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The Taiwan Affairs Office: stick to the “92 consensus“ cross-strait communication mechanism to keep

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/22 7:55:22 Browse times: 133 Comment times: 0

The Taiwan Affairs Office: stick to the “92 consensus“ cross-strait communication mechanism to keep(国台办:坚持“九二共识”两岸沟通机制才能延续)

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The Taiwan Affairs Office: stick to the "92 consensus" cross-strait communication mechanism to keep

According to Xinhua News Agency for the Democratic Progressive Party has been in Taiwan came to power, the Taiwan Affairs Office and Mainland Affairs Council question whether it can continue to operate the communication mechanisms, State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang 21st said only confirmed adherence to the "92 consensus" that reflected the common political basis of the one-China principle, two Department of communication mechanism will be able to continue.

Ma Xiaoguang said in February 2014, the Taiwan Affairs Office and the head of the Mainland Affairs Council met in Nanjing, decided the "92 consensus" politics based on two regular communication mechanisms. For more than two years and two positive interactions, held a working meeting of Heads of 5 times, establish a hotline between the two sides maintain close communication, properly handle many complex and sensitive issues, widely recognized by the from all walks of life on both sides. Operation of the two departments of communication mechanism is beneficial to both sides communicate and avoid miscalculation, regulatory differences, but also conducive to promoting understanding and accumulate mutual trust, let some of the cross-straits relations "impossible" become a reality.

21st the next two sessions of Heads of ARATS Attorney consultation and communication mechanism should be said that we are in the "92 consensus" advocated and sincerity in promoting cross-straits negotiations on the basis will not change. As long as the SEF is authorized, to the ARATS to confirm adherence to the "92 consensus" that reflected the political basis of the one-China principle, two authorized mechanism of consultations and contacts have been maintained.

ARATS said that the mechanisms for consultation between the two associations and contact is established in the "92 consensus" on the common political basis, are duly authorized by the two sides. In May 2008, the two sessions by correspondence and confirm the "92 consensus" after the Foundation, contact between the two agencies and the negotiation to recover. For eight years, CPPCC has held 11 meetings, signed 23 agreements, consolidating the common political basis, promote the well-being of citizens.

 Experts say

Experts urged Taiwan leaders to clear the "92 consensus" attitude

City experts said new leaders "inauguration speech" did not explicitly accept the "92 consensus"

Taiwan new leader in 20th "inaugural" 21st city, many experts and scholars told Xinhua in an interview pointed out that Taiwan new leader remained in his speech did not explicitly accept the "92 consensus" and the Taiwan Straits belong to one China, the core meaning, should further clear answer to this in the future. AP

 "The new leaders ' Taiwan independence ' huge pressure"

"' 92 consensus ' through a series of letters and telegrams from the consensus reached, is the common political basis of cross-strait relations. What exactly is the relationship between the two sides, cross-strait relations is nature, require Taiwan new leader make a clear answer. In her speech to avoid ' 92 consensus ', but on political basis, is talking about themselves. "College said Huang Jiashu, a Professor of international relations at Renmin University, Taiwan new leader on the issue of cross-strait relations again," still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar ", stating that she was" Taiwan independence "pressure. This proves that the stability and development of cross-strait relations must also be firmly against "Taiwan independence".

Nanjing University Taiwan Institute Director Liu Xiangping think, Taiwan authorities new leaders in inauguration speech in the, although mentioned 1992 on both sides of two talks and reached has several common cognitive and understanding, said to according to existing provides and about Ordinance processing on both sides of relationship Affairs, in both political based Shang continued promoted on both sides of relationship peace stable development, but, for on both sides of compatriots most concerns of on both sides of relationship nature this a fundamental problem, she continues to take avoided attitude.

 "Do not go back to the ' 92 consensus ' cross-strait relations will face challenges"

Peking University Taiwan Research Institute President Li Yihu analysis, normal and minimum requirements according to the positive interaction between the two sides, Taiwan new leader should have been the "92 consensus" on the issue "before the statue of the next". First to show respect and understanding "92 talks historical facts" as well as in the process of "seeking common cognition". More importantly, also need to be clear on the basis of this "92 consensus," the core meaning.

"But her inauguration speech, she in the ' 92 consensus ' issues ' presence after the Suppression ', ultimately did not accept ' 92 consensus ', do not accept it as a basis for cross-strait interaction, ' presence ' is to ' anti '. Such a statement cannot, of course, acceptable to the city. "Li Yihu said.

Tsinghua University, Taiwan Wu Yongping, Deputy Director of the Institute said that the city says very clearly, it used to be years of cross-strait relations are based on the "92 consensus" based on no "92 consensus" cannot continue to develop cross-straits relations in the future. If the Taiwan new leader does not return to the "92 consensus" on the basis of cross-strait relations will face a series of challenges for the future.

  "If they want to maintain the status quo between the two sides need to recognize a principle"

Experts believe that, if we want to maintain the cross-strait status quo, ensure that existing institutionalized communication mechanism between the two sides and the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, Taiwan new leader needs to confirm with city reflected the common political basis of one-China principle.

