospitals for medical treatment and antiretroviral therapy. CDC said Yang zhicong, Deputy Director of Guangzhou City, "as is discovered in time, disposal effective, patients in a recent lab tests, has reached a negative conclusion, tips were cleared of the virus in the body. Second negative conclusions reached, Zhang can be immediately discharged. ”

Epidemiological investigations of the small, found no recent experience or access to meat markets had poultry exposure "is a source of infection and transmission is not very clear cases of infection. ”

At present, has entered a peak period of spring festival Golden Week travel, disease control experts say, although conclusive evidence currently available, only a transmission from poultry to humans. "Human range, distance, displacement, such as Spring Festival, is unlikely to cause widespread avian influenza risk. But people in the process of traveling, visiting relatives, also shy away from wild birds and migratory bird habitat, while avoiding and live birds, including poultry, game bird, migratory birds encounter "said Yang zhicong.

It is reported that Guangzhou now has accumulated 5 cases report of human infection h 7N 9. Lai Wan age of 82 cases, in addition to a critical condition were killed, 1 5 cases have now recovered and been discharged. The remaining cases are still under treatment, disease remission.

  Department of agriculture: Shunde is not liable to h 7N 9 virus

Yesterday informed the Guangdong provincial Department of agriculture, released January 27 from a batch of chickens supplied to Hong Kong from Guangdong Shunde after you check out the h-7 avian flu Antigen-positive samples, Shunde district emergency gathering in the agricultural sector 83 24 poultry farms and wholesale markets chicken samples, 12 environmental samples, H7N 9 test results are all negative.

The Agriculture Department said in 2013, Shunde district, Foshan City, the agricultural sector total of poultry farms and wholesale markets 5,699 7N 9 h testing poultry samples, results are all negative. And since the second half of the province's agricultural sector Trojan poultry samples 117,398 monitor poultry farms and wholesale markets, including serological samples 45,715, 71,683 pathogenic samples, was not at the farm tested positive to h 7N 9 samples.

Department of agriculture said Spring Festival is approaching, the agricultural departments at all levels in the province will be further measures to strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases and animal health supervision, to ensure that regional major animal disease does not occur during the holiday. Veterinary experts have repeatedly said that qualified through inspection from the formal channel sales of livestock and poultry and its products you can buy, after they have been cooked can be safely eaten.

 Hong Kong

Died 75 year old man diagnosed H7N9

Has lived in Shenzhen live in one week

A 75 year old man who returned to Hong Kong from Shenzhen to confirm avian influenza (7N 9 h), passed away yesterday morning, Hong Kong confirmed its fourth case of swine influenza a (h 7N 9).

Consultant of the Hong Kong Centre for health protection, Dr Zhang Zhujun said yesterday that the patient was a 75 year old man living in Tin Shui Wai, chronic disease, on January 26 in Shenzhen for signs of fever and breathing difficulties to Tuen Mun Hospital on the night before the accident and Emergency Department for treatment, was transferred to the isolation ward. He then gets worse, died yesterday morning. Public health laboratory services branch confirmed that his h 7N 9 viruses nasopharyngeal secretion samples were found to be positive. Patient death to the coroner for investigation.

According to preliminary information, patients between January 20 and went into Shenzhen, local shelter near a live bird market. Upon his return was asked why patients with undetected infection in the port, said Zhang Zhujun, patients with only mild symptoms. When patients in the Mainland, plus the incubation period believe are imported cases. Zhang Zhujun pointed out that itself in patients with diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, and upon his return Sunday to cross the border, only a cough and phlegm, no symptoms of high fever or infection, admission high fevers and shortness of breath, severe pneumonia, illnesses worse.

And five other close contacts are now no signs had been admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital for tests and observation. In view of the Spring Festival is drawing near, said Zhang Zhujun, h 7N 9 currently are mainly descendants of livestock, there is not evidence that person-to-person transmission, so the current risk assessment not too much different, but the cold weather there will be sporadic cases.

