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Beijing food around campus survey: problems such as excessive spicy snack is full

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Beijing food around campus survey: problems such as excessive spicy snack is full(北京校园周边食品调查:超标辣条等问题零食充斥)

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Beijing food around campus survey: problems such as excessive spicy snacks filled with campus food | | excessive spicy food | _ news

Original title: Campus surrounding food safety research: the market is flooded with problems such as excessive spicy snacks

The afternoon of May 16, students at an elementary school in Fengtai District of Beijing near the supermarket. Beijing, Qiu Yu photography

CNS, Beijing, May 19 (reporter Qiu Yu)-recently, the State Council issued the 2016 food safety focus on the Organization of work and request the "school canteen food safety campaign in and around campus." Beijing, (app public: cns2012) reporter visited Beijing schools found that food vendors around health issues at the University, primary and secondary schools near supermarket, snack foods and other security risks, but most students buy snack "never watch production date." Experts said that at the same time strengthen supervision, school food safety awareness and self-protection needs to be improved.

  Selling part of elementary and middle schools near the supermarket snacks expire six months is still

  Most students buy snack "never watch production date "

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon every day after school, across from an elementary school in Fengtai District of Beijing supermarket to buy snacks will be packed with students. Spicy, beans dry, simply wait to be placed in a conspicuous position, most sold 5 cents a bag.

Grade six Li Xue said that 30 students in the class are almost all bought, most popular spicy dried tofu, she ate, "and sometimes spicy stomach ache, but I can't help eating."

Reporters visited Beijing several primary and secondary schools, found near the supermarkets have a similar snack sales. The problem was, some of the food had expired, there were regulatory requirements for food additive standard off the shelf.

For example, a milk chocolate bean production date of September 2014, shelf life of 1 year, expired more than six months, but still be on the shelves. Most elementary and middle school students, said in an interview, when they buy snacks "never watch production date."

And students often eat a spicy, 2015 on several occasions by the Beijing food and Drug Administration inspection found not qualified because of excessive sodium saccharin, sorbic acid, a food additive, but the food is still being sold. Reporters in more than a primary school near the supermarket saw this hot, and randomly purchased a package: production date April 2016, but printed on the packaging of food production licence is valid as of February 2016.

  University surrounding hawkers operating without a licence

  Mobile vendors "meet the city run"

On May 16, a wholesale market in Beijing the freezing Chamber, spicy food bags are not sealed. Beijing, Qiu Yu photo "/>5 16th, Beijing
Primary main was fixed stores supermarkets in different, food vendors are more common in the surrounding Beijing University, every evening, spicy soup, skewers, fried noodles and other mobile food stalls will appear in large numbers, buyers are mostly college students.

How does the food hygiene? Reporters at a wholesale market in Beijing found that spicy freezer, beef balls, fish tofu, more than 20 kinds of food bags are not sealed, and no production date. A spicy wholesalers said, "seal tear the production date, and had never heard of incoming people ask about the shelf life of the issue. ”

To guarantee food security, provided for in the measures for the supervision and administration of Beijing Municipal food vendors, food vendors shall be hung publicity business card for food business tools, utensils, containers and packaging materials shall comply with food safety standards.

"Liquid food like we all did not permit", Wang Wei year-round in Haidian District boards with a small cart selling seaweed near a University, he said that he had been fined 1000 Yuan, "meet the city run".

Another hawker selling egg pie cake said, "how much of the fine depends on the stroller, tricycle 3,500, thousands of good car, go to the city register, and then went to the Bank to pay the money." She said, "business cards high threshold, small stores do not come down, let alone the us. ”

  Why food safety around campus difficult?

  Beijing urban management staff: the no uniform standard, its implementation is difficult

Last October, the newly revised food safety law implemented, strengthen the supervision and punishment, has been dubbed the "toughest in the history" of the title. Why under such strict legal protection, schools still around food safety incidents have occurred?

In terms of combating illegal, illegal street vendors, Beijing Chengguan officers express their frustration to reporters: because the city is not standard, urban management in enforcement is very difficult. He said, "the people will complain about, also in Beijing, why in this area allows, another area not allowed? Our city cannot come up with a different standard. ”

Shen Kui, a professor at Peking University law school analyzed from the point of view of business and Government. He said, first of all, some enterprises for profit and cost reduction considerations, enough attention to food safety issues. Second, the laws do not necessarily immediately obvious, because government departments in the allocation of resources, strengthening of law enforcement also needs time.

Shen kui said, in practice, law enforcement involved in grass-roots food enterprises and local government relations. Especially the large food companies, although there might be irregularities, but locally important, at this time, the food problem can become complex.

  National school cafeterias and campus surrounding food safety campaign

  Expert: the need to strengthen supervision to improve students ' awareness of food safety

Recently, the State Council issued the 2016 food safety focus on the Organization of work and request the "school canteen food safety campaign in and around campus."

Reporters from the Beijing urban management was informed by a law enforcement officer, city have stepped up crackdown on street vendors, public security, traffic, urban management, security probes have networking, regulatory tools are also very well equipped, the main inventory operator without a license. The law enforcement officials said that schools in his area of responsibility around the few street vendors.

Enforcement standards and regulation, issued by the State Council of the 2016 food safety focus on the Organization of work of the requirements, "starting from the sound regulations and standards", accelerate the improvement of the consolidated authority of the system and the system of food safety supervision, enhance supervision of food safety professional and systematic. Study and formulate views on improving the consolidated authority of the food and drug administration system.

China national food industry association research analyst Zheng Xuandong believes that at the same time strengthen supervision, students ' awareness of food safety and self-protection awareness needs to be increased. He said that "Japan did a good job in this regard, some primary and secondary schools with special food, children can learn more about food safety knowledge. ”

Shen Kui pointed out that more stringent in the content of the Food Safety Act, the key is to strengthen the implementation. Of course, also consider China's realities, the first is the population, and the second is there are vendor, consumers can look forward to in improving food security, but takes some time to improve. (Some characters in the text for a pseudonym) (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Campus food excessive spicy food

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5月16日下午,北京丰台区某小学的学生在附近小超市买东西。中新网 邱宇 摄

  中新网北京5月19日电(邱宇) 近日,国务院办公厅印发《2016年食品安全重点工作安排》,要求“开展学校食堂和校园周边食品安全专项整治”。中新网(微信公众号:cns2012)记者对北京部分学校走访发现,大学周边的食品摊贩卫生问题较多,中小学校附近超市的零食存在过期食品等安全隐患,但多数中小学生买零食时“从来不看生产日期”。专家表示,在强化监管的同时,学生食品安全意识和自我保护意识还有待提高。










5月16日,北京市某批发市场冷冻室,麻辣烫食材的包装袋都未封口。中新网 邱宇 摄" />5月16日,北京市某批












  专家:需强化监管 提高学生食品安全意识






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

校园食品 超标食品 辣条


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