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People’s daily surveys: a week later, Baidu adjustment effect? ,

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/5/18 5:44:50 Browse times: 274 Comment times: 0

People’s daily surveys: a week later, Baidu adjustment effect? ,(人民日报调查:一周过去了百度整改效果如何?,)

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People's daily surveys: a week later, Baidu adjustment effect? fake | | | Putian Baidu _ news

Statistics from the China Internet network information center show that by December 2015, up 688 million Chinese Internet users, Internet penetration reached 50.3%, means that half of Chinese people have access to the Internet.

On May 9, the network Office, administration for industry and commerce, health and family planning Commission and other departments of the joint investigation group announced the results, think Baidu PPC mechanisms pay auction weight is too high, business promotion identify unclear issues, affected the impartiality and objectivity of results, easy to mislead Internet users, must be immediately corrected.

The same day, and Baidu responded, according to the car will be fully implemented from 6, "not a little discount."

More than a week later, actual corrective effects? Journalists were investigated.

  Medical information has improved

  Business promotion remains to be improved

Investigations in the car, the Group made it clear that, from now on the medical, pharmaceutical, health care products, and other related commercial promotional events, conduct a comprehensive clean up, line immediately to illegal information found, without the approval of the competent authorities qualified medical institution shall not carry out commercial promotion. Meanwhile, also requires changing the PPC mechanism with credibility as the main weight of the ranking algorithm is proposed and put in place; for commercial promotion information one by one add eye-catching logo, and risks prompting; strictly promotional information, each page must not exceed 30%.

Journalist Baidu type "synovial Sarcoma", I found the search page Home and sidebar information are rolled off.

At a press conference, the elderly often suffer from "arthritis" as a keyword when you search, in addition to Home right marked "branding" of drug ads, altogether 12 records first and last appears in the search results is a "commercial" links, and has a lighter background and distinguish from other results. This page is 16% 's business promotion in line with the car.

However, when reporters entered the "shaping", the Search Home all 17 results in the top 7 are small annotated "commercial promoting" the various plastic bodies, but also in the right sidebar of "promotional" 8 appeared in search results. Therefore, if the statistical results throughout the page, promotion accounted for 60%, even if not included in the right sidebar of "promotional" directly in the search results obtained the promotion information 41%, exceed the ceiling provided for in the car.

In addition to medical information, in an interview with reporters also found that once Internet users using a search engine to find the decoration company found that the top few pages of results are not the current high market acceptance of the company. Therefore, and for the other people shopping, home of daily life, such as keyword search.

Press enter "decoration", the results do not meet the "no more than 30% per page" requirement: search results a total of 17, most before section 7 labeled "promotional", but there is no color difference with other results; while the right sidebar advertisements and 8 "promotional" promotion more than half the entire page.

Above search results, as of press time still did not change. Such results, Baidu is not simply a, 360, sogou, search engines also exists. This suggests that, although a joint investigation group is a car to Baidu, but the issues involved are industry-wide, need the search engine companies pay more attention to.

  Search engines lack

  Ordinary people hard to distinguish between the true and the false

In the search engines, unnatural ordering of search results is often about the effectiveness of the dissemination of information, affect the accuracy of public access to information. As in "Wei Zexi incident" reflects the information of vulnerable people are hurt as a result.

"Massive data information in the age of big data, fast, controlled the entrance of the access to information and search engines. "Chinese national lawyer Association information network and high-tech Professional Committee Secretary-General Chen Jihong said, cannot simple think search engine just a General of information service provides who, more should will its depending on for important information based facilities, and consider to its public service of property, should bear more big of social responsibility," for search engine,, its social responsibility is guarantee user get information of fair right, including public right to get non-twisted, and non-misleading information of right. ”

Peking University method College people law professor Xue Jun also think, in today of risk social, search engine in provides great information retrieved convenience of while, its on information of cover degree also far over traditional advertising, "yiqian in traditional advertising in the may exists of risk, in information times also will was number times zoom, so search engine actually should bear up than advertising method by requirements of also to more high of responsibility. ”

  "Kowloon water" accountability

  Weak legal delay regulatory

Current Internet governance areas such as online advertising management, there is "water in Kowloon", a fragmented Government regulatory issues. As of right now, including the national network Office, Ministry, SARFT, Ministry of public security and other departments on the Internet governance bear part of the responsibility, and specific to the Internet may experience specific problems when departments regulatory responsibilities, responsibility is not clear, it is difficult to form a monitoring force.

Law lags behind, is also the focus of media attention. Search engine's "competitive position" counted as advertising business models, a few years ago there were many members of the National Committee of CPPCC sessions during the joint recommendations, paid search engine promotion services into unified supervision of advertisement law as soon as possible. In fact, 2015 announced interim measures for the supervision and management of the Internet advertising (draft for soliciting opinions) has written of "paid search results" is advertising, but this approach has not yet been formally implemented, resulting in a blank area on the regulation.