Secretary for food and health, Dr Ko Wing-man said yesterday that nearly 100,000 visitors daily flow of people between Hong Kong and the Mainland, some people stay longer in Hong Kong to the Mainland, often shopping at local markets, so he has asked the Centre for health protection to this category of people providing personal immunization information.


Hangzhou, a family of three has infection

Infection causes being studied

AP health informed the Commission on 29th of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province people infected with h 7N 9 avian influenza family clustering on the progress of the investigation. Reported that in January this year, the Board released human infection with h 7N 9 confirmed cases of avian influenza, there is a family cluster of cases in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, 3 human cases. Prior to the onset of 3 patients the common environmental exposure also had close contact, specifically infection, national and provincial experts are studying, with final official results to the public.

Health family planning Commission of Zhejiang Province following a notification displays: on January 20, Hangzhou Xiaoshan, Yu was diagnosed in patients between the ages of human infection h 7N 9 avian influenza. After 3 days, the 23 year old daughter was diagnosed with cases of human infection with h 7N 9 avian influenza. Both were confirmed. 27th, the hospital confirmed again, with Yu's wife, Wang h 7N 9 bird flu cases were also infected, illness is mild.

H 7N 9 expert diagnosis and treatment of avian influenza, first affiliated hospital, Zhejiang University School of medicine LEUNG Wai Fung, Professor, Deputy Director of communicable diseases, in this family of three, fathers first onset. 21st, has been accompanying Yu began to appear, the daughter of a throat discomfort, fever 22nd, after confirmed cases of human infection with h 7N 9 avian influenza. 22nd, accompanying her husband King also pharyngeal discomfort associated with conditions such as cough and sputum, and 2 being h 7N 9 confirmed human infection with avian influenza. At present, Yu died of doctor's advice.

 H7N9 three q

Widespread person-to-person transmission can occur?

Expert: positioning only "very limited person-to-person transmission"

Experts confirm Anji county, huzhou city, Zhejiang Province appeared limited person-to-person transmission within the family; the national incidence of reported family cluster as much national health family planning Commission said did not rule out a limited, non-sustained person to person ... ... Accompanied by h 7N 9 resurgence of bird flu this winter, one worries spread in the crowd: h-7N 9 widespread person-to-person transmission can occur?

China CDC Deputy Director Feng Zijian 27th said in a recent interview with Xinhua, epidemiological, basic infection number is greater than 1, which means that each infected infection more than 1 person to cause sustained person-to-person transmission. H 7N 9 basic infection number is only 0.09, only a limited, non-sustained person to person, in more than more than 240 cases have been found in only a few cases, and is the second generation of cases.

Dr Zhong Nanshan, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering believe that there is no apparent evidence that h 7N person-to-person signs 9. H 7N 9 transmissibility of judgment, are currently only able to locate a "very limited person-to-person transmission." Academician Li Lanjuan introduction, clinical and research personnel of two family cluster of cases close contacts over more than 30 viruses detected, results were negative, nor in the body produce antibodies. Earlier, killed in infected h 7N 9 Shanghai doctors when cases close contacts investigation, also found no infected "it shows h 7N 9 there is no widespread person-to-person transmission, limited in the case of interpersonal communication. ”

"We are very concerned about signs of person-to-person transmission, but to make interpersonal communication, a mutation of the spreads is to appear, the second is group cases can occur. "Dr Zhong Nanshan said: both of these possibilities are currently not implemented.

 Outbreaks during the Spring Festival?

Health Planning Committee: the possibility of a pandemic occurring small

On 28th, 8/h 7N 9 cases of human infection with avian influenza. Recent weekly number of new cases has been close to the peak of the outbreak last year level.

Human infection with h 7N 9 where bird flu outbreak? Outbreaks before and after the Spring Festival? In this regard, the health planning Committee, experts say H7N9 have winter and spring high seasonal characteristics of the virus, the recent part of the sporadic cases will continue to occur in urban areas; but by H7N9 virus cannot effectively spread in the crowd, massively popular less likely occurred during the Spring Festival.

