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China’s response to Indonesia’s detention of a Chinese fishing boat has been made solemn representations

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/31 8:24:07 Browse times: 185 Comment times: 0

China’s response to Indonesia’s detention of a Chinese fishing boat has been made solemn representations(中方回应印尼扣押中国渔船:已提出严正交涉)

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China's response to Indonesia's detention of a Chinese fishing boat: boat is detained, China had made solemn representations | _ news

On May 30, 2016 Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular press conference

Canada Foreign Minister Dion, France Foreign Minister Airaud invitation, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will be held from May 31 to June 4 to Canada on an official visit, met for the first time Canada annual meeting of Foreign Ministers, and left for Paris to attend the Foreign Ministers ' meeting of the international support for the Palestinian group.

  Q: China expecting international support group Foreign Ministers ' meeting on Palestine?

Answer: at present, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, peace talks bogged down in stalemate, China is highly concerned and worried. As the root cause of the Middle East peace issue, the question of Palestine should not be ignored, and cannot be forgotten. China hopes that the international support group on Palestinian Foreign Minister will be able to refocus the international community and facilitate the settlement of the Palestine issue. Wang Yi will lead a delegation of Foreign Ministers meeting, efforts to promote the Middle East peace process.

  Q: washing powder advertisement of a Shanghai company were arrested for racial discrimination, many foreigners feel the ads are not polite. Whether African countries or other foreign Government protested to the Chinese side? Do you think should apologize to groups that may be offensive?

Answer: I read that you mentioned about it. This is inappropriate behavior for an isolated commercial companies, the company has declared publicly apologized. I would like to stress that China, as a State party to the International Convention on the Elimination of racial discrimination has always fulfill the obligations of the Convention, actively committed to the Elimination of all forms of racial or ethnic discrimination. With our different peoples in the world, people of different races and countries, have maintained friendly exchanges, respect each other, treat each other equally.

  Question: are there any African countries washing powder advertisement to protest against China?

Answer: I have already said that this is inappropriate behavior for an isolated commercial companies. I have not heard of them find representations of the Chinese side. You see, China has always been equal for all countries to respect each other. In fact, we and the peoples of Africa are good brothers, Central Africa in international politics and economic aspects are very good communication and cooperation, and I hope you do not deliberately amplified it.

  Q: today, implementing the 2030 agenda International Symposium on sustainable development, held in linzhi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region. Could you introduce the Conference the situation. Also, why did you choose this seminar held in linzhi Prefecture, Tibet?

Answer: this morning, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and representatives of the United Nations system organized jointly by 2030 in the implementation of the sustainable development agenda of the international seminar held in linzhi Prefecture, Tibet, more than more than 100 Chinese and foreign guests attended.

During the meeting, Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon separately issued a video message. Wang said this year is 2030, first year of the implementation of the sustainable development agenda, States to adhere to the results-oriented, the local community-oriented, innovation-oriented cooperation and guidance in order to seize the spirit of the implementation of the development agenda. The Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that China's "Thirteen-Five" plans will be organically integrated into the sustainable development agenda of China's overall development plan, expecting China to continue leading the global follow-up process.

Participants on how to integrate the development agenda into national development strategies, how to achieve implementation of the early harvest, how to power through the innovation process, three topics were discussed, for advancing the implementation of the development agenda on a global basis put forward many useful comments and suggestions.

As to why this Congress in the linzhi Prefecture, Tibet, Tibet has special geographical environment. For many years, in achieving economic growth, the eradication of poverty in Tibet has done a lot of work and achieved positive results, while protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development has also made many attempts, has accumulated rich experience. Tibet, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations in holding this meeting in order to invite participants with successful practice in Tibet, on implementing the 2030 on sustainable development agenda to strengthen exchanges and share experiences together to embark on a road of sustainable development.

  Q: the Group of seven Summit to discuss world economic issues, Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the slowdown in emerging market economies drag on world economic growth. What is your response to this? Hangzhou, China will host the September G20 Summit, do you think that the G20 is more effective than the G7 global economic governance platforms?

