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Hebei owners questioned the Bureau misappropriated over 30 million new energy subsidies

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/19 6:21:00 Browse times: 167 Comment times: 0

Hebei owners questioned the Bureau misappropriated over 30 million new energy subsidies(河北车主质疑财政局挪用超3千万新能源补贴款)

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Hebei owners questioned the Bureau misappropriated over 30 million new energy subsidies | energy car _ news

Street first before (micro signal: qianjieyihao) reporter learned that, as of yesterday, Cangzhou city, Hebei province, more than more than 240 new energy vehicle owners do not receive compensation. May 2015, the Engineering Bureau issued a notice saying, Cangzhou city, the city purchased new energy vehicles will grant 150,000 yuan, grant submitted material issued within 90 working days. Hejian city, he says, owners of at least 240 submissions before December last year, but has not received payments, calculated according to the 150,000 per person, at least 36 million yuan in subsidies was not issued, owners questioned for new energy Finance Bureau of Cangzhou city misappropriated large amounts of new energy subsidies.

  Agency said each new energy subsidies 150,000 yuan

Live in hejian, Cangzhou, Mr Suen said that in May 2015, Cangzhou City Council issued a document, called promoting green travel, when buying new energy vehicle owners will receive 150,000 yuan of subsidies, subsidies in the owner to submit material issued within 90 working days.

Cangzhou City Government Web site announced the purchase of new energy vehicle perks

Mr Suen said, after listening to car dealers said the matter, but do not believe that, they asked specifically to the postal Office, and getting the answer. So he at 165,000 yuan per price buys two new energy cars. Two other relatives after seeing the material, also purchased two cars respectively.

Street first before (micro signal: qianjieyihao) reporter in Cangzhou City Government website to see in May 2015, to promote the popularization of new energy vehicles, regulating the use of special funds management, Cangzhou City Finance Bureau, Cangzhou city, Cangzhou city, the joint letter issued to the provincial new energy vehicles used grant funds against the fill methods. Regulation, Super capacitors, lithium titanate fast charge fixed subsidy of 150,000 yuan for pure electric power bus. Representatives of activist Ran Xiansheng, said all the owner purchased a pure electric car is above a fixed subsidy of 150,000 cars.

  Owners said at least 240 people are not compensated

Activist on behalf of Mr Sun says, currently has more than 240 activist group people each for a new energy vehicles. Owners respectively in last August, November, December, Cangzhou city, the material compensation to workers. Rights representative find the Finance Bureau of Cangzhou city, Cangzhou City Government several times to reflect the problems, but it answered to subsidy funds are not related to the account.

Owners submitted to the postal Office of new-energy vehicles application checklist for grant funds application

The provincial new energy vehicles, Cangzhou City used grant funds against the supplementary regulations, City Department of finance is responsible for the application of new energy vehicles grant money allocated, the use of supervision and management. By the Municipal Council, the Municipal Finance Bureau approved, City Department of finance will grant funds allocated to counties (cities) and districts of finance and municipal units and above, County (City) District Finance Bureau responsible for grant funds allocated to counties where the applicants account.

Activist on behalf of owners, he says, Cangzhou City Finance Secretary Guo told them, provincial subsidies on new energy vehicles currently not fully in place, the subsidy funding gap of 580 million, so no subsidies.

  Provincial Finance Department said compensation is in place

Mr SUEN presented to the Finance Secretary Guo, hejian 6 car owners have already received subsidy payments, and he is at the same time they purchase a new energy vehicles. Guo returned to its called, Cangzhou city received only the province allocated approximately 100 million compensation, they were the first buyers.

Cangzhou city official told the owner compensation is not issued due to funds not available

Head of the Hebei provincial Department of finance one and Joe last name told reporters that about 500 million of the subsidies for new energy vehicles have been sent to the Finance Bureau of Cangzhou, fund name is "air pollution prevention and control". Owners questioned, Cangzhou City Bureau of alleged embezzlement of hundreds of millions of subsidies.

Street first before (micro signal: qianjieyihao) contacted Secretary surnamed Guo, his cell phone has been in a State of no answer. SMS reply it said, journalists learned false but declined to respond to critical issues.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Energy vehicles

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  前街一号(微信号:qianjieyihao)记者在 沧州市政府网站看到,2015年5月份,为推动新能源汽车推广应用工作,规范专项资金的使用管理,沧州市财政局、沧州市工信局联合印发了《沧州市省级新能 源汽车推广应用补助资金兑补办法》。办法规定,超级电容、钛酸锂快充纯电动客车定额补贴15万元。一位维权代表冉先生称,所有车主购买的纯电动车正是上述 定额补贴15万的车型。




  《沧州市省级新能源汽车推广应用补助资金兑补办法》规定,市财政局负责新能源汽车推广应用补助资金的拨付、使用情况的监督管理。经市工信局、市财政局审核通过 后,市财政局将补助资金拨付到相关县(市)区财政局和市属及以上单位,县(市)区财政局负责将补助资金拨付到所在县区申请人账户。





  而河北省财政厅一位乔姓负责人告诉记者,约5亿的新能源汽车补贴资金已经下发到沧州市财政局,资金名称为“大气污染防治资金”。 车主质疑,沧州市财政局涉嫌挪用数亿补贴资金。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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