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China life lost mentor factories continued: the factory was fined for environmental issues

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/31 8:23:54 Browse times: 192 Comment times: 0

China life lost mentor factories continued: the factory was fined for environmental issues(中国研究生命丧导师工厂续:工厂曾因环保问题被罚)

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China life lost mentor factories continued: factory for environmental issues _ news by penalty postgraduate | factory |

Original title: huadongligong life loss mentor shares factories continued: the factory was punishment for environmental issues _fin

Beijing News News (Xinhua Gu Yuefei) on May 23, East China University seminar student killed teacher a social awareness of the factory. Beijing News reporter just learned that Shanghai Joule wax industry co in 2013, the incident was punished for violating laws, but the company refused to perform and accordingly boarded the environmental protection departments of the end of "black list".

Reporter obtained a Shanghai March 2013 – June environmental law unit on the list of Shanghai Joule wax industry column in which key issues are: violation of construction project "three simultaneous" and acceptance system. The so-called "three simultaneous" is based on the 41st of the environmental protection law of China stipulates that: "the construction project pollution prevention facilities, simultaneously with the principal part of the project should be designed, constructed and put into use. Pollution prevention facilities shall conform to the approved environmental impact assessment documentation requirements may be supplemented, removed or left idle. ”

Qingpu district of Shanghai environmental protection Bureau has released a typical case May 2013, referring to Joule wax industry, Ltd in Shanghai in 2007, approval for the environmental impact report, May 2013 but the Council survey found that this report form in fact has not been accepted. The inspection operations, environmental protection departments have also found, empty barrels of cleaning wax emulsion in the production process of the factory production of wastewater, directly through the storm sewer outfall, pollution to the surrounding environment.

That same month, Shanghai Joule wax industry limited company supporting environmental protection facilities without the acceptance of the Environmental Protection Department arbitrarily put into production, to filing, Qingpu district, Shanghai environmental protection Bureau, was ordered to stop production, the administrative penalty of fine of 75000 Yuan. But Shanghai Joule wax industry limited company does not carry out this punishment, the end of the year, Qingpu district of Shanghai environmental protection Bureau has issued "in 2013, refusing to execute the decision list" Joule wax industry, Ltd was listed in Shanghai.

On May 29, the interview with the Beijing news reporters near the incident, a number of local industry have reflected to journalists, a few years ago, factory jobs smell more, locals had complained to the Department of environmental protection. Later, the business will change after 10 at night, and later on a decreasing scale.

The afternoon of May 23, Shanghai Joule wax industry limited explosion accident caused almost 200 square meters of colored steel sheet collapses, confirm that 3 people were killed, including Li of East China University of one of the two students. Family members of the deceased to question, this accident was due to mentor an illegal arrangement caused by the students to do experiments in their own factories.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Graduate factory

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  新京报快讯(记者 谷岳飞)5月23日华东理工大学研二学生命丧导师工厂一事引发社会关注。新京报记者刚刚获悉,事发的上海焦耳蜡业有限公司2013年曾因违反环保法规而遭处罚,但该企业拒不执行并因此登上了环保部门的年终“黑榜”。






责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

研究生 工厂


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