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Lok officials in Hunan: like women together, disorderly fashion

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/21 9:43:12 Browse times: 171 Comment times: 0

Lok officials in Hunan: like women together, disorderly fashion(湖南落马官员:喜欢跟女人在一起,不检点是时尚)

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Hunan Lok officials like woman does is | | indiscretion _ a woman of fashion news

Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, Zhangjiajie Gao Jianguo.

Case summary: GAO Jianguo, a former Bureau of land and resources in Zhangjiajie city, Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, Zhangjiajie city, party members and other staff. On suspicion of serious offenses, on April 15, 2015 organization survey. December 2015, be expelled from the party, dismissed the Government, have been transferred to judicial organs for handling. At present, the case has been heard.

With their forward positions, the honor come, all kinds of praise can be heard everywhere, amid laughter in their lives. A time not drinking and playing cards, chat time, often said to be "porn" is also drunk all day long, heated. Like women together, sometimes style indiscretions, considered to be a fashion, a capacity. Their joy was rushing and passing out brains, can't find North, step by step to the violation of the abyss.

  Fame pledge

In 2004 and 2008, he did not enter a higher level position, reverse psychology, eased up on their demands, others see opportunities, then you hit, you drill into the set, deeper than deep, couldn't get away. Treats red gift, past is all not received, later as long as not obviously right to money trading phenomenon, and and not strangers of and big lines cash of, are basically received Xia, again later even is sent precious items, and sent cash are righteously of received Xia, completely forget has himself is a Communist, and leaders, is this on interests not due of pursuit only makes himself to crime of road.


For me, there was a family can enjoy, but be lucky psychological harm to himself, other people's money, regardless of the consequences, that only two people know, as long as they don't say there is no problem, or no problem. Next is to do the wrong thing, or even constitutes a crime out of things that don't reflect on, mistaken for an organization to check out.

  Stubborn thought

Main jobs for a long time, formed the so-called paternalism. Long comments are always around you opinions of others, and the wrong stuff, others don't want to point it out to you, or that you hardly accept. Over time, I also formed a stubborn character. Is their own stubborn harms himself, are detrimental to the family, is too late.

When I lift the pen writing in the process of repentance, my heart aches, my tears have been streaming all the time. I know that I will soon leave the party I have worked for more than 30 years, not the party I had, but I do not live up to expectations, this is what I deserve. Learn from their mistakes, are their own greed harms himself, and hurt my family, I have to repent.

Source: sanxiang discipline network

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Women do not behave

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湖南落马官员:喜欢跟女人在一起 不检点是时尚|女人|不检点_新闻资讯



  随着自己职务的不断向前,各项荣誉随之而来,各种赞扬声随处可听,使自己生活在一片欢笑声中。一有时间不是喝酒就是玩牌,聊天度时光,经常不说是“花天酒 地”,也是一天到晚醉醺醺、脸红耳赤。喜欢跟女人们在一起,有时候还作风不检点,认为是一种时尚,一种能力。自己被喜悦冲晕了头脑,找不到东南西北,一步 步走向了违纪违法深渊。


  2004年、2008年,自己没有进入更高一层职务,而产生了逆反心理,放松了对自己的要求,别人一看有机可乘,随之给你献殷勤,使你往套里钻,越陷越 深,无法脱身。对待红包礼金,过去是一概不收,后来只要不是明显有权钱交易现象,且又不是生人的和大额度现金的,都基本上收下,再后来甚至是送贵重物品、 送现金都理直气壮的收下,完全忘掉了自己是一个共产党员、领导干部,正是这种对利益不正当的追求才使自己走向犯罪的道路。







责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

女人 不检点


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