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Don’t give children laser pointer, AQSIQ: prone to cause permanent damage

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/20 5:38:54 Browse times: 164 Comment times: 0

Don’t give children laser pointer, AQSIQ: prone to cause permanent damage(别给孩子玩激光笔了,质检总局:易致永久性伤害)

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Don't give children laser pointer AQSIQ: prone to cause permanent damage laser pen | | | children hurt _ news

Original title: governance solutions | don't give kids a laser pointer the AQSIQ: prone to cause permanent damage

Beijing News News (reporters Li TINGTING) this morning, the AQSIQ issued a children's product "defective consumer product recalls and consumer information". AQSIQ administration Wang Huiping, Deputy Director of the Centre on defective products, market survey, product damage detection system with special monitoring of public opinion finds the network, there is a big security risk in children's products, Laser pens ranked first.

Laser pointer where is the harm? wanghuiping introduction, laser pointers damage due to thermal effects can damage eyes and skin. Eye imaging characteristics of laser through the eye, laser is focused onto the retina at the very small, led to increased temperature, damage the photoreceptor cells of the retina, laser energy is strong enough in the case has not attracted the blink reflex of the (usually less than 1 second), it will cause permanent damage.

Beijing News reporter searching finds that many children use a laser pen in case case of blindness. According to the Wuhan media in December 2014, Peng Peng was a 10 year old little boy in Wuhan laser eyes, paused a few seconds later, feel as if his right eye was hidden by a large round black spot, everything was out of sight. The next day, the parents Peng Peng to the hospital showed Peng Peng left eye 1.2, right eye just 0.2 per cent, right on the eye macula has a burn scar.

Last May, once again, laser pointer "in trouble". According to reports, Hangzhou, a 10 year old boy always felt uncomfortable in the right eye, sight continued to decline, to ophthalmic hospitals in Zhejiang province found that macular burns to his right eye, Visual acuity is only 0.1, left eye normal, 1.0. Later discovered the reason, previous students holding red laser pen at his eyes and took photos, about 20 seconds, when eyes are hurt.

It is understood that the sale of Laser pens on the market, often with very good power, even lighting matches, cigarettes, clothes, and cause a fire hazard exists. Wanghuiping warned that laser pointers are not toys, it is best not to use high power laser radiation, be sure to use a recommended below the 3R level product, but should check the description and identification of the products are complete.

In addition, it has been introduced on January 1 this year, AQSIQ clearly recall children's products into the scope of regulation. As of May 18, the children's products recalled, all kinds of children's Toy Recall 142, number involved 123,000; various children's products recall 207 times, involving 110,000 units; children's clothing recalls 2 involving number 989.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Laser pens children eyes

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The Beijing News
别给孩子玩激光笔了 质检总局:易致永久性伤害|激光笔|孩子|伤害_新闻资讯

  原标题:政解|别给孩子玩激光笔了 质检总局:易致永久性伤害








激光笔 孩子 伤害 眼睛


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