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A new round of heavy rains hit, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 7 provinces will have heavy rain

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/31 8:23:32 Browse times: 149 Comment times: 0

A new round of heavy rains hit, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 7 provinces will have heavy rain(新一轮强降雨来袭,长江中下游7省将有暴雨)

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A new round of heavy rains hit the Yangtze rainstorm 7 southern provinces will have heavy rain | | rainfall _ news
Yesterday, the rain in Zhanjiang city in Guangdong Province. (Source: SINA)
Today, the Shiyan city, Hefei and other storms.

Original title: heavy rains hit 7 provinces of middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River by rain

From today (31st) to June 3, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and a new round of heavy rains struck, jianghan, JAC, much of the South to have the rain, heavy rain or heavy rain in some areas. South China will last for the next three days as much hot weather, or a high temperature today tomorrow in North China under the influence of cold air temperatures drop.

  Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and a new round of heavy rain 7 provincial Council was due to heavy rain

Yesterday, the rainfall in the South was held back, JAC, jianghan, Northern South to emerge, such as sunshine, scattered distribution of rainfall in southern China. Monitoring shows that 30th 08 o'clock to 31st 06 o'clock, Eastern, in the North-East, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, southern, southern Guangxi and other places of heavy rain in some areas, Bureau of Quanzhou, Fujian province, and fangchenggang, Guangxi appeared heavy rainfall (rainfall 100~111 mm).

31st to June 3, the eastern part of Northwest China, Southwest, South and West of the Huang-Huai, jianghan, JAC, large parts of South and from the North to the South has had heavy rain and locally heavy rainfall. Heavy rain concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, most periods of heavy rainfall occurs from May 31 to June 1, 3rd rain belt moved South-East, weakened.

Expect 31st 08 o'clock on June 1 08 o'clock, southeastern Shanxi, Middle East, southern Henan, northwestern Hubei and Anhui, southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, Northern Jiangxi, such as heavy rain or rainstorms in some areas, among them, the southern and East-Central regions in Anhui and other places have local heavy rainfall (100~140 mm). Parts of these heavy rain or thunderstorm accompanied by short, maximum hourly rainfall 20~40 mm, with up to 50~70 mm. To this end, the Central Meteorological Station on May 31 06 o'clock storm blue warning was issued.

Into the flood since the rainfall in the South, causing streams of water high in some areas, geological disaster-prone. At present, JAC, West of jianghan, Northern precipitation 30%-80% in the South, more than 1 time in parts of Jiangsu, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as strong rains will increase the risk of geological disasters, local needs awareness. In addition, the need to get city water logging, farmland disasters such as flood defenses, and to guard against thunderstorm, hail and other severe adverse effects of weather.

  South China continued hot temperatures in North China after a surge down

Yesterday, the more hot weather in South China, Guangzhou high reached 32.9 ° c reached a new high this year. The next three days, sultry weather will continue in South China, maximum temperatures above 30 degrees centigrade, even high temperatures in some places, and due to high humidity, body temperature will be higher, prepares an summer cooling needs of the local population.

Meanwhile, swath of hot upgrade again, yesterday, the highest temperature generally by more than 33 degrees Celsius in North China, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and other places have reached highs so far this year, while Tianjin's above 35 degrees, be first heat this year North of the provincial capital city. However, today and tomorrow under the effects of cold air, temperatures fell in North China, heat will be eased.

Source: China weather network

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Southern storm rainfall

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新一轮强降雨来袭 长江中下游7省将有暴雨|南方暴雨|强降雨_新闻资讯

  原标题:强降雨袭长江中下游等地 7省遭暴雨


  长江中下游等地新一轮强降雨来袭 7省局地遭强降雨

  昨天,南方的降雨有所缩减,江淮、江汉、江南北部等地陆续出现阳光,降雨零散的分布在华南地区。监测显示,30日08时至31日06时,四川东北部、福 建中东部、云南西南部、广西南部等地的部分地区出现大到暴雨,福建泉州、广西防城港等局地出现大暴雨(降雨量100~111毫米)。


  预计,31日08时至6月1日08时,陕西东南部、湖北西北部和中东部、河南南部、安徽大部、江苏中南部、浙江北部、江西北部等地的部分地区有大雨或暴 雨,其中,安徽南部和中部偏东地区等地局地有大暴雨(100~140毫米)。上述部分地区伴有短时强降水或雷暴大风,最大小时雨强20~40毫米,局地可 达50~70毫米。为此,中央气象台5月31日06时发布暴雨蓝色预警。

  入汛以来,南方地区降雨过程多,导致部分地区江河水位偏高、地质灾害多发。目前,江淮、江汉西部、江南北部等地降水偏多3~8成,江苏的部分地区偏多1 倍以上,此次长江中下游等地强降雨将加大地质灾害发生风险,当地需加强防范。此外,还需提前做好城市内涝、农田渍涝等灾害的的防御,并防范雷暴大风、冰雹 等强对流天气的不利影响。

  华南持续闷热 华北气温冲高后回落




责任编辑:张淳 SN182

南方暴雨 强降雨


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