Answer: on Friday I have to answer inquiries on remarks the Japanese side to take a stand. We note that the just-ended group of seven Summit to discuss issues related to the world economy. On the challenges facing the world economy and solve the problem, each party has its own views, and not individual States for selfish ends to add or detract. Under the current situation, international community is looking for is in the same boat spirit of partnership for growth, boost confidence and practical action.

The Group of 20 is recognised as the main forum for international economic cooperation, the representativeness and influence other mechanisms cannot be replaced. China will host the Group of 20 Summit in September this year, we look forward to the Summit consensus in Hangzhou, face the challenges of the world economy, for the direction of growth of the world economy and international economic cooperation. This is in line with common expectations of the international community, also in line with the needs of economic development in the world. As President, China looks forward to working with all parties to work together.

  Q: morning news of Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on his visit. Can you introduce the King of Cambodia King Norodom Sihamoni's visit to China the relevant arrangements?

Answer: this is King Sihamoni again after 11 years to pay a State visit to China, the Chinese side attaches great importance to this. The Chinese President held talks with King Norodom Sihamoni and other Chinese leaders will meet with and Exchange in-depth views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern.

China and Cambodia are good neighbors, good friends, good partners and good brothers. At present, a good momentum of development of Sino-Cambodian relations, the two sides witnessed frequent high-level exchanges, fruitful cooperation in various fields. Enrich the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperation, in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to the development and prosperity of the region. The Chinese side attaches great importance to developing relations with Cambodia, believes King Sihamoni's visit will promote the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to achieve new and greater development.

  Q: the US Defense Secretary Carter recently at the United States Naval Academy speech, mentioned 22 times that of China, said China is building "great wall of isolation". United States media commented that the United States would make up stories, "flickers during the day into the night." How do you comment on this?

A: we noted that the US Defense Minister Carter recently released talk on China, reflect the typical American thinking, the American hegemony. Indeed, the United States some people, the body has entered the 21st century, but the head is still stuck in the cold war, they fabricate any story to create news, look for and manufacturing rivals and enemies around the world. This time targeting the Asia-Pacific, with the aim, as Mr Carter said in his speech, to deploy a large number of advanced weapons to the Asia-Pacific region. I want to say is that in today's globalization, sticking to the cold war thinking there is no way, nor has any effect. China against any form of "cold war" had no interest in, nor do I play military who wrote and directed "Hollywood". But for any acts that threaten or undermine China's sovereignty and security, China does not fear, second, will strongly respond to.

China and the Asia-Pacific region has a wide range of common interests and face common challenges. Is beneficial, fighting on both sides were hurt. No conflict without confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, and conducive to regional and world peace and development. In fact, the two sides reached important consensus on constructive regulatory differences. Hopes the United States and with the Chinese side to strengthen dialogue, communication and cooperation and strive to build a relationship between Sino-US cooperation in the Asia-Pacific interactive, inclusive, together with the regional countries to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific.

  Q: the Indonesian military said yesterday, on Friday, Indonesia's detention of a Chinese fishing boat near the Natuna Islands, China is aware of the situation, and the Indonesian side to communicate on the matter?

A: as for the incident area, China and Indonesia have a different view, a Chinese fishing boat for normal production operations. The Chinese side has made solemn representations to the Indonesian side. Being close communication and coordination on event processing.

  Q: I heard that North Korea has recently held at the VII Congress of the Labor Party, China sent envoys to Pyongyang, the result is North Korea to stop testing nuclear bomb plans, providing food aid to China, could you please confirm?