Deputy Feng Zijian, Director of the Chinese Center for disease control noted that people infected with avian influenza h 7N 9 is currently limited person-to-person transmission, that only a small number of second-generation cases, almost no case for three generations. And effective person-to-person transmission is occurring in many of the patients, an infection can spread a number of people, or even causing community outbreaks.

For the prevention and control of epidemic, national health family planning Commission has recently requested, during the holiday season to strengthen the monitoring of influenza and unexplained cases of pneumonia. Ministry of agriculture is drafting poultry h 7N 9 influenza eradication plans and improve Biosafety in poultry farms and live bird markets level.

"As long as the infection under control, can effectively control the disease. "National influenza Center said Shu Yuelong, Director, currently reported cases about 70% live bird market exposure history. USDA monitoring also shows that h 7N 9 viruses mainly in the live poultry business sites and there has been no on-farm to check out.

 Chinese new year eating chicken is safe?

Agriculture official: Chinese new year dining tables need not talk about poultry, discoloration

Recently, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places h 7N 9 continuous reporting more cases of human infection with avian influenza, has aroused widespread public concern. Whether people infected with the virus from the poultry? Poultry products can be safe to consume? National animal h 7N 9 influenza prevention and control the situation? Press interview 29th, veterinary Bureau, Ministry of agriculture Zhang Zhongqiu.

Q: recently, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places h 7N 9 consecutive cases of human infection with influenza, many infections have a history of exposure to live poultry, whether people infected with the virus from the poultry?

A: the history, all the flu originated from bird flu, with the variation of influenza virus evolution, expanding scope of influenza virus infection, can infect a variety of wild birds and poultry in infected humans and mammals. When a period of stability on the one species, influenza known as a species.

Of h 7N 9 influenza infection on human sources, and judging from the current situation, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that the virus is spread directly from poultry to people, the routes of transmission of the virus is still not completely clear. From the perspective of monitoring results, current poultry farms has not detected h 7N 9 influenza viruses. From gene sequence analysis see, last year yilai, veterinary sector Trojan from poultry or environment in the separation to 96 strains h 7N 9 virus, national avian influenza reference laboratory research results indicates that, poultry source virus and from people separation to of virus different; from people separation of virus in two a key gene bit points Shang occurred has mutations, this two bit points of mutations led to virus on people of adapted and caused people infection onset.

Q: so far this year, already more than 10 cases of human infections, current national animal H7N9 influenza infection and control the situation?

A: for the recent human cases in some provinces, the Ministry of agriculture ordered H7N9 influenza, seek to ensure the safety of poultry, poultry products and public health safety.

In 2013, the total sampling to monitor poultry or 1.6302 million environmental samples, Trojan check out 88 H7N9 flu pathogen-positive samples, mainly from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Henan, Shandong and Hebei in 10 provinces and 2 of 6 live poultry business sites. Since 2014 national monitoring 33,400 samples, 4 in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi and Zhejiang provinces and 5 live bird markets to check out 8 pathogen-positive samples.

Q: during the Spring Festival, people's table boasts a wealth of chicken and duck meat, poultry meat is it safe to eat now?

A: through formal channels, qualified after quarantine of poultry meat is safe and can be safely edible. The first, and to date, we have not yet H7N9 influenza virus was detected in a poultry farm. Second, when poultry slaughter, after passing the required quarantine, veterinary quarantine certificate issued by the Crown, to be dispatched into the market. Thirdly, from the formal market, supermarket, shop of poultry and poultry products are safe. IV, as long as when processing cooked cooked, poultry meat was not carrying the virus.

Chinese new year is approaching, people gathering there is no need to give up the delicious meat of chickens, ducks and geese can eat poultry meat.

Q:H7N9 how big is the poultry industry losses caused by influenza?

A: March 2013 H7N9 after the flu outbreak, poultry product sales a serious setback. According to the survey of the China animal husbandry Association 2013 farm households direct economic loss of more than 60 billion yuan in the first half.

Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places in the near future again h 7N 9 cases, is gradually returning to the poultry industry is undoubtedly worse, damage to the economic interests of more than 40 million farms. According to the Sentinel surveillance of agriculture, last week's live chicken price 17.31 Yuan per kg, down 4.4; the price of eggs 8.6 Yuan/kg, down 10.. Companies reflect current sales loss of yellow-feather broiler 4 to 6 Yuan 1, white feather chicken sales are reduced by about 30%. According to the China animal husbandry Association estimates that nearly a poultry industry direct losses of 20 billion yuan in the period.

Integrated Xinhua News Agency

 The Government culled chickens Hong Kong chicken farmers cry out---

Some chicken farmers calling for the suspension of live chickens from the Mainland to Hong Kong

27th in the Hong Kong Government officials from Guangdong Province Foshan Shunde area register for live chickens in poultry farms in Hong Kong, check out the avian influenza positive samples, then decided based on the severity of avian flu contingency plans, take immediate measures, including 28th destruction of the Cheung Sha Wan temporary wholesale poultry market and poultry more than 20,000 of them, suspended all live poultry for 21 days.

But it allows Hong Kong local chicken nongda grievances. Deng Weilin, Director of the new territories chicken breeders Association said that, New Territories, Hong Kong's chickens and is virus-free, but live chickens at local farms, must be via Cheung Sha Wan poultry wholesale market to sell, it is unfair to local farmers, and calling for the suspension of live chickens from the Mainland to Hong Kong.

Yesterday, Hong Kong Secretary for food and health, Dr Ko Wing-man to attend meetings of the Legislative Council members and the trade on the avian influenza situation and listen to the views of local poultry industry of Hong Kong. Dr Ko Wing-man said the report showed inspections of chickens infected by the Mainland authorities for chicken farms in Hong Kong h 7, Shunde, Foshan City, and was testing 200 samples are not positive, so chicken samples have tested positive for Hong Kong's real source to be investigated.

Dr Ko Wing-man said, the Government will explore bird flu test pending the outcome of, the feasibility of separating live poultry imports and locally. Dr Ko Wing-man believes that the general public of Hong Kong have gradually change your eating habits, Government, industry and the public needs to rethink, is Hong Kong still needs to have live chicken supply in the long run. The Government commissioned a consultant to undertake the research and suggestion will be considered.

Interview: the South reporter Yang Guangxia correspondent Wang Daobin Kang Yinwan honey Luo Yishan (apart from signature,)

(Original title: Tianhe district 17 year old high school student diagnosed with H7N9 avian influenza)

January 30, 2014, The Southern Metropolis daily(广州高三学生确诊感染H7N9 事前无禽鸟接触史|禽流感|家禽|H7N9_新闻资讯

  广州市昨日再度确诊一例人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例,患者为一名17岁高三学生。昨日,经过广东省疾控中心复核后,省卫计委予以了确认并通报该病例。据悉,这名高三学生,发病前未曾在肉菜市场进出,也没有明确的禽鸟接触史。省、市疾控部门在对其开展流行病学调查后,未发现患者近期有禽鸟、菜市场接触经历。此外,针对春节期间吃鸡是否安全的问题,农业部官员表示,春节餐桌不必谈禽色变。

  据悉,患者小张,现住天河区员村街黄埔大道中街道。系在稍早前发病早期自主前往医院就医时,被收治医院怀疑为疑似病例,并进行了病毒核酸检测,发现感染H 7N 9禽流感的。而在随后的省疾控中心复核、确认后,被确诊为人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例,并被迅即转送广州市定点收治医院———市八人民医院进行系统的救治和抗病毒治疗。广州市疾控中心副主任杨智聪表示,“由于发现及时,处置得力,患者在最近一次的实验室检测中,已经得出了一次阴性结论,提示体内病毒被清除。如得出第二次阴性结论,小张可以立即出院。”



  据悉,目前广州已累计报告人感染H 7N 9病例5例。除荔湾82岁高龄病例因病情危重死亡外,目前已有1名5岁病例康复出院。其余病例仍在接受治疗,病情均趋缓解。

  省农业厅:顺德未检到H 7N 9病毒

  昨日广东省农业厅通报,1月27日香港公布从一批来自广东顺德的供港鸡样本中检出H 7禽流感抗原阳性后,农业部门紧急采集顺德区24个家禽养殖场和批发市场鸡样品83份,环境样品12份,检测结果H7N 9全部为阴性。

