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Xinyi, Guangdong suffered 200-year rainfall as “rain pit“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/21 9:43:59 Browse times: 140 Comment times: 0

Xinyi, Guangdong suffered 200-year rainfall as “rain pit“(广东信宜市遭受200年一遇降雨成“雨窝”,)

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Xinyi, Guangdong was a serious rainfall of over 200 years as "rain pit" Guangdong Yi | letter | rainstorm _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, May 21 (reporter Tian Jianchuan)-reporters learned from the flood in Guangdong Province, from 20th to 21st attack extremely rare heavy rains in Guangdong, Xinyi, the hardest-hit areas of this heavy rain "rain pit", 6-hour rainfall of 429.5 mm, over 200-year flood event, causing serious damage. Guangdong provincial Department of Civil Affairs has launched two emergency response, sent a working group to carry out relief work in the disaster area in Maoming city, allocated 200 tents, seat mosquito net 300 sets, mineral water, 300 tanks, 200 boxes of instant noodles, rice, 10 tons of relief supplies.

20th to 21st evening, there was heavy rainfall so far this year, Guangdong, Guangdong Province, in Western Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta cities and counties, heavy rain to torrential rain, Maoming and Yangjiang and Shenzhen, torrential rain in some places. Guangdong provincial Observatory experts said the rainfall "storm and wide range of cumulative rainfall, rainfall intensity," features.

Experts pointed out, the Xinyi caused severe floods the main reason is its unique location, the second is rare, extremely heavy rainfall. Because of Xinyi, Guangdong yunkai mountains of the mountain range of the three mountains, is the storm center of Guangdong, under attack in heavy rain, very easily lead to skyrocketing violence fell torrents especially, Xinyi district, surrounded by mountains, heavy rainfall in over 200 years of continuous attacks, floods concentrated together around downtown, caused severe waterlogging, resulting in severe damage.

As of 21st, the heavy rain ended. Flood in Guangdong province said that while the heavy rainfall process has ended, but the soil moisture content, and geologic hazard risk levels are still too high, to troubleshoot problems, closely guard against secondary disasters. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Guangdong Yi from storm

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广东信宜市遭超200年一遇降雨成“雨窝” |广东宜信|暴雨_新闻资讯

  新华社广州5月21日电(记者田建川)记者从广东省防总获悉,20日到21日袭击广东的极端罕见强降雨中,重灾区信宜市成为本次强降雨的“雨窝”,6小时 雨量达429.5毫米,超200年一遇,造成严重灾情。广东省民政厅已启动二级救灾应急响应,派出工作组赶赴茂名灾区开展救灾工作,下拨帐篷200顶、被 席蚊帐300套、矿泉水300箱、方便面200箱、大米10吨等救灾物资。


  专家分析指出,此次造成信宜严重洪涝灾害的主要原因一是此地特殊的地理位置,二是罕见的极端强降雨。由于信宜位于广东三大山脉的云开山脉的崇 山峻岭之中,是广东的暴雨中心,在强降雨的袭击之下,极易引发暴涨暴落的山洪,特别是信宜市区,四周群山环抱,在超200年一遇的强降雨的连续袭击下,周 围洪水集中汇聚在市区,导致严重内涝,造成严重灾害。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

广东宜信 暴雨


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