"If you do not recognize the ' 92 consensus ' can continue to push deeper exchanges between the two sides can maintain the good situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations since 2008, is to put a question mark. "Nankai University Taiwan Institute for economic research said Cao Xiaoheng, Director, does not explicitly recognize the" 92 consensus "identity of its core meaning has been shaken by the cornerstone of peaceful development of cross-strait relations. Then, construction on Taiwan Office and the Mainland Affairs Council of the State in which communication mechanisms, institutionalized negotiation mechanism will shut down the two agencies, exchanges and cooperation in various fields and personnel exchanges between the two sides will also be affected.

"Such serious consequences can only be borne by the change. "Said Cao Xiaoheng, cross-strait relations can move forward, the key is to look after the inaugural, Taiwan new leader will have further comment, as well as practical actions.

Wu Yongping believes that Taiwan new leader, we need to listen to his words and observe his deeds, pay close attention to her future path. Different roads to choose different foreground, is to continue to take the road of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, still repeat the mistakes raised the specter of tense and volatile, "the ball at her feet."

  Media view

21st issue of Taiwan in major newspapers on the Taiwan authorities new leader "inaugural" coverage, focus its statement on the cross-straits relations, which cast a shadow over the future development of cross-strait relations.

  Taiwan's China Times

"The new leaders ' oratory skills to avoid recognition ' 92 consensus '"

Came to public attention by the new leader of the "92 consensus", "in a roundabout, indirect manner", "technique of avoiding to recognize or admit that questions of right and wrong", which clearly failed to bridge city to Taiwan into the "Taiwan independence" concerns.

The "92 consensus" is important because it is a prerequisite for development of cross-strait relations at the present stage. If the original was the "recognition" of "prerequisite" now is "respected" the "historical facts", "of course is a step backwards." Editorials said that Qu birun ornaments may be able to avoid a showdown, but cannot be trusted.

Then the new leader of the actual action. If the Executive team and the politicians continue to intensify language framework for cross-strait relations, DPP representatives continue to promote various forms of "China" or "two States theory" legislation, new leaders must stop, the "atmosphere of reconciliation between the two sides will immediately end, cross-strait relations will fall apart."

  Taiwan Wang Pao

"The DPP's Taiwan independence ' platform is a major and never won a city trust barrier"

New leaders in the "92 consensus" on fundamental issues was adopted an evasive attitude, the so-called respect for the history of the 1992 cross-strait consultation between the two associations and a number of common knowledge is not equivalent to admit the "92 consensus" reveals a desirable culvert.

Bitter experience during the Chen Shui-bian administration, is today examining the new leader's warning. If the new leader has again "from the legal point of view to make adjustments in cross-strait relations", "is bound to incur the same scourge." DPP is promoting the "referendum law" amendments to slashed "referendum" threshold, this will cause cross-strait tensions. The new authorities must stand on cross-strait relations perspective, never set foot on Chen Shui-bian, say one thing and do another, caused turmoil in Taiwan to mistakes.

New leaders said "the ruling party should set aside historical baggage between the two sides," but now have the greatest historical burden of the DPP and "Taiwan independence" party platform as the party's "enraptured", "has been a major obstacle to the city, it is difficult to trust the DPP"

New leader of speech "did not touch of history, blood and cultural relations between the two sides, the Mainland and Taiwan are concerned." If the new administration "cultural Taiwan independence" line, "China", Taiwan and Chinese culture and people of the younger generation apart, would seriously damage cross-strait relations.

 Taiwan commercial times

"The biggest problem lies in the mutual trust between the two sides is weak"

Dealing with cross-strait relations, is the new authorities "realize the key to ideal conditions, should not be overlooked." The biggest problem with which the current cross-strait relations lies in weak mutual trust. New leaders should now do a lot of good things, sustained-release, and the goodwill efforts to reassure, to fully reinforcing mutual trust, take this to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait status quo. "In order to settle Taiwan business mentality".

"Between the two sides of ups and downs, to last over time". During this period, certain levels of communication consultation between the two sides could be obstacles. Such as Taiwan and the hotline between the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland Affairs Council is able to pass, is suspicious; talks whether to resume the cross-strait trade in goods agreement, no clear answer; "Taiwan Strait Bridge plan" can continue to push, also became uncertain. In addition, the new leader of "new South" policy and participate in regional economic cooperation, if not made in the city, and coordination, "current buzz words."

Clothing trade agreement between the two sides is still stuck in the legislature, delay in entry into force, many Taiwan financial cooperation plans, break with the Mainland. Industry hopes that the new administration can address cross-straits relations for Taiwan financial industry and the impact of foreign trade, to solve the problem as soon as possible, so as not to "Taiwan".

This group of manuscripts/Xinhua

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-05-22 02:07:29
The Beijing News

  据新华社电 针对民进党已经在台湾上台执政,国台办与陆委会联系沟通机制是否还能继续运作的问题,国台办发言人马晓光21日应询表示,只有确认坚持“九二共识”这一体现一个中国原则的共同政治基础,两部门联系沟通机制才能得以延续。







  针对台湾当局新领导人20日发表的“就职演说”,大陆多位专家学者21日接受新华社记者采访指出,台湾当局新领导人在讲话中仍然没有明确接受“九二共识”和两岸同属一中的核心意涵,未来应对此作出进一步的明确回答。 据新华社电
































(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-05-22 02:07:29

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