  农业厅称,2013年佛山市顺德区农业部门共抽取家禽养殖场和批发市场家禽样品5699份进行H 7N 9检测,结果全部为阴性。且下半年以来,全省农牧部门累计监测家禽养殖场和批发市场家禽样品117398份,其中血清学样品45715份,病原学样品71683份,未在养殖场检测到H 7N 9阳性样品。





  一名从深圳返回香港的75岁老翁确诊甲型禽流感(H 7N 9),昨日上午病逝,成为香港确诊第四宗甲型禽流感(H 7N 9)个案。

  香港卫生防护中心社会医学顾问医生张竹君昨日表示,患者是一名居于天水围的75岁男子,有长期病患,1月26日在深圳出现病征,前晚因发烧及呼吸困难到屯门医院急症室求医,被转往隔离病房。他其后病情恶化,昨日上午病逝。公共卫生化验服务处证实,他的鼻咽分泌样本对H 7N 9病毒呈阳性反应。患者死因已转交死因裁判官调查。


  而五名密切接触者目前没有病征,已被送往玛嘉烈医院接受测试和观察。鉴于春节临近,张竹君表示,目前H 7N 9主要是由禽畜传人,未有证据显示人传人,故目前风险评估没太大分别,但寒冷天气下会有零星个案出现。





  据新华社电 浙江省卫生计生委29日通报了一起杭州市人感染H 7N 9禽流感家庭聚集性病例调查进展情况。通报称,今年1月,在该委公布的人感染H 7N 9禽流感确诊病例中,有杭州市萧山区一个家庭出现聚集性病例,3人发病。在发病前3名患者存在共同环境暴露,也有密切接触,确切的感染原因,国家和省级专家正在研究,一有最终正式结果即时向社会公布。

  浙江省卫生计生委此前公布的疫情通报显示:1月20日,49岁的杭州萧山患者俞某某被确诊为人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例。3天后,其23岁的女儿也被确诊为人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例。两人均被确诊为重症。27日,医院再度确诊,患者俞某某的妻子王某某也感染了H 7N 9禽流感病例,病情为轻症。

  据H 7N 9禽流感诊治专家、浙江大学医学院附属第一医院传染病科副主任梁伟峰教授介绍,在这一家三口中,父亲最先发病。21日起,曾陪护过俞某某的女儿开始出现喉部不适,22日起出现发烧情况,后确诊为人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例。22日,陪护过丈夫的王某某也出现咽部不适伴咳嗽咳痰等情况,并于2 7日 被 确 诊 为 人 感 染H 7N 9禽流感病例。目前,俞某某因医治无效已死亡。




  专家证实浙江湖州安吉出现家庭内的有限人传人;全国多地报告出现家庭聚集发病现象;国家卫生计生委称不排除有限的、非持续的人传人……伴随着今年冬天H 7N 9禽流感的卷土重来,一个隐忧在人群中扩散:H 7N 9会出现大范围的人传人吗?

  中国疾控中心副主任冯子健27日在接受新华社记者采访时说,流行病学上,基本传染数大于1,即每个感染者传染1个人以上,才能造成持续的人传人。H 7N 9的基本传染数只有0 .09,只能有限、非持续地人传人,在已发现的240多个病例中仅有个别几例,且都是二代病例。

  中国工程院院士钟南山认为,并没有明显的证据表明H 7N 9出现人传人迹象。对于H 7N 9人际传播能力的判断,目前只能够定位在“非常有限的人传人”。中国工程院院士李兰娟介绍,临床和科研人员对两个家庭聚集性病例的30多位密切接触者进行了病毒检测,结果显示都是阴性,体内也没有产生抗体。而此前,在对感染H 7N 9身亡的上海医生进行病例密切接触者排查时,也没有发现有人被感染“这说明H 7N 9不存在普遍的人传人,仅仅局限在非常个案的人际传播。”