Search Engine service in recent years various types of fake counterfeit, false advertising, phishing fraud, financial fraud and other illegal information, serious damage to the public interest, gradually causing concern. Experts said the search engine, to inform users about products or services and charge a fee, which is a typical advertising, the existing advertising law to cover these new ad types, and to appease the search engines, popular controversy regarding this issue in order to facilitate supervision, search should be paid promotion, new media advertising in the advertisements are clearly defined in the law.

Meanwhile, there are voices that, fake illegal ads to search engines increase penalties, fake to fake medicine shall bear joint and several liability. Currently because of illegal costs far less than its income, appears only under the profit-driven search engine all the turmoil. Paid promotion through search engines lead to fake medicine counterfeits and other serious acts against the interests of consumers, in addition to penalties in accordance with advertising law, must also be combined with the consumer protection law, the tort liability Act statutory and regulatory requirements, such as the search engine service providers bear joint and several liability, and only set heavier penalties by law can only serve as a warning, the deterrent role.

Says Liu junhai, Director of the Institute of commercial law of the University of the Chinese people, the Internet is technology-neutral, but commercial activity on the Internet for profit, "the law itself must catch up with the trend of scientific and technological progress to eliminate laws lag behind the phenomenon of innovation on the Internet. ”

(Source: people's daily)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Counterfeit Baidu Putian Wei Zexi

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人民日报调查:一周过去了百度整改效果如何? |假药|百度|莆田系_新闻资讯







  调查组在整改要求中明确表示,从即日起对医疗、药品、保健品等相关商业推广活动,进行全面清理整顿,对违规信息一经发现立即下线,对未获得主管部门批准 资质的医疗机构不得进行商业推广。与此同时,还要求改变竞价排名机制,提出以信誉度为主要权重的排名算法并落实到位;对商业推广信息逐条加注醒目标识,并 予以风险提示;严格限制商业推广信息比例,每页面不得超过30%。



  然而,当记者输入“整形”时,搜索首页共17条搜索结果中,排名前7位的均为有小字注明“商业推广”的各类整形机构,而且在右边栏的“商业推广”中出现 了8条搜索结果。因此,若统计整个页面的所有结果,则推广信息比例占到了60%,即使不计入右边栏的“商业推广”,直接得到的搜索结果中推广信息也占到了 41%,超出整改要求规定的上限。







  “大数据时代里数据信息海量、快速产生,而搜索引擎则控制了人们获取信息的入口。”中华全国律师协会信息网络与高新技术专业委员会秘书长陈际红表示,不 能单纯认为搜索引擎只是一个普通的信息服务提供者,更应将其视作重要信息基础设施,而考虑到其公共服务的属性,应当承担更大的社会责任,“对于搜索引擎而 言,其社会责任就是保证用户获得信息的公平权利,包括公众有权获得非扭曲、非误导信息的权利。”

  北京大学法学院民商法教授薛军也认为, 处于当今的风险社会,搜索引擎在提供极大信息检索便利的同时,其对信息的覆盖程度也远远超过传统广告,“以前在传统广告中可能存在的风险,在信息时代也会 被数倍放大,因此搜索引擎事实上应该承担起比广告法所要求的还要更高的责任。”



  当前面对诸如网络广告管理等互联网治理领域,还存在着“九龙治水”、条块分割的政府监管问题。就目前而言,包括国家网信办、工信部、广电总局、公安部等 多个部门都对互联网治理承担部分职责,而具体到互联网领域可能遇到具体问题时,各部门监管职责交叉,责任不够明确,难以形成监管合力。

  相关法律滞后,也是舆论关注的焦点。搜索引擎推出的“竞价排名”商业模式算不算广告,前些年已有多名全国政协委员在两会期间联名建议,将搜索引擎有偿推广 服务尽快纳入广告法统一监管。事实上,2015年公布的《互联网广告监督管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》就曾经写入“付费搜索结果”属于广告,但这一办法至 今仍未正式实施,造成了监管规定上的空白地带。

  近年来搜索引擎服务中各类假医假药、虚假广告、钓鱼欺诈、金融诈骗等违法信息泛滥,严重 损害了公众权益,逐渐引起各界关注。有专家表示,搜索引擎向用户宣传商品或服务,并收取相应费用,这属于典型的广告行为,现行的广告法能涵盖这些新兴广告 类型,而为平息搜索引擎、民众对于这一问题的争议,以便于监管,应将搜索有偿推广等新媒体广告形式在广告法中进行明确界定。

  同时,也有 声音认为,对搜索引擎虚假违法广告加大处罚力度,对假医假药行为应承担连带责任。目前正是由于违法成本远远低于其收益,利益驱动之下才会出现搜索引擎的种 种乱象。对于通过搜索引擎有偿推广导致的假医假药等严重侵害消费者权益的行为,除了按照广告法加以处罚外,还必须结合消费者权益保护法、侵权责任法等法律 法规要求搜索引擎服务商承担连带责任,而只有从法律上设置较重的处罚,才能够起到警示、震慑的作用。



责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

假药 百度 莆田系 魏则西


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