Answer: I don't know where you heard that news, I have not heard about. China and North Korea as an important neighbor, both sides have maintained close communication through various channels.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Chinese fishing boats have been arrested

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  答:当前,巴以冲突持续,和谈深陷僵局,中方对此高度关注和忧虑。作为中东和平的根源性问题,巴勒斯坦问题不应被忽视、更不能被遗忘。中方希望 此次巴勒斯坦问题国际支持小组外长会能够使国际社会重新重视并推动巴以问题的解决。王毅外长将率团与会,为促进中东和平进程作出努力。


  答:我看到了你提到的有关报道。这是一个孤立的商业公司的不妥当行为,有关公司已经公开声明表示道歉。我想强调,中国作为《消除种族歧视国际公 约》缔约国,一贯认真履行公约义务,积极致力于消除各种形式的种族、民族歧视。我们与世界上不同民族,不同种族的人们以及国家,都保持友好交往,相互尊 重,平等相待。


  答:我刚才已经说了这是一个孤立的商业公司的不妥行为。我没有听说有国家找中方交涉的情况。大家都看得见,中国对所有国家从来都是一律平等,相 互尊重。事实上我们跟非洲人民是好弟兄,中非在国际政治和经济等方方面面进行着非常良好的沟通与合作,希望大家不要刻意放大此事。



  外交部长王毅和联合国秘书长潘基文分别在会上发表视频讲话。王毅部长表示,今年是2030年可持续发展议程落实元年,各国要坚持成果导向、本土 导向、创新导向和合作导向,以只争朝夕的精神落实发展议程。潘基文秘书长表示,中国的“十三五”规划将可持续发展议程有机地纳入了中国的整体发展规划,期 待中国继续领跑全球落实进程。


  至于为什么在西藏林芝举办此次会议,西藏拥有特殊的地理环境。多年来,西藏在实现经济增长、消除贫困方面做了许多工作,取得积极成效,同时在保 护环境、实现可持续发展方面也进行了许多有益尝试,积累了丰富经验。中国外交部与联合国方面在西藏举办此次会议,目的是邀请与会嘉宾结合西藏的成功实践, 围绕落实2030年可持续发展议程进行加强交流,分享经验,共同走出一条可持续发展之路。


  答:上周五我已经应询就日方有关言论表明立场。我们注意到刚刚结束的七国集团峰会讨论了世界经济相关问题。关于世界经济面临的挑战及其解决之 道,各方都有自己的看法,不是个别国家出于一己私利所能左右的。当前形势下,国际社会期待的是同舟共济的伙伴精神和促进增长、提振信心的实际行动。

  二十国集团是公认的国际经济合作主要论坛,其代表性和影响力是其他机制不可替代的。中国将于今年9月主办二十国集团峰会,我们期待着杭州峰会凝 聚共识,直面世界经济挑战,为世界经济增长和国际经济合作指明方向。这符合国际社会的共同期待,也符合世界经济发展的需要。作为主席国,中方期待同各方一 道为此共同努力。



  中柬是好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。当前,中柬关系发展势头良好,双方高层交往频繁,各领域合作成果丰硕。不断充实中柬全面战略合作,符合 两国人民的根本利益,也有利于本地区的发展繁荣。中方高度重视发展对柬关系,相信西哈莫尼国王此访将推动中柬全面战略合作伙伴关系取得新的更大发展。


  答:我们注意到美防长卡特近日发表的有关涉华言论,反映了典型的美式思维、美式霸权。的确,美方有一些人,身体虽已进入21世纪,但脑袋还停留 在冷战时期,他们杜撰故事,炮制新闻,在世界各地寻找和制造对手和敌人。这次把矛头对准了亚太,目的是,就像卡特先生自己在演讲中说的,要把大量先进武器 部署到亚太地区来。我想说的是,在全球化深入发展的今天,固守冷战思维没有出路,也不会有任何效果。中方对任何形式的“冷战”都不感兴趣,也无意出演美军 方某些人士自编自导的“好莱坞大片”。但对于任何威胁或损害中国主权和安全的行为,中方一不畏惧,二是必将坚决应对。

  中美在亚太地区拥有广泛的共同利益,面临共同挑战。双方合则两利、斗则俱伤。不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢最符合两国和两国人民的根本利 益,也最有利于本地区和世界的和平发展。事实上,中美双方就建设性管控分歧达成过重要共识。希望美方与中方相向而行,加强对话、沟通与合作,努力构建中美 在亚太积极互动、包容合作的关系,与地区国家一道促进亚太的和平、稳定、繁荣。





责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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