  28日,全国又新增8例人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例。近期每周新增病例数已接近去年疫情高峰时期水平。

  人感染H 7N 9禽流感疫情将走向何处?春节前后是否会暴发?对此,卫计委相关专家表示,H7N9病毒具有冬春 季 高发的季节性特征,因此近期部分城市地区仍将继续出现散发病例;但因H7N9病毒还不能在人群中有效传播,春节期间发生大规模流行的可能性小。

  中国疾控中心副主任冯子健指出,目前人感染H 7N 9禽流感还是有限的人传人,即只有少数二代病例,几乎没有三代病例的情况。而有效的人传人是指出现多代病人,一个感染者可以传播若干人,甚至引起社区暴发。

  为防控疫情,国家卫生计生委近日要求,节日期间要加强流感样病例和不明原因肺炎病例的监测。农业部正组织起草家禽H 7N 9流感根除计划,提升养禽场和活禽交易市场生物安全水平。

  “只要把传染源控制住,就能有效控制疫情。”国家流感中心主任舒跃龙说,目前报告病例大约七成有活禽市场暴露史。农业部的监测也表明,H 7N 9病毒主要存在于活禽经营场点,至今没有在养殖场检出。



  近期,浙江、广东等地连续报告多例人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例,引起了社会广泛关注。人感染的病毒是否来自家禽?禽类产品能否放心食用?全国动物H 7N 9流感防控情况如何?记者29日采访了农业部兽医局局长张仲秋。

  Q:近期,浙江、广东等地连续出现多例人感染H 7N 9流感病例,很多人感染病例都有活禽接触史,人感染的病毒是否来自家禽?


  关于人感染H 7N 9流感病毒的来源问题,从目前情况来看,尚没有充分证据证明病毒是由家禽直接传染给人的,病毒的传播途径也还没有完全搞清楚。从监测结果看,目前养禽场还没有检出H 7N 9流感病毒。从基因序列分析看,去年以来,兽医部门累计从家禽或环境中分离到96株H 7N 9病毒,国家禽流感参考实验室研究结果表明,禽源病毒与从人分离到的病毒不同;从人分离的病毒在两个关键基因位点上发生了突变,这两个位点的突变导致病毒对人的适应并引起人感染发病。

  Q:今年以来,已经有10 0多例人感染病例了,目前全国动物H7N9流感感染情况和防控情况如何?


  2013年,全国共采样监测家禽或环境样品163.02万份,累计检出88份H7N9流感病原学阳性样品,主要来自上海、江苏、安徽、浙江、河南、山东、江西、广东、福建和河北10个省市的2 6个活禽经营场点。2014年以来全国监测3.34万份样品,在广东、福建、广西、浙江4省区的5个活禽市场中检出8份病原学阳性样品。





  A:2013年3月份 H7N9流感疫情发生后,禽产品销售严重受挫。据中国畜牧业协会调查,2013年上半年养殖场户直接经济损失超过600亿元。

  近期广东、江苏、浙江、上海等地再次出现H 7N 9病例,对正在逐步恢复的家禽产业来说无疑是雪上加霜,4000多万养殖场户经济利益受到损害。据农业部定点监测,上周活鸡价格17 .31元/公斤,同比下降4 .4 2%;鸡蛋价格8 .6 2元/公斤,同比下降10 .21%。据企业反映,目前每销售1只黄羽肉鸡亏损4至6元,白羽肉鸡销售量减少约30%。据中国畜牧业协会估算,近一时期养禽业的直接损失在200亿元。


  港府扑杀活鸡 香港鸡农喊冤———




  昨日香港食物及卫生局局长高永文出席立法会会议,向议员和业界介绍禽流感防控情况并听取香港本地家禽业意见。高永文表示,报告显示内地当局曾巡查鸡只感染H 7的佛山顺德供港鸡场,而曾检测的200个样本都不是阳性,所以供港鸡只样本呈阳性的真正源头有待调查。


  采写:南都记者王道斌 康殷 万蜜 阳广霞通讯员罗伊珊(除署名外)



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